Scientometric Profile of Biochemistry Research in India a Study Based on Web of Science

DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 2020

The paper examines 25,132 biochemistry research contributions of Indian scientists covered in the Web of Science for a period of 10 years (2004-2013). It was found that the biochemistry research is gradually growing and average annual growth rate was 36.84 per cent. The solo research was not prevalent and team research is more in the Indian biochemistry research and 97.46 per cent publications were contributed by multi- authors. It was observed that the value of co- authorship index was generally increasing and it varied from 93 to 105 during the period of study. Journal articles contribute 89.43 per cent of the total output followed by reviews (7.14 %). Indian researchers collaborate largely with the researchers of USA (2.49 %). The geographical distribution shows that Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi lead the list. The study shows that, C. Abdul Jaleel (58) and L. Pai (37) are the top ranked authors in the field. ‘Plos One’ is the top ranked journal and it published 296 papers ...

Publications Output of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science during 2008 2017 a Scientometric Assessment

DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology

The present scientometric study assesses the publication output of the scientists of Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS) during 2008 to 2017 as reflected in the Web of Science database to figure out the research performance, scholarly communication behaviour and its citation impact. The scientists of IACS contribute total 4,304 research articles including 22.58 percent international collaborated articles. Further, the publications have been evaluated in terms of year, types of collaboration, authorship pattern, source journals, impact factor, collaborating institutions, collaborating countries and citations. It is found that majority of the published articles are produced by three authored and the international collaborated articles which receive wider citation impact. The developed countries like USA, Japan, Germany and England are found as the most favoured countries by the scientists of IACS for research collaboration and the Journal of Physical Chemistry C s...

Scientific Publications of Shivaji University, Kolhapur (1989-2018): a Scientometric Study

International Multidisciplinary E- Research Journal, 2019

The study is relies upon the scientific publications published by the Shivaji University, Kolhapur (1989-2018). The data collected from the Web of Science. The analysis includes yearly output of research productivity. The study focuses on Author Productivity pattern, types of documents/records, individual author’s research productivity and their TLCS (Total Local Citation Score), TGCS (Total Global Citation Score) TLCR (Total Local Citation References) and TLCSb (Total Local Citation Score in the beginning), H-index and citation count of core contributors, Journal Publications, geographical collaboration of authors (countries of contributing authors) and distribution of research output by language.

Top 10 Indian Academic/Research Organizations: A Scientometric Analysis of Research in Biotechnology

Library Philosophy and Practice, 2018

Scientometric study is an effective assessment tool for ongoing researches in a given field. It applies mathematical and statistical methods to study the use of documents and patterns of publication. Present work attempts to describe the patterns of publication by top ten Indian Academic/Research Organizations in the field of Biotechnology. Overall, 5423 articles were related to the field in Scopus database during 2001-2016. The applied scientometric tools are Collaboration Coefficient, Co-authorship Index and Activity Index to study the trend of authorship and collaborative research activities in the given domain. The activity Index formula has been modified for the mapping of Institute data. The most preferred country for international collaboration was United States.

Bibliometric Analysis of Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IJBB): 2011-2020

International Journal of Research in Library Science, 2021

The papers present Bibliometric study of Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IJBB) during the period from 2011-2020. This study analysis the different aspect of the journal with statically such as- year wise Distribution of article, issue wise Distribution of article, cumulative total of article, types of Contributions ,authorship pattern, geographical distribution of contributions, authors institutional affiliation, page lengths of the article and number of citation. It found that out of 549 articles. The maximum 85 (15.48 %) articles published in the year 2020 and the minimum 24 (4.37 %) articles published in the year 2016. During the studied period, 549 articles obtained 21449 citations, of which the highest citation 3156 (14.71 %) in 2020 and lowest 903 (4.20 %) in 2016. Out of the total number of 551 contributions, only 26 (4.71%) are contributed by single authors, while the highest contributed by more than six authors 137 (24.86%) contributions. The study furthers her finds that most of the contributions are from India (67.03%).

Scientometric Analysis of Scholarly Publications of University of Mumbai from 2001 to 2019


The study deals with the analysis of research output by the University of Mumbai from 2001 to 2019. The University has published 3362 articles, out of which 3205 research articles, proceeding articles, and reviews are taken for study. The year-wise distribution shows the highest publications found in 2008 with 260 articles. The study used Domestic Collaboration Index (DCI) and International Collaboration Index (ICI). It shows the highest domestic collaboration in 2011 (112.36) and the highest international collaboration in 2006 (179.15). The study used the specialisation index (SI), and as per SI, the University of Mumbai has specialised in Engineering with a 1.194 score. The study used a Priority Index (PI) to denote the correspondence of research efforts taken by the University of Mumbai with the efforts given by India. It shows that the University of Mumbai corresponds in ‘Medical Chemistry’ in Chemistry, ‘Acoustics’ in Physics, ‘Microbiology’ in Biology, and ‘Food Science and Te...

Publications Productivity of Karnatak University, Dharwad: A Scientometric Analysis

International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology, 2021

The present study analyses the scientific productivity of Karnatak University, Dharwad for the period from 1960 to 2019 using Scopus citation database. Karnatak University, Dharwad is one of the premier higher educational institutions which cater to the educational needs of North Karnataka. A total of 4990 publications were extracted from the Scopus database. The investigation endeavors to quantify the growth of KUD’s scholarly literature in terms of the authorship pattern, year-wise distribution of publications and citations, domain-wise distribution of publications, ranking of authors, ranking of highly cited publications, collaboration and so on. The results indicate that Science faculty has contributed 4785 (95.89 %) publications out of 4990. Among the Departments, the Department of Chemistry contributed 1701 (34.09 %) publications, followed by Physics (870, 17.43 %) and Polymer Science (523, 10.48 %). T.M. Aminabhavi found to be the most prolific author in Karnatak University, Dharwad (491, 9.84 %), followed by S.T. Nandibewoor (364, 7.29 %). The Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru was the most collaborated institute with Karnatak University, Dharwad (102 publications), followed by Chonbuk National University, South Korea (94 publications). USA was the most collaborated country (258 publications, 8104 citations), followed by South Korea (161 publications, 3300 citations).


The objective of this work was to analyse the scientometric parameters for Indian Chemical Science literature. The paper analyses publications data in Web of Science (WOS) database for the period 2005 to 2014 for identifying the scientometrics analysis of India in Chemical Science literature. An several parameters, including contribution and citation impact of the most productive countries, India's overall contribution, its growth rate and doubling time, citation impact, international collaboration, identification of the significant participating countries in India's international collaboration, and impact of leading Indian

Scientometric Study of Doctoral Dissertations in Biochemistry in the University of Kerala, India

Library Philosophy and Practice, 2010

to help identify core journal titles in specific subject field but also that can be used in collection management decisions and scientometric evaluations. The purpose of the present study is to determine the bibliometric characteristics of the biochemistry research in the University of Kerala, India, including subject wise break-up, bibliographic forms of cited documents, most cited journals, collaboration in authorship, etc. In order to study the research trend of biochemistry in the University of Kerala, a total of 168 doctoral dissertations awarded between 1966 and 2007 at the Department of Biochemistry of University of Kerala are used as a source.

Publishing Trends of Indian Chemical Scientists: A Bibliometric Study

The present study highlights the authorship trend and collaborative research in chemistry in India during 1996India during -2000. The study found that team research is preferred in the field of chemistry rather than solo research. The degree of collaboration is calculated and found to be 0.76. The degree of collaboration varies from year to year and is found to be 0.72 to 0.83. Average number of authors per paper has increased from 7.52 to 8.39.