Pemikiran Ekonomi Al-Maududi Dalam Perspektif Post-Modernism (original) (raw)
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Pemikiran Maududi tentang Bank Syariah
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To see why economics has not been found as a separate discipline in the past, and also to find out why many Muslim thinkers not only has the ability in one area of Science. In addition, to determine whether the relevance of Islamic economics is a combination / mix of the two systems (capitalism and socialism) or whether it stands alone and is an alternative economy in the current era. Then we can flashback through a brief history / historical portrait of contemporary Islamic economic thought. Islamic economic thought themselves more or less just starting to be documented since the three centuries since the death of the Prophet Muhammad. Some thinkers are quite famous among others: Abu Yusuf (731-798), Yahya ibn Adham (818), El-Hariri (1054-1122), Tusi (1201-1274), Ibn Taymiyya (1262-1328), Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) and Shah Waliullah (1702-1763). After that comes a contemporary thinkers of the 20th century are categorized in three groups of schools of thought, namely: Firs...
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SPMDI Perkembangan Modernisme di Mesir oleh Muhammad Abduh
Faktor penyebab kemunduran Islam yang di mulai di penghujung abad ke-17, yang titik awalnya dimulai dari kekalahan-kekalahan yang diderita oleh angkatan perang Turki dalam pertempuran-pertempuran dengan kekuatan-kekuatan bangsa Eropa. Mesir sebagai salah satu daerah kekuasaan Turki tidak terlepas dari gangguan bangsa Eropa. Tahun 1798 M, Mesir yang merupakan pusat kebudayaan Islam terbesar saat itu jatuh ketangan Perancis. Dalam faktor lain, hal yang menyebabkan kemunduran Islam yaitu dikarenakan umat Islam yang banyak terlena akan kejayaan Islam pada masa lalu dan banyaknya umat Islam yang disibukkan dengan masalah-masalah agama tanpa ingin mempelajari dan ingin membahas lebih dalam masalah kontemporer, terutama dalam bidang pendidikan. Inilah yang menyebabkan tertutupnya pintu Ijtihad, dikarenakan umat Islam banyak yang bersifat taqlik dan banyaknya perselisihan antar mazhab. Tidak hanya itu, banyak para pemimpin yang tidak memperhatikan kesejahteraan rakyatnya karena para pemimpin banyak yang menyalahgunakan kekuasaannya untuk kesenangan pribadinya. Para pemuka atau pemikir Islam mulai memikirkan cara untuk mengatasi dari berbagai masalah yang terjadi, dengan cara menimbulkan ide-ide yang dapat membawa pembaharuan dikalangan umat Islam. Para pemuka Islam yang resah terhadap kemunduran Islam pada masa itu adalah salah satunya yaitu Muhammad Abduh.
Mazhab Pemikiran Ekonomi Islam Kontemporer
Bilancia: Jurnal Studi Ilmu Syariah dan Hukum, 2019
Since the 1970s, studies of the Islamic economy have developed rapidly. Various topics around Islamic economics are discussed, ranging from Islamic economic philosophy, Islamic economic system, Islamic criticism of conventional economics, Islamic economic history and thought, to the Islamic financial system. There are several factors that encourage the development of Islamic economic scholarship, some of them are: personal motivation to promote Islamic economics, sponsorship from academic and non-academic institutions as well as organizations, Muslim societies, Muslim student associations, and also the dedication of publishers. As time goes by, Islamic economics bears many figures with various Islamic economic schools. According to the writer's findings there are at least five schools of contemporary Islamic economic thought, they are (1) Baqir al-Sadr, (2) Mainstream, (3) Alternatives, (4) Hamfara, and (5) Murabitun.
According to al-Ghazali, the goal of life of a moslem is reach the Allah blessing (ridha) both in world and the world after. One of the media that facilitate the achievement of the goal is legal wealth (halal) in economic activities. For al-Ghazali, market is believed to a an evolution of “law of nature”, that is, the passion coming from inside of someone to fulfill each other's economic need. With his evolution theory about money, al -Ghazali explains that the there have been a shift from barter system to money-based economic system. Money, according to him, may bring two possible things to human, good or bad, depending how individuals use it.