Akuntansi Tabungan Emas Pegadaian Syariah (original) (raw)
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Perkembangangadai Emas Ke Investasi Emas Pada Pegadaian Syariah
Amwaluna: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah
Nilai investasi emas yang tidak tergerus inflasi, tren harga yang terus meningkat, transaksi jual belinya fleksibel, membuat emas menjadi pilihan alternative investasi.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan perkembangan gadai emas syariah dikaitkan antara gadai emas dengan investasi emas sebagai perlindungan terhadap asset. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif, data penelitian ini didapat dari wawancara dengan nasabah pegadaian syariah dan kuesioner serta menggunakan data sekunder dari literatur kepustakaan, buku sumber lainyya yang relevan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan perkembangan pegadaian syariah dari gadai emas syariah yang semula hanya sebagai alternatif pembiayaan dan penambahan modal dalam jangka pendek ternyata mulai dimanfaatkan sebagai sarana untuk berinvestasi, dengan memanfaatkan kenaikan nilai harga emas dan kemudahan serta keringanan dalam gadai emas syariah. Berinvestasi emas dengan cara beli, simpan dan kemudian dijual dengan menggunakan jasa gadai yaitu dengan cara beli, simpan kemudian gadai merupakan strategi dalam berinvestasi emas serta solusi mempertahankan investasi emas.
Pegadaian syariah lahir dari Rahim pegadaian konvensional sebagai alternative solusi dalam system gadai yang memiliki tingkat transparansi lebih tinggi dan bebas bunga. Pada penlitian ini merumuskan mekanisme dan metode perhitungan yang dipraktekan dalam pegadaian syariah. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitiatif, penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan kajian literature yang disajikan dalam bentuk deskriptif dan sistematis. Sehingga hasil dari penelitian ini (1) mengungkap mekanisme yang digunakan dalam pegadaian syariah adalah tidak menggunakan bunga melainkan biaya penitipan, (2) metode perhitungan pada setiap produk pegadaian syariah berbeda-beda sesuai tujuannya selengkapnya dapat dilihat dikesimpulan. Sistem gadai sudah dipraktekan sejak zaman Rasulullah SAW, hal ini didasarkan oleh hadist nabi yang menegaskan bahwa Rasulullah SAW pernah melakukan hutang piutang dengan orang Yahudi untuk sebuah makanan. Kemudian beliau menggadaikan baju besinya sebagai penguat kepercayaan dari transaksi tersebut. Berikutnya hadits yang lain yang berkaitan tentang gadai juga, yakni menegaskan akan hak dan kewajiban bagi pihak-pihak yang melakukan akad gadai. Murtahin dapat memanfaatkan barang yang digadaikan kepadanya, selama ia mau merawatnya. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa gadai adalah sesuatu yang dianggap sah dalam fiqih muamalah (Affandi, 2009).
Operasional Produk Investasi Emas Pada Pegadaian Syariah Ditinjau Dari Prinsip Ekonomi Islam
Al Qalam: Jurnal Ilmiah Keagamaan dan Kemasyarakatan, 2022
Investment is one of the important instruments as collateral in the future for every human being. Pawnshop institutions are now growing rapidly can be an alternative for customers whowish to invest. The purpose of this study was to determine oprasional Gold Investment in Islamic pawnshop-related goals, mechanisms, customer requirements the applicant, term, collateral, benefits and fees charged to customers in terms of the applicant’s gold investment principles of Islamic economy in the form of fatwas and outlook muamalah fiqh. This study uses field research by visiting the direct object of study to obtain the required files through interviews, observation on operationality of Gold Investment. While the analysis is used to process the data that has been obtained is descriptive analysis to produce results. Results from this study is that Gold Investment to buy mortgage scheme on Islamic Pawnshop or Sharia Pawnshop has not fully correspond to some Fiqh Fatwa and Economic Islam Principl...
Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan
One easy and practical financing is a pawn. Pawning gold is very attractive financing for fast processing and high estimates. Basic mortgage financing in Indonesia sharia is Fatwa 25 / DSN-MUI / III / 2002 on Rahn and 26 / DSN-MUI / III / 2002 on the Gold Rahn, PSAK 59 (qardh), PSAK 107 (Ijarah), and PAPSI in 2013.This study aims to determine the accounting treatment products on the gold pawn Sharia Islamic Pawnshop Surabaya with gold pawn practice case studies on Islamic Pawnshop Blauran Surabaya Branch. This research is qualitative. The data collection methods used were interviews and take the financial statements on the official website Pawnshop. The results showed that the accounting treatment in the aspect of recognition and measurement in accordance with PSAK 107, PSAK 59, and PAPSI 2013. But, the presentation of the financial statements is not accordance with PSAK 100 and 101.
Menimbang Gadai Emas sebagai Instrumen Investasi Syariah
Al-Iqtishad: Journal of Islamic Economics, 2015
Reviewing Gold Pawn As an Instrument of Sharia Investment. The increasing of gold prices and high interest of the community to invest in gold responded by Islamic banking through Islamic gold pawning services with the term "gardening gold". This investment is a modification of the mortgage system in Islamic banks and pawnshops. This investment is not neither a product of Islamic banks and Islamic pawnshops. Islamic financial institutions provide only mortgage facilities not including investment to customers. The nature of the gardening gold transaction is to borrow money to pay the storage fee pawned gold and then to expect a rise of the gold price at market exceeding the costs of the bank.
Prosedur Pelaksanaan Gadai Emas yang Sesuai dengan Persfektif Islam (pada PT. Pegadaian Syariah
The gold mortar that can be said that gold is an item that can be sold again has a high selling value, and is also a product that can be pawned in Islamic pawnshops. Before venturing gold in Sharia Pegadaian should know the procedure that is in accordance with the Islamic view. The procedure used in Sharia Pegadaian is using the Rahn contract and Ijarah Akad. The purpose of this study is to explain clearly, briefly and can be understood the procedure for the implementation of gold mortgages that are in accordance with Islamic views on Islamic pawnshops. The method of this study uses a type of qualitative research, secondary data source data collection data collection documentation, data processing methods using analysis, data analysis namely presentation of data and conclusions withdrawal. The results of this study indicate that in sharia pawnshops there are products that can be pawned, one of which is gold. In general in this gold mortgage has its own advantages, losses, and risks in developing their products at PT. Sharia pawnshops. But there are those who put forward that gold included from ribawi goods. For this reason, researchers make this title with the aim of providing detailed knowledge, how the steps in committing gold at PT. Sharia Pegadaian so that the item is avoided from usury.
Manajemen Risiko Gadai Emas Pada PT.PEGADAIAN Syariah Jayapura
OIKONOMIKA : Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah
The background of this research is the high level of public interest in product of sharia gold pawn so that the risk management is the main focus to be carried out. The most common risk is the risk of loans, especially gold pawn loans. The risk of goal pawn loans becomes the main focus on the Islamic Pawnshop. This is based on the limitations of employees of PT. Pegadaian Syariah Jayapura, especially UPS Heram, in screening data for funding applications. These limitations lead to several stages of loans that are not intentionally or deliberately by passed to accelerate the loans process. This research used qualitative approach with the case study method. It used primary and supporting data. The information from primary data sources in qualitative research can generally be explored through observation and interview techniques. This research shows that PT. Jayapura Syariah Pegadaian (UPS) Heram in managing gold pawning risk can be from the risk management process, namely risk identif...
El-Mal: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi & Bisnis Islam, 2021
This study aims to explain the marketing strategy in marketing the gold savings products found at Pegadaian Syariah Bogor Baru and how the right strategy is to attract customers to use the Gold Savings product. This research is a field research using a qualitative descriptive approach with primary and secondary data sources. In collecting data, researchers used interviews, observation and documentation techniques. The resource persons of this study were three employees of the Syariah Pawnshop Bogor Baru Branch and two customers of the Gold Savings product. The results of this study indicate that the application of marketing strategies provides services and information that is quite good for customers of gold savings products. From the aspect of the marketing mix contained in the branch office, such as; advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, publicity and direct marketing. Thus, the right strategy is to attract more customers by developing digital technology, this media has ...