Effects of kiwi consumption on plasma lipids, fibrinogen and insulin resistance in the context of a normal diet (original) (raw)

Kiwifruit consumption favourably affects plasma lipids in a randomised controlled trial in hypercholesterolaemic men

British Journal of Nutrition, 2012

The unique composition of green kiwifruit has the potential to benefit CVD risk. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of consuming two green kiwifruits daily in conjunction with a healthy diet on plasma lipids and other metabolic markers and to examine response according to APOE genotype in hypercholesterolaemic men. After undergoing a 4-week healthy diet, eighty-five hypercholesterolaemic men (LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) >3·0 mmol/l and TAG < 3 mmol/l) completed an 8-week randomised controlled cross-over study of two 4-week intervention sequences of two green kiwifruits per d plus healthy diet (intervention) or healthy diet alone (control). Anthropometric measures, blood pressure (BP) and fasting blood samples (plasma lipids, serum apoA1 and apoB, insulin, glucose, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP)) were taken at baseline, and at 4 and 8 weeks. After the kiwifruit intervention, plasma HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) concentrations were significantly highe...

Effects of kiwi fruit consumption on platelet aggregation and plasma lipids in healthy human volunteers

Platelets, 2004

Fruits and vegetables have been thought to be beneficial in cardiovascular disease. The beneficial effects of fruits and vegetables may be explained by the antioxidants and other components contained therein. These nutrients may function individually or in concert to protect lipoproteins and vascular cells from oxidation, or by other mechanisms such as reducing plasma lipid levels (LDL cholesterol, triglycerides), and platelet aggregation response. Kiwi fruit which contains high amounts of vitamin C, vitamin E and polyphenols may be beneficial in cardiovascular disease; however very little is known about its cardioprotective effects. Platelets are involved in atherosclerotic disease development and the reduction of platelet activity by medications reduces the incidence and severity of disease. To this end, we evaluated whether consuming kiwi fruit modulated platelet activity and plasma lipids in human volunteers in a randomized cross-over study. We report that consuming two or three kiwi fruit per day for 28 days reduced platelet aggregation response to collagen and ADP by 18% compared with the controls (P<0.05). In addition, consumption of kiwi fruit lowered blood triglycerides levels by 15% compared with control (P<0.05), whereas no such effects were observed in the case of cholesterol levels. All these data indicate that consuming kiwi fruit may be beneficial in cardiovascular disease.

The effect of kiwifruit consumption on blood pressure in subjects with moderately elevated blood pressure: A randomized, controlled study

Blood Pressure, 2015

Background and aims. Kiwifruit contains bioactive substances that may lower blood pressure (BP) and improve endothelial function. We examined the effects of adding kiwifruit to the usual diet on 24-h ambulatory BP, offi ce BP and endothelial function. Methods . In a parallel-groups study, 118 subjects with high normal BP or stage 1 hypertension (systolic BP 130 -159 mmHg and/or diastolic BP 85 -99 mmHg) were randomized to intake of three kiwifruits (intervention) or one apple (control) a day for 8 weeks. Offi ce and 24-h ambulatory BP was measured along with biomarkers of endothelial function including metabolites of nitric oxide (NO) formation and fi nger photo-plethysmography. Results . At randomization, mean 24-h ambulatory systolic/diastolic BP was 133 Ϯ 13/82 Ϯ 9 mmHg ( n ϭ 106). After 8 weeks, BP was lower in the group assigned to kiwifruit versus apple intake (between group difference, Ϫ 3.6 mmHg [95% CI Ϫ 6.5 to Ϫ 0.7], p ϭ 0.017 and Ϫ 1.9 mmHg [95% CI Ϫ 3.6 to Ϫ 0.3]; p ϭ 0.040, for systolic and diastolic BP, respectively). Changes in offi ce BP and endothelial function did not differ between the groups. Conclusions . Among men and women with moderately elevated BP, intake of three kiwifruits was associated with lower systolic and diastolic 24-h BP compared with one apple a day. The effect may be regulated by mechanisms other than improvement of endothelial function.

Fruit and vegetables and cardiovascular risk profile: a diet controlled intervention study

