Grammatical Errors in Writing a Final Paper Written by the Eighth Semester Students of English Department of State Institute of Islamic Studies Walisongo Semarang (original) (raw)
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Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Scholastic
The students usually make error on the use of grammar when they produce an English writing, also in writing descriptive text. It is due to the difference between Indonesia and English grammatical system. If the students are not able to use those aspects correctly, it would be worried that their writing which is good content and organization would not give good sense because the readers misunderstand the message conveyed. The purpose of this study was to describe types of grammar errors made by the third year students in paragraph writing. The population of this research was 68 students of the third year students of English State Islamic University Imam Bonjol Padang, which were divided into two classes: class A and B. The sample was 30 students by using cluster random sampling. This research was done by giving some topics and students had to choose one of the topics given such as “My Daily Activities”, “My Favorite Lecturer”, and “My Best Friend in this Semester”. The researcher use...
This research aims to describe grammatical errors made by bilingual students in SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta. This research investigates the types of error and cause of grammatical error in writing composition in English. The method used in this research is qualitative-descriptive method. The data are taken by using taping method with some techniques i.e., data collecting, observation, and research. The data population consist of 318 sentences in which 90 sentences with the grammatical error are analyzed. The focuses on the types of grammatical error and the causes of errors. The result of this research shows that the grammatical errors found in the essays of the bilingual class consist of addition errors, omission errors, misformation errors, misordering errors. The error of omission in irregular past tense is the most frequently made by students of bilingual class. The causes of error include linguistics factors, namely inter language and intra language factors. Inter language factors consist of misformation of phrase, addition of preposition, error of subject construction, addition of to be, addition of regular past tense {-ed}, omission of short plural {-s/es}. Meanwhile, intralingual factors consist of over regularization and lack of knowledge about the grammatical rules in English. Key: English language acquisition as foreign language, error analysis, and grammatical rule, inter language
Error Analysis is one of the major topics in the field of second language acquisition research. Error is a deviation from the adult grammar of a native speaker. Errors made by the learners may give contribution in understanding the process of second language acquisition. An error analysis has some contributions to the teaching and learning process. Writing is the most difficult one for all language users whether the language is the first, second, or foreign language, because writing is an extremely complex cognitive activity. In this study focus on the descriptive qualitative that analyze and to classify the types of students’ grammatical errors in essays descriptive paragraph. The objective are (1) What errors were identified in the students’ essays?, (2) What grammatical rules were applied to justify the corrections made?, (3) How frequent were the errors commited in the essays?. The researcher took 23 students as the samplesize. The results showed that using error analysis can be...
An Analysis of Errors in English Writing: A Case Study the Third Semester Students of UBSI
The objectives of this research are to know the errors in the third semester students’ writing of Bina Sarana Informatika University and the most frequent error. It is concerned to the grammatical and semantic and substance errors. The data is analyzed by using James’ theory in (Mungungu, 2010). The findings show that errors done by the students are spelling 50.9%, fragment 15.7%, punctuation 9.8%, adjective 3%, subject- verb agreement 3.9%, preposition 3.9%, capitalization 3.9%, tenses 2%, verb 2%, literal translation 2%. It can be concluded that the most frequent error is spelling. It because the students missed a letter, added more letter in a word, and exchange the letter. While In grammatical category, the most frequent error is fragment. It is because the most students do not put a subject in a sentence.
The purpose of this study was to describe what kinds of error do the students in their writing essay and to describe the reasons why the students make the error in their writing essay at the four semester students of English education Programe of STKIP Taman Siswa Bima. This study applied case study method. The method unsuited to the error analysis procedures (following Chen, 2006:6) informed the processes to analyze the data consisted four steps were Data collection , Identification of errors, Classification of errors into error types, A statement of error frequency, Find out the case of error. The result of this research was concluded that the grammatical errors made by the fourth semester students of STKIP Taman Siswa Bima in writing essay are in Punctuation and Spelling for the highest errors 50.1%, the second is errors in Sentence Pattern 16%, followed by Auxiliaries 6,1%, Preposition 5.26%, Passive voice 4.48%, Verb Tense and Form 4.2%, Subject-verb agreement 4.0%, Articles ...
