Temetkezési rítusok a győri Vagongyár (Homokgödrök) római temetőjéből (Burial rites in the Roman cemetery in Győr-Vagongyár) (original) (raw)

A Mesteri–intapusztai Árpád-kori temető gyöngyeinek archeometriai vizsgálata I


The Árpádian Age cemetery at Mesteri-Intapuszta comprised 318 (excavated) graves. Beads were documented in 16 graves. This study is centred on the study of geochemical investigation of some of these beads. The find circumstances of beads, strings of beads is presented in situ on the basis of excavation documentation; moreover, the other grave goods for some of these graves. On the basis of the map of the cemetery we think that the use of glass beads was common during the whole period of the usage of the cemetery, i.e. the early phase of the Árpádian Age, besides silver jewellery that served as the other typical find in the graves of the wealthy deceased. Strings of beads were typically given to children (Inf. I, i.e. between 0-7 years) till mature adult age (<39 years). Archaeometrical studies were induced by the frequency and variability of the beads, performed in several steps. The paper presents the electron microprobe results on 10 glass beads with a historical interpretation of the data

Halotti énekköltészet : Szimbólumok és azok jelentése a temetési énektárakban

Lélektan és hadviselés

Jelen tanulmány a református temetési szertartásokhoz kacsolódó kéziratok szövegeivel foglalkozik Kárpátalja magyarlakta településein, Ugocsa és Bereg megyékben végzett néprajzi gyűjtések révén. Az érintett települések jellemzői, hogy az ott élő magyarajkú közösségek erősen ragaszkodnak hagyományaikhoz, vallási gyakorlataikhoz, szokásaikhoz, íratlan szabályaikhoz. A közösség és a vallásosság identitás-meghatározó szereppel is bír. A temetési kéziratokban megjelent szövegekben a népköltészet elemei fedezhetők fel, melyek révén személyesebbé, szívhez szólóbbá válnak a szövegek, s így alkalmazhatók különféle halálesetekre és körülményekre.

Ízelítők a Termini magyar–magyar szótár kárpátaljai anyagából

Magyar Nyelvőr, 2021

The paper gives a foretaste of the subcarpathian material of the Termini Hungarian-Hungarian dictionary, showing how close correlations can be seen between social and political changes occurring in Hungarian-speaking regions outside Hungary and the extension of the material of that online dictionary. The analysis points out that the varieties of Hungarian in the surrounding countries necessarily exhibit divergent developments in an intimate relationship with the social, political, economic, and cultural state of affairs observable in the individual countries. The authors also draw the readers' attention to the fact that a number of loanwords are used in the Hungarian varieties of the neighbouring countries that are known in several regions, rather than in just one, and that some of these are also included and exemplified in the online dictionary.

Tuberkulózis nyomai késő neolitikum - kora rézkori magyarországi emberi maradványokban (Alsónyék-Bátaszék, Dél-Magyarország)

Anthropologiai Közlemények, 2016

Anthropological investigations previously carried out on individuals from this site revealed an interesting paleopathological case of tuberculosis in the form of Pott's disease dated to the early 5th millennium BC. In this study, selected specimens from this osteoarcheological series were subjected to paleomicrobiological analysis to establish the presence of MTBC bacteria. As all individuals showing clear osteological signs of TB infection belonged to a single grave group, 38 individuals from this grave group were analysed. The sample included the case of Pott's disease as well as individuals both with and without osseous TB manifestations. The presence of TB DNA in the individual with Pott's disease was established, confirming the occurrence of TB in Neolithic populations of Europe. Moreover, our molecular analysis indicated that several other individuals of the same grave group were also infected with TB, opening the possibility for further analyses of this unique Neolithic skeletal series.