Radiation-induced spinal glioblastoma multiforme (original) (raw)
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Glioblastoma with Spinal Seeding
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 2004
Background: Extracranial seeding of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is very rare and its development depends on several factors. This case report describes two patients suffering from GBM with spinal seeding. In both cases, the anatomic localization of the primary tumor close to the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was the main factor for spinal seeding. Case Reports: Two patients with GBM and spinal seeding are presented. After diagnosis of spinal seeding, both patients were highly symptomatic from their spinal lesions. Case 1 experienced severe pain requiring opiates, and case 2 had paresis of lower limbs as well as urinary retention/incontinence. Both patients were treated with spinal radiation therapy. Nevertheless, they died 3 months after diagnosis of spinal seeding. Results: In both patients the diagnosis of spinal seeding was made at the time of cranial recurrence. Both tumors showed close contact to the CSF initially. Even though the patients underwent intensive treatment, it was not possible to keep them in a symptom-free state. Conclusion: Because of short survival periods, patients deserve optimal pain management and dedicated palliative care.
The role of radiotherapy in the management of spinal cord glioma
International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, 1995
Purpose: To determine the role of radiotherapy in the management of spinal cord gliomas. Methods and Materials: Thirty-six patients with spinal cord glioma treated between 1979 and 1993 were examined. The patients had 13 astrocytic tumors (7 astrocytomas, 4 anaplastic astrocytomas, 2 glioblastomas) ,22 ependymal tumors (18 ependymomas, 4 myxopapillary ependymomas) , and 1 unclassified glioma. Fiiteen of the patients were treated by surgery alone, but the remahtig 21 patients also received postoperative radiotherapy. Total resection was performed on 1 astrocytoma and 13 ependymomas. In general, 40-50 Gy/16-20 fractions/4-5 weeks were given after parital resection, but no radiotherapy was given after total resection. Results: Actuarial survival was signihcantly better for patients with ependymal tumors than for those with astrocytic tumors @ = 0007), 5-year actuarial survival rates being 96% and 50% for patients with ependy-ma1 tmnors and astrocytic tumors, respectively. For patients with ependymal tumors, there was no difference in motor function and survival between those with total resection and those with partial resection followed by radiotherapy. Actuarial 3-year survival was 80% for patients with astrocytomas and 40% for those with anaplastic astrocytomas plus glioblastomas. The difference in the degree of motor function between the patients treated with radiotherapy and those without radiotherapy was not statistically significant. One anaplastic astrocytoma and one glioblastoma patient have lived longer than 4 years after radical treatment including radiocordectomy, or h-radiation using doses larger than the tolerance threshold of the spinal cord. Conclusion: Postoperative conventional radiotherapy is indicated after less than total resection of low-grade ependymal tumors and astrocytomas but not after total resection of ependymomas. Radiocordectomy may be an option for certain cases with high-grade astrocytic tumors. Spinal cord glioma, Radiotherapy, Radiocordectomy.
MRI of radiation induced spinal cord glioma
Neuroradiology, 1990
Radiation induced neoplasms of the spinal cord are rare lesions. This report details the MR evaluation of a patient with radiation induced astrocytoma of the cervical cord. The diagnosis of second primary neoplasm should be considered in patients with prior radiation therapy when MRI demonstrates an intramedullary lesion.
Turkish Neurosurgery, 2012
Primary spinal glioblastoma multiforme (spinal GBM) is not a very common entity. This paper presents an outline of this rare neoplasm, its clinical presentation, course, management and outcome and reports a 3-case series of spinal GBM. In this 3-case series with spinal GBM, one of the patients was operated for hydrocephalous 10 months later following the tumor surgery and another patient had cerebral metastasis after the surgery. In the postoperative period, two of the cases received radiotherapy and one received combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy with steroid therapy together following the tumor surgery. The review of the pertinent literature has revealed that due to the scarcity of the reported cases of primary spinal GBMs, this issue requires a closer look. GBM behaves more aggressive in medulla spinalis than it behaves when it originates from cerebrum. It may disseminate to the cerebrum during its course and it may cause hydrocephalus due to this dissemination (metastasis).
A Glioblastoma Multiforme Case Spread to Lomber Spine
Acta Oncologica Turcica, 2011
ÖZET Glioblastoma multiformenin (GBM) serebrospinal sıvı aracılığı ile omurgaya metastazı sık görülen bir durum değildir. Biz burada cerrahi ve kemoradyoterapi ile lokal tedavisinden sonra omurgaya metastaz yapan bir intrakranial GBM olgusunu sunduk. Hasta kranial GBM ile ilk gelişinden bir yıl sonra bel ağrısı ve alt ekstremitelerde güçsüzlükle başvurdu. Lomber magnetik rezonans görüntüleme incelemesinde L1'de intradural kitle izlendi. Yapılan eksizyonel biyopside GBM gösterildi.
Cases of glioblastoma multiforme metastasizing to spinal cord
Neurology India, 2006
Cases of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) metastasizing to the leptomeninx or the intramedullary spine are quite rare and prognoses are relatively poor. We present three cases of GBM with spinal metastasis, one of which also had leptomeningeal dissemination. Three patients with GBM were admitted to our clinic for postoperative radiotherapy after surgery. Leptomeningeal metastasis and dissemination were diagnosed with magnetic resonance imaging. Radiotherapy provided only temporary relief from pain with small improvement in neurological deficit but no survival advantage.
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 2012
Glioblastoma multiforme is a malignant tumour with a universally fatal diagnosis. We report two patients with glioblastoma with symptomatic metastasis to the spinal cord and perform a systematic review all 35 reports of symptomatic glioblastoma dissemination to the spinal leptomeninges and/or intramedullary spinal axis. Our analysis of the data shows a median time to spinal metastasis of 10 months and a median time of three months from spinal metastasis to death. Treatments described include palliative laminectomies, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. No treatment strategy offered a therapeutic advantage as patients deteriorated rapidly regardless of intervention. Patients who underwent only a biopsy for intracranial glioblastoma had a shorter time to development of spinal metastasis. In addition, there may be an association between intramedullary metastasis and shorter survival. This paper highlights the importance of considering symptomatic spinal dissemination in glioblastoma multiforme. We also review the incidence and postulate mechanisms of tumour dissemination in the central nervous system. Clearly, further research into radiotherapeutic and chemotherapeutic options in this clinical setting is required.