Bayesian Semiparametric Cure Rate Model with an Unknown Threshold (original) (raw)
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Bayesian cure rate model accommodating multiplicative and additive covariates
Statistics and Its Interface, 2009
We propose a class of Bayesian cure rate models by incorporating a baseline density function as well as multiplicative and additive covariate structures. Our model naturally accommodates zero and non-zero cure rates, which provides an objective way to examine the existence of a survival fraction in the failure time data. An inherent parameter constraint needs to be incorporated into the model formulation due to the additive covariates. Within the Bayesian paradigm, we take a Markov gamma process prior to model the baseline hazard rate, and mixture prior distributions for the parameters in the additive component of the model. We implement a Markov chain Monte Carlo computational scheme to sample from the full conditional distributions of the posterior. We conduct simulation studies to assess the estimation and inference properties of the proposed model, and illustrate it with data from a bone marrow transplant study.
A Bayesian Semiparametric Accelerated Failure Time Cure Rate Model for Censored Data
In the modern era of advanced medicine, often a fraction of patients might be cured from a disease and hence the survival probability may plateau at a non-zero value and a cure rate model is needed to capture such survival fractions. A semiparametric accelerated failure time (AFT) cure model is developed for time-to-event data with a positive surviving fraction. The error distribution of the AFT model for susceptible subjects is expressed as a nonparametric mixture of normal densities which can approximate an arbitrary distribution satisfying mild regularity conditions. A Bayesian inferential framework leads to efficient estimation of the posterior distribution of parameters. Posterior consistency of the proposed estimator is established under some regularity conditions providing large sample justification of the proposed model. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are used to generate samples from the posterior distribution of the regression coefficients to aid statistical inference. S...
A Bayesian Long-term Survival Model Parametrized in the Cured Fraction
Biometrical Journal, 2009
The main goal of this paper is to investigate a cure rate model that comprehends some well-known proposals found in the literature. In our work the number of competing causes of the event of interest follows the negative binomial distribution. The model is conveniently reparametrized through the cured fraction, which is then linked to covariates by means of the logistic link. We explore the use of Markov chain Monte Carlo methods to develop a Bayesian analysis in the proposed model. The procedure is illustrated with a numerical example.
A Bayesian Semiparametric Survival Model with Longitudinal Markers
Biometrics, 2009
We consider inference for data from a clinical trial of treatments for metastatic prostate cancer. Patients joined the trial with diverse prior treatment histories. The resulting heterogenuous patient population gives rise to challenging statistical inference problems when trying to predict time to progression on different treatment arms. Inference is further complicated by the need to include a longitudinal marker as a covariate. To address these challenges, we develop a semi-parametric model for joint inference of longitudinal data and an event time. The proposed approach includes the possibility of cure for some patients. The event time distribution is based on a non-parametric Pólya tree prior. For the longitudinal data we assume a mixed effects model. Incorporating a regression on covariates in a non-parametric event time model in general, and for a Póolya tree model in particular, is a challenging problem. We exploit the fact that the covariate itself is a random variable. We achieve an implementation of the desired regression by factoring the joint model for the event time and the longitudinal outcome into a marginal model for the event time and a regression of the longitudinal outcomes on the event time, i.e., we implicitly model the desired regression by modeling the reverse conditional distribution.
Bayesian Approach for Joint Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data with Survival Fraction
Many medical investigations generate both repeatedly-measured (longitudinal) biomarker and survival data. One of complex issue arises when investigating the association between longitudinal and time-to-event data when there are cured patients in the population, which leads to a plateau in the survival function S(t) after sufficient follow-up. Thus, usual Cox proportional hazard model [11] is not applicable since the proportional hazard assumption is violated. An alternative is to consider survival models incorporating a cure fraction. In this paper, we present a new class of joint model for univariate longitudinal and survival data in presence of cure fraction. For the longitudinal model, a stochastic Integrated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process will present, and for the survival model a semiparametric survival function will be considered which accommodate both zero and non-zero cure fractions of the dynamic disease progression. Moreover, we consider a Bayesian approach which is motivated by the complexity of the model. Posterior and prior specification needs to accommodate parameter constraints due to the non-negativity of the survival function. A simulation study is presented to evaluate the performance of the proposed joint model.
