Change of the philosophy of life is the salvation of the humankind

A salvation is finding and justification of an error, and its correction indication. Some of the famous scholars say the following:-"We need to request the principally new way of thinking, if the mankind wants to survive", A. Einstein-"The most important beliefs are not those related to common everyday worries and basic means of existence, but the ideological beliefs of higher order, those for which people live and die, W. Sperry.-"Our civilization whole is inviable, and the reason of this lies in inviability of our system of values, our consciousness defining our attitude to the world. However, these statements give us nothing because there is no understanding what and why specifically it is necessary to do to improve the erroneous thinking of a human. However, the principal task of the humankind lies precisely in understanding and recognition of the mistake. This task is within the following – to understand the main principle lying in the base of the Reality. There is a question of how to determine it, and from where to get. We assume we should find the answer within our direct practical experience, because the existing views on a human and the world, with which our civilization lives, appeared to be incapable to explain Genesis. Philosophy as a science by proposing only descriptive but not explanatory character of Genesis, actually have reduced one unknown to another ones not less unknown quantities. That means there were created the Knowledge, which is a manipulation by the unexplained quantities (for example the Big Bang theory, in which there is no explanations on from where the matter and energy for the explosion appeared). At present, it is vitally important for us to have a genuine, justified Knowledge of human being and the world. It should not be a generalization of existing religious and scientific misbeliefs, but a recognition of their principle impossibility to explain the world reliably, to substantiate the need for radical changes, and fundamental demolition of the existing philosophy of life. In perception of the world, we are given two kinds of phenomena, on the one hand, information, thoughts, feelings, and on the other something, we call the matter, having length, weight, and movement. On the one hand there is information (nonmaterial, spiritual), on the other hand the matter (physical). Which one of the two

Some thoughts about the philosophy


In spite of the unprecedented nowadays communication involving the philosophers worldwide, it appears that there is still no consensus about the definition of the philosophy. While quite practical extracts addressing that issue can be found in sources such as Wikipedia and the Free Dictionary, these are somewhat blurred by the differences in the tendencies of different authors to focus on some of themes, while neglecting the others. For example, some authors concentrate on the psychological aspects such as aesthetics and ethics while the others put more emphasis on the nature and the ultimate significance of the universe. Although one can at the intersects of these trends recognise that the philosophers converge to studying of most general and fundamental questions about our relation with the world, a formal widely adopted definition seems to be still missing.


BOOK, 2020

This book contains 60 quotes and each one has its description that explain what the quote is about. These quotes give advices life realities. All quotes of this book can be taken in different areas of life or situations. Some of them have philosophical context and backgrounds are clear to make them understood. Some of quotes are centered on personal experiences of the author but everyone can take them in his/her own situation to use them in his own way. The content of these quotes can be the guide in different areas such us in leadership and administration, personal achievements, personal understanding, behavioral change, understanding of people’s life, responsibilities success, and other different situation in global contexts. It is a good guide for young generation for them to build their capacity of understanding and prepare for their future.


one of the most abiding relationships between religion and another discipline is that between religion and philosophy (from the greek, love of wisdom) . the origins of philosophy can be found in early musings about religious insight. from time immemorial, a facet of religion has expressed itself in the "love of wisdom." wisdom was cherished and passed down from generation in oral or written form, beginning with the most ancient religions and continuing to the present. in the orient, the link between philosophy and religion remained much closer than it did in the near eastern and western traditions. for instance, in Hinduism, it is believed that the proper aim of philosophy is human liberation or salvation, and that philosophical speculation often leads to acstatic mystical experience. much of that wisdom was proverbial and practical. religious communities were the repositories and transmitter of the accumulated experience of the community, usually voiced by individuals who were the sages, the wise men and women of the community. the sages were both the collectors and the creators of insight helpful for living. such wisdom was cherished in ancient Egypt, in Mesopotamia, in china, and in india, as wekk as in both traditional and historical religions of the past and present. the semitic and oriental cultures preferred this form of wisdom and wove it into the fabric of the religion the second type of wisdom was speculative in nature, where the great thinkers of a civilization explored questions of the ultimate significance of life. this form of philosophy is also very ancient to engage in this type of thinking. the Upanishads (800-300 B.C.E) of india are evidence of the sophisticated and complex speculative philosopy of the indian subcontinent, while plato (428-348 B.C.E) and Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E) represent the pinnacle of greek thingking.

Philosophy in Front of Religion

Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2017

From Plato to Aristotle, from Augustine to Aquinas from Pascal to Freud and Heidegger the world and philosophical thought has continually interpreted the human nature, the source of morality and religion, specifically what we call (metaphysics). Man of antiquity, the medieval, modern and contemporary has his attitude towards the sacred. But what is happening with the man of our age, what relation does it have nowadays with the sacred, what is his attitude and what are the reasons for this relationship with the sacred. All the above are part of this scientific research paper. To give readers an overview of attitudes of philosophical thought of different times in front of the sacred, what are its meanings at different times and how is the attitude toward the sacred today. Descriptive analysis of the philosophical and religious issues.