In the name of Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful, praise belong to Allah Almighty, the lord of Universe. Through His guidance and blessing, the researcher has completed academic requirement for the award of Magister Degree in English Language Education, Postgraduate Program at UIN SUSKA Riau. In writing this thesis, I faced many obstacles. However, I could pass all of them because I received a lot of guidance, supports, and valuable advices from many people. In this occasion, I would like to give my best gratitude to Abdul Hadi, S.Pd., MA, Ph.D, as my first consultant and Dr. Iskandar Arnel, MA, as my second consultant for their guidance, time, comments, motivation and support in finishing this thesis, the head of Islamic Study Program (Dr. Hj. Andi Murniati, M.Pd), Director of Postgraduate Program (Prof. Dr. Afrizal, M, MA), and all of the lecturers in English Language Education Postgraduate Program who have given great contributions in finishing my study, my parents (Hendra Sumantri and Kurniati, S.Pdi) and Nurhajimah Sukma (Sister), thank you very much for the loves, cares, prayers, and support. There might be several weaknesses and limitation in this research. Therefore, constructive advice, critics and valuable suggestion are expected. The researcher hopes that this thesis could be useful for the development of education, especially for English Education Program of UIN SUSKA Riau. Thank you.
This study has shed light on the manner in which students within the rules of the target language, which is english. This study examines errors in a corpus of 38 essays written by 38 participants. The participants are the third year students of SMPN 35, East Jakarta. They were asked to write an english essays then 10 scripts of the essays were chosen randomly for analyzing. All of the errors in the essays were identified and classified into various categorization. The purposes of this study is to find the the error that mostly commited by the students. Descriptive method is used for analyzing the data and library research method is used for collecting the data. The result of this study shows that four most common errors committed by the participants were error in singular/plural form, error in the use of article, error in the use of pronoun, and error in subject/verb agreement. These aspects of writing in english pose the most difficult problems to participants.
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The objectives of the current study were to identify and examine the errors in the writings of the undergraduate students of the Departments of English. The current study was quantitative in nature, a sample of thirty eight papers of one subject of the 8th semester were selected for examination through the purposive sampling technique. Corder's (1974) analytical framework was used to analyze data. After analysis of the data, the researcher identified five types of errors in the writings of the undergraduate students. The five kinds were: errors in punctuation, spelling, articles, tenses, and prepositions. The findings illustrated that majority of students made errors in comma, capitalization, indefinite article, present indefinite tense and wrong substitution of preposition. It is obvious that the students are weak in the use of mechanics of writing. The results also depicted that the overall performance of female students was very good, and they made fewer errors in their writings as compared to male students. It is also obvious that existing curriculum in the department does not help the
English as an International language has an important role to develop science and technologies. So, we must know that language especially by writing to change the world. This research has demand to the writer to find the student problem in writing especially in writing recount text. The states of the problems are: (1) What analysis is to be described on the use recount text among students of the twelfth year MA Nurul Falah Serpong? (2) What analysis is to be described on the frequency occurrence of the errors made among the students of the twelfth year students of MA Nurul Falah Serpong on the use of recount text? In trying to analyze the students' language, the research will be focused on the aspect of Grammatical Error on Students' Writing of Recount Text among them. The objectives of this study are (1) to identify and classify the errors of the twelfth year students of MA Nurul Falah Serpong in using writing recount text, (2) to describe the frequency occurrence of the errors. The instrument used was a test on English Recount text for Senoir High school level. The population of the study was the twelfth year students of MA Nurul Falah Serpong, which consisted of one class. So, the samples used by researcher were only class XII. The samples consisted of 21 students. Students errors identified in this study were categorized into fourteen types, namely, there are errors in producing singular plural, word form, word choice, verb tense, add a word, omit a word, word order, spelling, article, capitalization, run on sentence, punctuation, meaning not clear and incomplete sentence. The result of the analysis shows that there were in all, 442 errors among 21 students. The types of errors among the students in constructing and using English recount text consisted of singular plural with 55 errors or 12.4%,