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2001

Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor op gezag van de Rector Magnificus van Wageningen Universiteit, Prof, dr ir L Speelman, in het openbaar te verdedigen op vrijdag 31 mei 2002 des namiddags te vier uur in de Aula. Broekmans, Wendy Maria Regina Carotenoid status in man: effects on biomarkers of eye, skin and cardiovascular health Thesis Wageningen University -With references -With summary in Dutch ISBN 90-5808-631-3 ^/\/0&2ol,'2>2^/Z-Stellingen 1. Daling van het carotenoi'den gehalte in het bloed, binnen een normaal fysiologisch bereik en een periode van een jaar, heeft geen nadelige effecten op de gezondheid van het oog, de huid en hart en bloedvaten. Dit proefschrift. 2. Een omgekeerde relatie tussen de dichtheid van het macula pigment en de lens, suggereert dat lutei'ne en zeaxanthine in het oog de veroudering van de lens kunnen vertragen. O.a. dit proefschrift. 3. Het feit dat biomerkers vaak niet afdoende zijn gevalideerd, laat onverlet dat toepassing ervan waardevolle inzichten kan opleveren over mogelijke werkingsmechanismen van voeding in relatie tot gezondheid. 4. Het aanpassen van de smaak van groente en fruit kan bijdragen aan een gezonder en langer leven. Mombaerts. Nature Genetics 2000;25:130-2. 5. Een staaroperatie is een voorteken voor de ontwikkeling van coronaire hartziekten. Hu et al. American Journal of Epidemiology 2001;153:875-81. 6. 'Net zomin als er een veilige auto bestaat, bestaat veilige voeding. Veiligheid hangt immers nauw samen met hoe een product wordt gebruikt of geconsumeerd.' C. Dutilh, De Volkskrant, 8 december 2001. 7. Door de ICT ontwikkelingen ter bevordering van het leggen en onderhouden van relaties raken veel mensen relationeel gezien in een isolement. Stellingen behorend bij het proefschrift Carotenoid status in man: effects on biomarkers of eye, skin and cardiovascular health Wendy MR Broekmans Wageningen, 31 mei 2002

Dietary Factors Related to Higher Plasma Fibrinogen Levels of Japanese-Americans in Hawaii Compared With Japanese in Japan

Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 2006

Objective-We investigated whether dietary factors explain higher plasma fibrinogen levels in Japanese emigrants living a Western lifestyle in Hawaii compared with Japanese in Japan. Methods and Results-Plasma fibrinogen and nutrient intakes were examined by standardized methods in men and women 40 to 59 years of age from a Japanese-American sample in Hawaii (100 men and 106 women) and 4 population samples in Japan (569 men and 567 women). Multiple linear regression models were used to examine the relationship between dietary factors and the plasma fibrinogen difference between Hawaii and Japan. Average plasma fibrinogen was significantly higher in Hawaii compared with Japan (PϽ0.001 in both genders). In multiple linear regression analyses with each dietary variable considered separately, body mass index reduced the plasma fibrinogen difference between Hawaii and Japan by 20.4%; iron intake (mg/1000 kcal) and estimated total sugar intake (%kcal) reduced this difference by 30.0% and 14.4%, respectively. In a model that included body mass index, iron, estimated total sugars, and caffeine (also age and gender), this difference was reduced by 61.3% (from 42.2 to 16.3 mg/dL). Conclusions-Higher intake of iron, sugar, and caffeine, in addition to obesity, account largely for higher fibrinogen levels with Westernized lifestyle. (Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2006;26:1674-1679.)

Nutritional Status Influences Plasma Fibrinogen Concentration

Thrombosis Research, 2000

men and women had the lowest fibrinogen level. Nasal snuff taking and HIV infection did not influ-Nutritional status and risk factors for chronic disence fibrinogen concentration. Multivariate analyeases, including plasma fibrinogen and its determises revealed that lower plasma fibrinogen was assonants, of Africans in the Northwest Province of ciated with low to normal body mass index in South Africa, have been studied in a cross-sectional women, and with dietary intakes compatible with survey. A representative sample of 1854 "apparprudent dietary guidelines in men and women (low ently healthy" African men and women volunteers intakes of animal protein; trans fatty acids and aged 15 years and older was recruited from 37 higher intakes of plant protein; dietary fibre, vitarandomly selected sites throughout the Province min E, and iron, and a high dietary P/S ratio). and stratified for level of urbanisation. Information Subjects in the higher quartiles of plasma fibrinowas collected using validated and culture-sensitive gen had significantly lower iron, vitamin E, and questionnaires. Fasting blood samples were drawn, vitamin B6 (women) status. Increases in fibrinogen and all measurements were done with standardised were associated with significant increases in serum methodology using appropriate equipment, procelipids. Both under-and overnutrition seem to be dures, and controls. Fibrinogen concentration was associated with high plasma fibrinogen. It is conmeasured in citrated plasma with the method of cluded that overall nutritional status, possibly in Clauss, using the ACL200 automated system and addition to specific nutrients (and foods), influthe international fibrinogen standard. The results ences plasma fibrinogen. © 2000 Elsevier Science revealed a population with a high mean plasma Ltd. All rights reserved. fibrinogen (3.17Ϯ1.10 g/L for HIV-negative men and 3.64Ϯ1.12 g/L for HIV-negative women). Fac-

Fruits and vegetables moderate blood pressure, fibrinogen concentration and plasma viscosity in Nigerian hypertensives


