Bachelor Thesis - Characterization of a monolithic active pixel sensor for the ALICE ITS upgrade (original) (raw)

Recent progress in the development of a B-factory monolithic active pixel detector

Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment - NUCL INSTRUM METH PHYS RES A, 2006

Due to the need for precise vertexing at future higher luminosity B-factories with the expectedly increasing track densities and radiation exposures, upgrade of present silicon strip detectors with thin, radiation resistant pixel detectors is highly desired. Considerable progress in the technological development of thin CMOS based Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) in the last years makes them a realistic upgrade option and the feasibility studies of their application in Belle are actively pursued. The most serious concerns are their radiation hardness and their read-out speed. To address them, several prototypes denoted as Continuous Acquisition Pixel (CAP) sensors have been developed and tested. The latest of the CAP sensor prototypes is CAP3, designed in the TSMC 0.25μm process with a 5-deep sample pair pipeline in each pixel. A setup with several CAP3 sensors will be used to assess the performance of a full scale pixel read-out system running at realistic read-out speed. The...

Radiation Induced Effects in a Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor: The


We have studied the effects of ionizing irradiation from a 60Co source and the effects of neutron irradiation on a Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor Chip (MIMOSA8). A previous report was devoted solely to the neutron-induced effects. We show that extended defects due to the neutron damage changes the distribution of the pixels pedestals. This is mainly due to the increase of the dark generation current due to the presence of deep traps in the depleted zones of the sensors. Alternatively, the exposure to ionizing irradiation increases the pedestals in a more homogeneous way, this coming from the generation of interface states at the Si/SiO2 interface supplemented by the presence of positively charged traps in the oxides. the sensors ’ leakage current is then increased. We discuss the results in view of increasing the radiation-hardness of the MAPS, bearing in mind that these chips were not designed with any rad-tol layout technique. 1- Permanent neutron effects at moderate clocking freq...


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