Students’ and Teachers’ Views on School-University Partnership in the Omani EFL Context (original) (raw)
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This study aimed at investigating the Iranian undergraduate EFL students' and teachers' attitude towards Partnership Approach as a new way of engaging learners in the learning process. A descriptive, ethnographic research method, using a questionnaire along with focus group semi-structured interview, was employed. Seventy-two undergraduate EFL learners and 40 EFL teachers with more than ten years of experience in teaching English were included in the study. They were males and females of different ages. They responded to two different attitude questionnaires. Some of the participants were randomly interviewed to shed light on the accuracy of the information collected. The
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Pedagogies: An International Journal, 2013
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Zbornik Instituta za pedagoska istrazivanja, 2014
The present forms of school-university/institute partnership are largely based on the interests of experts in this field. The aim of this study is to research teachers? and school counsellors? perceptions of both the existing and desired forms of the partnership. Based on the qualitative content analysis of the materials from the interviews, four dimensions of partnership were mapped: systematicity, practicality, equality and initiative. The study has shown that the current partnership is somewhat sporadic and initiated more by the research needs of experts rather than the practical needs of teachers. The desired partnership would imply the creation of an organised and continuous relationship, whereby the experts would take on the role of a mentor, thus proposing practical solutions and initiating forms of cooperation. Such expectations lead to controversy, and these issues are discussed in the study.
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Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2022
In this study, we aimed to reach the opinions and feedback of university-school partnership stakeholders about the university-school partnership. In this direction, the stakeholders' opinions and experiences regarding the partnership were analyzed. The study is in phenomenological research design, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 60 participants: teachers, student teachers, lecturers, students, parents, and administrators. Content analysis results show that the feedback and assessments of the university-school partnership stakeholders were grouped under the themes of the assessment method, criticism, and expectations, and several sub-themes under each theme. In line with these findings, we tried to reveal the most crucial points in developing and maintaining university-school partnerships. In addition, at the end of the study, we indicated some suggestions such as essential quality indicators for partnerships, providing open communication channels, clearly expressed roles and responsibilities, strong relations via trust and mutual benefit, and a participatory decision-making process.
School-University Partnership in Indonesia: A Case Study
The idea of partnership has become the most pervasive theme in teacher education where its quality is seen to be critical not only for the development of the next generation of teachers but also for the improvement of the school, the teachers and the teacher educators. Nevertheless, partnerships to be sustainable are a process of development or a maturing of a relationship between schools and teacher education institutions. This paper describes the experience of the implementation of the 'lesson study' as partnership approach in one teacher education institution in Indonesia. As well as describing the issues and the context of previous approaches toward developing partnerships, we also present some lessons learnt from and give critical analysis of the implementation of the lesson study programme.
An EFL Teacher Education Programme: Issues and Concerns from a Yemeni University
Arab World English Journal
Teacher education programmes (TEPs) promote unique experiences that involve a deep understanding of teaching needs, advanced strategies, preparation and training at universities or schools. The main objective of this study is to investigate the English teacher education programme (ETEP) in order to reform and develop current teaching practices in a rapidly developing area of research. The present study aims to look at three main areas which include the university preparation strategy, classroom teaching and supervisory support of an ETEP in Yemen. The data were collected through a questionnaire emailed to all the fourth-year student teachers of the English Department, Faculty of Education, at a public university in Yemen. The results reveal several issues concerning university courses, pedagogical practices, planning lessons, methodologies, and approaches. They disclose some inconsistencies between the proposed strategies at the university and the actual classroom implementation. The results also indicate that the present teaching duration is insufficient to realize the real benefits of the program for sustainable growth. The study provides some recommendations for student teachers, teachers, supervisors, curriculum designers, and policymakers.
Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies [JEPS]
Using questionnaires administered to 1114 school students and 317 university foundation program students, the study aims to investigate students’ attitudes towards English as a foreign language (EFL) reading in the two educational contexts: post-basic schools and university foundation programs. The study also explores the extent to which students feel school has prepared them to the reading requirements of their university foundation programs. The study revealed that there were significant differences between school students and university foundation program students in the cognitive and affective dimensions of reading attitude but there were no significant differences in behavioural attitudes. Students also believed that they could not transfer the reading skills they acquired at post-basic education to the English classes at the foundation program because reading is different in the two educational contexts. The study makes a number of pedagogic and administrative recommendations ...
Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) – University of Szeged, Hungarian-Netherlands School of Educational Management (SZTE, KÖVI), 2020
The volume the reader has in her/his hand or reads on her/his screen is the outcome of a research project realised in 2019 in the framework of the European Doctorate in Teacher Education (EDiTE) project supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. 1 As the introduction of this book explains, EDiTE was run by a consortium of five European universities, each of them providing teacher education, and committed to develop a common doctoral program to train researchers interested in the work and education of teachers. The research program presented in this volume was initiated as part of a work package focusing on "building partnerships", coordinated by ELTE University, Budapest. It aimed at exploring the role of School-University Partnerships (SUPs) in teacher education and educational development. Cooperation between universities and schools in the field of teacher education can be interpreted as a specific form of the "knowledge triangle". 2 This kind of cooperation can provide an ideal framework for linking research, education and innovation in the education sector. Partnership relations between schools and universities can produce various beneficial outcomes. First, and most importantly, they can significantly improve the quality and relevance of university-based teacher education, making it possible for universities to provide the practical training necessary to develop the teaching skills of future teachers. Universities pretend they are capable to train teachers, and most people do not have any doubt in this, but in reality most of them are not, especially when their main mission becomes creating new theoretical knowledge. The skills to teach can be developed only through practicing these skills. Reflecting systematically and scientifically to practice is necessary but this reflection is possible only if teaching practice really occurs. This is why teacher training universities need schools as partners and take the responsibility for educating teachers in cooperation with them. SUPs can also contribute to the improvement of the work of practitioners, especially through improving their innovation, knowledge management and research capacities. Effective SUPs can lead to the emergence of "researching schools" or "professional development schools" operating as intelligent knowledge producing learning organisations. In many education systems governments try to transform schools into intelligent learning organisations, and one of the most effective ways of doing this is to connect them with universities which have always been defined as knowledge producing institutions. Teachers and schools in continuous interaction with academics wo do theoretical research have higher chances of becoming reflective professionals who are capable to see their own practice beyond the daily routines. Furthermore, SUPs can support high quality educational research as they provide stable institutional frameworks for data collections, case studies, action research initiative, classroom observations, advanced experimentations, impact assessments and other forms of research activities. In these frameworks schools may operate similarly to clinics connected with medical 1 Marie-Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement number: 676452. See the website of the EDiTE project here: 2 See: "School-university partnership for effective teacher learning." Issues Paper for the seminar co-hosted by
Experience of Teaching English Basing on Educational Partnership in Non-language Universities
Mastering of foreign languages, especially English, is becoming more and more vital in the global world. At the same time teaching English at higher educational non-linguistic institutions faces a lot of problems as, firstly, a significant number of students are weakly motivated to learn any foreign language, secondly, they often have not high level of knowledge of the language and in addition teachers have to deal with psychological barriers, which such students usually have. Thus, in order to improve learning and teaching English it is important to create partnership relations with students at foreign language lessons. From this point of view, it is valuable to study the essence of educational partnership and the factors that facilitate interpersonal communication and increase the efficiency of learning and training English process. It may be functional also to share positive experience of using different methods of forming partnership relations at English lessons. This paper has been written on the basis of research of theoretical aspects of the problem, i.e. on analysis and synthesis of scientific psychological and pedagogical literature, and on personal experience of teaching English during nearly twenty years in Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Ukraine). During this period we were observing more than two thousand students with whom we built partnerships. The most successful methods for creating partnerships are described in this paper. They are: the methods based on the interest of the students in their future profession, " creative " collaboration with students, " personification " of the learning process. The methods were analyzed and discussed at different Methodical seminars, scientific and practical conferences. The described methods can be admitted by other foreign language teachers. However, it should be noted that the listed methods of pedagogical interaction may be amended. Their realization depends on different circumstances and learning situations.