Fruits and vegetables contain vital components such as potassium, antioxidants, vitamins and folic acid that might contribute to lowering blood pressure which is a major risk factor in cardiovascular disorders. However, the results of the few investigations on the correlation between intake of fruits and vegetables and cardiovascular disease have been inconsistent. Worse still, there is dearth of information on disease prevention with fruits and vegetables in Africans. Thus, we investigated the relative effect of fruits and vegetables on blood pressure, viscosity of blood and fibrinogen level. Ten weeks intervention study with ≥ 3 times daily consumption of fruits and vegetables by hypertensive patients was conducted. The fruits and vegetables included in the test diet were oranges, banana, pawpaw, mango, pineapple, grape, tangerine, garden egg, okra, pumpkin leaf, spinach, amaranthus and water leaf. The patients were allowed to consume the food servings while their eating habit was not restricted. Blood pressure, blood viscosity and plasma fibrinogen and nutrient intake were determined before and during intervention. The complementary fruits and vegetables included in the normal dietary regimen of the patients during the 10 weeks study increased the levels of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, antioxidants and dietary fiber significantly compared to the baseline values (P<0.01). The systolic and diastolic blood pressure were significantly lowered; percentage differences of-9.01 and-3.73 (P<0.01) respectively were observed after 10 weeks. Percentage differences of-6.02,-38.86 and-5.29 (P<0.05.) were observed for haematocrit, blood viscosity and plasma fibrinogen respectively compared with the base line. Fruits and vegetables lowered the systolic and diastolic blood pressure, blood viscosity and plasma fibrinogen. The decrease in haematocrit and fibrinogen could influence reduction in blood viscosity thereby preventing premature CVD in hypertensive. Daily intake of fresh fruit and vegetable might be beneficial for the prevention and as therapeutic regime for cardiovascular complications.

Kiwifruit decreases blood pressure and whole-blood platelet aggregation in male smokers

Journal of Human Hypertension, 2013

Previous human studies suggest that supplementation with kiwifruits lowers several cardiovascular risk factors such as platelet hyperactivity, blood pressure and plasma lipids. The cardiovascular health benefit of fruit and vegetables is usually attributed to the complex mixture of phytochemicals therein; however, kiwifruit's cardioprotective factors are not well studied. In this study, we investigated the effects of kiwifruit extract on human blood platelet aggregation and plasma angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity. A sugar-free, heatstable aqueous extract with molecular mass less than 1000 Da was prepared from kiwifruits. Typically, 100 g kiwifruits produced 66.3 AE 5.8 mg (1.2 AE 0.1 mg CE) of sugar-free kiwifruit extract (KFE). KFE inhibited both human platelet aggregation and plasma ACE activity in a dosedependent manner. KFE inhibited platelet aggregation in response to ADP, collagen and arachidonic acid, and inhibitory action was mediated in part by reducing TxA 2 synthesis. The IC 50 for ADP-induced platelet aggregation was 1.6 AE 0.2 mg/ml (29.0 AE 3.0 mg CE/ml), whereas IC 50 for serum ACE was 0.6 AE 0.1 mg/ml (11.0 AE 1.2 mg CE/ml). Consuming 500 mg of KFE (9.0 mg CE) in 10 g margarine inhibited ex vivo platelet aggregation by 12.7%, 2 h after consumption by healthy volunteers (n ¼ 9). All these data indicate that kiwifruit contains very potent antiplatelet and anti-ACE components. Consuming kiwifruits might be beneficial as both preventive and therapeutic regime in cardiovascular disease.

85. The relationship between plasma fibrinogen and nutritional status

Blood Coagulation & Fibrinolysis, 1998

men and women had the lowest fibrinogen level. Nasal snuff taking and HIV infection did not influ-Nutritional status and risk factors for chronic disence fibrinogen concentration. Multivariate analyeases, including plasma fibrinogen and its determises revealed that lower plasma fibrinogen was assonants, of Africans in the Northwest Province of ciated with low to normal body mass index in South Africa, have been studied in a cross-sectional women, and with dietary intakes compatible with survey. A representative sample of 1854 "apparprudent dietary guidelines in men and women (low ently healthy" African men and women volunteers intakes of animal protein; trans fatty acids and aged 15 years and older was recruited from 37 higher intakes of plant protein; dietary fibre, vitarandomly selected sites throughout the Province min E, and iron, and a high dietary P/S ratio). and stratified for level of urbanisation. Information Subjects in the higher quartiles of plasma fibrinowas collected using validated and culture-sensitive gen had significantly lower iron, vitamin E, and questionnaires. Fasting blood samples were drawn, vitamin B6 (women) status. Increases in fibrinogen and all measurements were done with standardised were associated with significant increases in serum methodology using appropriate equipment, procelipids. Both under-and overnutrition seem to be dures, and controls. Fibrinogen concentration was associated with high plasma fibrinogen. It is conmeasured in citrated plasma with the method of cluded that overall nutritional status, possibly in Clauss, using the ACL200 automated system and addition to specific nutrients (and foods), influthe international fibrinogen standard. The results ences plasma fibrinogen. © 2000 Elsevier Science revealed a population with a high mean plasma Ltd. All rights reserved. fibrinogen (3.17Ϯ1.10 g/L for HIV-negative men and 3.64Ϯ1.12 g/L for HIV-negative women). Fac-