Approximate Bayesian inference for mixture cure models
Cure models in survival analysis deal with populations in which a part of the individuals cannot experience the event of interest. Mixture cure models consider the target population as a mixture of susceptible and non-susceptible individuals. The statistical analysis of these models focuses on examining the probability of cure (incidence model) and inferring on the time-to-event in the susceptible subpopulation (latency model). Bayesian inference on mixture cure models has typically relied upon Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. The integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) is a recent and attractive approach for doing Bayesian inference. INLA in its natural definition cannot fit mixture models but recent research has new proposals that combine INLA and MCMC methods to extend its applicability to them 2;8;9. This paper focuses on the implementation of INLA in mixture cure models. A general mixture cure survival model with covariate information for the latency and the incidence model within a general scenario with censored and non-censored information is discussed. The fact that non-censored individuals undoubtedly belong to the uncured population is a valuable information that was incorporated in the inferential process.
European Journal of Scientific Research, 2007
Many medical investigations generate both repeatedly-measured (longitudinal) biomarker and survival data. One of complex issue arises when investigating the association between longitudinal and time-to-event data when there are cured patients in the population, which leads to a plateau in the survival function ) (t S after sufficient follow-up. Thus, usual Cox proportional hazard model Cox is not applicable since the proportional hazard assumption is violated. An alternative is to consider survival models incorporating a cure fraction. In this paper we present a new class of joint model for univariate longitudinal and survival data in presence of cure fraction. For the longitudinal model, a stochastic Integrated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process will present, and for the survival model a semiparametric survival function will be considered which accommodate both zero and non-zero cure fractions of the dynamic disease progression. Moreover, we consider a Bayesian approach which is motivated by the complexity of the model. Posterior and prior specification needs to accommodate parameter constraints due to the nonnegativity of the survival function. A simulation study is presented to evaluate the performance of this joint model.
Bayesian Nonparametric Bivariate Survival Regression for Current Status Data
We consider nonparametric inference for event time distributions based on current status data. We show that in this scenario conventional mixture priors, including the popular Dirichlet process mixture prior, lead to biologically uninterpretable results as they unnaturally skew the probability mass for the event times toward the extremes of the observed data. Simple assumptions on dependent censoring can fix the problem. We then extend the discussion to bivariate current status data with partial ordering of the two outcomes. In addition to dependent censoring, we also exploit some minimal known structure relating the two event times. We design a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for posterior simulation. Applied to a recurrent infection study, the method provides novel insights into how symptoms-related hospital visits are affected by covariates.
Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2022
Survival analysis is a collection of statistical techniques which examine the time it takes for an event to occur, and it is one of the most important fields in biomedical sciences and other variety of scientific disciplines. Furthermore, the computational rapid advancements in recent decades have advocated the application of Bayesian techniques in this field, giving a powerful and flexible alternative to the classical inference. e aim of this study is to consider the Bayesian inference for the generalized log-logistic proportional hazard model with applications to right-censored healthcare data sets. We assume an independent gamma prior for the baseline hazard parameters and a normal prior is placed on the regression coefficients. We then obtain the exact form of the joint posterior distribution of the regression coefficients and distributional parameters. e Bayesian estimates of the parameters of the proposed model are obtained using the Markov chain Monte Carlo (McMC) simulation technique. All computations are performed in Bayesian analysis using Gibbs sampling (BUGS) syntax that can be run with Just Another Gibbs Sampling (JAGS) from the R software. A detailed simulation study was used to assess the performance of the proposed parametric proportional hazard model. Two real-survival data problems in the healthcare are analyzed for illustration of the proposed model and for model comparison. Furthermore, the convergence diagnostic tests are presented and analyzed. Finally, our research found that the proposed parametric proportional hazard model performs well and could be beneficial in analyzing various types of survival data.