Primary radiation damage: A review of current understanding and models (original) (raw)

Improving atomic displacement and replacement calculations with physically realistic damage models

Nature communications, 2018

Atomic collision processes are fundamental to numerous advanced materials technologies such as electron microscopy, semiconductor processing and nuclear power generation. Extensive experimental and computer simulation studies over the past several decades provide the physical basis for understanding the atomic-scale processes occurring during primary displacement events. The current international standard for quantifying this energetic particle damage, the Norgett-Robinson-Torrens displacements per atom (NRT-dpa) model, has nowadays several well-known limitations. In particular, the number of radiation defects produced in energetic cascades in metals is only ~1/3 the NRT-dpa prediction, while the number of atoms involved in atomic mixing is about a factor of 30 larger than the dpa value. Here we propose two new complementary displacement production estimators (athermal recombination corrected dpa, arc-dpa) and atomic mixing (replacements per atom, rpa) functions that extend the NRT-...

New perspectives on the theory of radiation damage in metals

International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2004

The modelling of irradiation creep is now highly developed but many of the basic processes underlying the models are poorly understood. A brief introduction is given to the theory of cascade interactions, point defect clustering and dislocation climb. The range of simple irradiation creep models is reviewed including: preferred nucleation of interstitial loops; preferred absorption of point defects by dislocations favourably orientated to an applied stress; various climb-enhanced glide and recovery mechanisms, and creep driven by internal stresses produced by irradiation growth. A range of special topics is discussed including: cascade effects; creep transients; structural and induced anisotropy; and the effect of impurities. The interplay between swelling and growth with thermal and irradiation creep is emphasized. A discussion is given on how irradiation creep theory should best be developed to assist the interpretation of irradiation creep observations and the kqirements of reactor designers.

Radiation damage in the bulk and at the surface

Molecular Simulation, 2005

The UK environmental e-science initiative supports the development and modification of simulation tools used to study radiation damage effects. We discuss the development and modification to the DL_POLY molecular dynamics (MD) code. Using the newly developed tools, we study the effects of radiation damage related to the safe encapsulation of highly radioactive materials, including nuclear waste. We address the possible differences between the radiation damage in the bulk and at the surface of a material, and perform MD simulations of energetic events in zircon structure. We find that in the case of readily amorphizable material, the formation of a stable alternative covalent network reduces the possible effect of the surface on the damaged structure.

Density Functional Theory Models for Radiation Damage*

Annual Review of Materials Research, 2013

Density functional theory models developed over the past decade provide unique information about the structure of nanoscale defects produced by irradiation and about the nature of short-range interaction between radiation defects, clustering of defects, and their migration pathways. These ab initio models, involving no experimental input parameters, appear to be as quantitatively accurate and informative as the most advanced experimental techniques developed for the observation of radiation damage phenomena. Density functional theory models have effectively created a new paradigm for the scientific investigation and assessment of radiation damage effects, offering new insight into the origin of temperature-and dose-dependent response of materials to irradiation, a problem of pivotal significance for applications. 35 Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 2013.43:35-61. Downloaded from by University of Oxford -Bodleian Library on 07/08/13. For personal use only. Further ANNUAL REVIEWS 36 Dudarev Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 2013.43:35-61. Downloaded from by University of Oxford -Bodleian Library on 07/08/13. For personal use only.

Radiation-induced damage and evolution of defects in Mo

Physical Review B, 2011

The formation of defects in bcc Mo lattice as a result of 50-keV Xe bombardment is studied via atomistic simulation with an interatomic potential developed using the force-matching ab initio based approach. The defect evolution in the cascade is described. Diffusion and interaction of interstitials and vacancies are analyzed. Only small interstitial atom clusters form directly in the cascade. Larger clusters grow only via aggregation at temperatures up to 2000 K. Stable forms of clusters demonstrate one-dimensional diffusion with a very high diffusion coefficient and escape quickly to the open surface. Point vacancies have much lower diffusivity and do not aggregate. The possibility of a large prismatic vacancy loop formation near the impact surface as a result of fast recrystallization is revealed. The mobility of the vacancy dislocation loop segments is high, however, the motion of the entire loops is strongly hindered by neighbor point defects. This paper explains the existence of the large prismatic vacancy loops and the absence of the interstitial loops in the recent experiments with ion irradiation of Mo foils.

Analysis of the accumulation of radiation damage in selected crystals

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2008

Damage accumulation in SiC and MgAl 2 O 4 was interpreted in the framework of the multi step damage accumulation (MSDA) model. The concept is based on the assumption that damage build-ups occur in several stages, each step being triggered by the destabilization of the current structural organization of the material. The analysis of the damaging process may thus be regarded as an identification of the current structure at each subsequent step of the damage build-up and of the forces leading to the destabilization of current structure. The analysis of mechanical properties provides a useful tool for this purpose by allowing the recognition of the mechanisms of phase transformations and helping to clarify the detailed structures of irradiated materials.

The nature of high-energy radiation damage in iron

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2013

Understanding and predicting a material's performance in response to high-energy radiation damage, as well as designing future materials to be used in intense radiation environments, requires the knowledge of the structure, morphology and amount of radiation-induced structural changes 1-5. We report the results of molecular dynamics simulations of high-energy radiation damage in iron in the range 0.2-0.5 MeV. We analyze and quantify the nature of collision cascades both at the global and local scale. We find that the structure of high-energy collision cascades becomes increasingly continuous as opposed to showing sub-cascade branching reported previously. At the local length scale, we find large defect clusters and novel small vacancy and interstitial clusters. These features form the basis for physical models aimed at understanding the effects of high energy radiation damage in structural materials.

Dependence of radiation damage accumulation in iron on underlying models of displacement cascades and subsequent defect migration

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2006

Groups of displacement cascades calculated independently with different simulation models and computer codes are compared on a statistical basis. The parameters used for this comparison are the number of Frenkel pairs (FP) produced, the percentages of vacancies and self-interstitial atoms (SIAs) in clusters, the spatial extent and the aspect ratio of the vacancies and the SIAs formed in each cascade. One group of cascades was generated in the binary collision approximation (BCA) and all others by full molecular dynamics (MD). The MD results differ primarily due to the empirical interatomic potentials used and, to some extent, in code strategies. Cascades were generated in simulation boxes at different initial equilibrium temperatures. Only modest differences in the predicted numbers of FP are observed, but the other cascade parameters may differ by more than 100%. The consequences of these differences on long-term cluster growth in a radiation environment are examined by means of object kinetic Monte Carlo (OKMC) simulations. These were repeated with three different parameterizations of SIA and SIA cluster mobility. The differences encompassed low to high mobility, one-and three-dimensional migration of clusters, and complete immobility of large clusters. The OKMC evolution was followed until 0.1 dpa was reached. With the range of OKMC parameters used, cluster populations after 0.1 dpa differ by orders of magnitude. Using the groups of cascades from different sources induced no difference larger than a factor of 2 in the OKMC results. No correlation could be identified between the cascade parameters considered and the number densities of vacancies and SIAs predicted by OKMC to cluster in the long term. However, use of random point defect distributions instead of those obtained for displacement cascades as input for the OKMC modeling led to significantly different results.