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วารสารวิชาการและวิจัย มทร.พระนคร, 13(2) : 106-118The Thai wisdom knows the benefits of Carissa carandas L. to be used as a traditional herbal medicine. However, there was no scientific evidence to show that Carissa carandas L. of Thailand can treat gout or not. In this research, the Carissa carandas L. fruit extract in semi-ripening and ripe stage were studied for the phytochemical and inhibitory activity of xanthine oxidase, one of the causes of gout. The result of hytochemical indicated that the crude extract from semi-ripening stage fruit contained many substances; phenolic compounds, alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, saponins and deoxy sugars. While the ripe stage fruit contained the similar substances excepted saponins. The extract solution of Carissa carandas L. showed the xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity, as the ethanolic extract solution gave the higher activity than water extract solution. The crude extracts of semi-ripening stage fruit presented the higher activity th...

สตริงออร์เคสตราและฟลูต : ความสัมพันธ์ทางการทูตครบรอบ 60 ปี ระหว่างประเทศไทยและเกาหลีใต้

Rangsit Music Journal, 2020

Musical composition “String Orchestra and Flute” composed to celebrate the Korea-Thailand sixtieth anniversary of the diplomatic relations. The composition conveys different cultural aspects of the two countries. Compositional materials are based on Thai rhythmic pattern, Thai melody—Kangkaw Kin Kluay—and Korean musical modes, especially P’yŏngjo, Kyemyŏnjo, and Oeumgae (Five Notes System). The main motive is a collection of E, F, and A or set of (015) derived from 60th anniversary. This neotonal composition comprised motivic development, variation in fragmentation, and quartal/quintal chord.

การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบแนวคิดเรื่องพระเคราะห์ ทศา และนรลักษณ์ในคัมภีร์พฤหัตปาราศรโหราศาสตร์และตำราพรหมชาติฉบับราษฎร์ของไทย (A Comparative Study of the Concept of Planets, Daśās and Physiognomy in Bṛhatpārāśara-Horāśāstra and Thai Brahmajāti Popular Edition)

Ph.D. Thesis (Sanskrit Studies), Silpakorn University, 2019

The objective of this thesis is to provide the transliteration and the translation of the chapter relating to the concepts of the planets, Daśās and the physiognomy of Bṛhatpārāśara-horāśāstra from Sanskrit into Thai, and to explore and compare these concepts as stated in Bṛhatpārāśara-horāśāstra with Thai Brahmajāti popular edition. The result of this study reveals that it is possible that Brahmajāti could be influenced by Indian thoughts due to the fact that the astrological concepts resemble Bṛhatpārāśara-horāśāstra, especially the concepts of the planets and Daśās. As for the concepts of the planets, their names in Brahmajāti have derived from Pali and Sanskrit which share the same etymology with the planets’ names in Bṛhatpārāśara-horāśāstra in terms of the meaning of the origin, the character and the position. Nevertheless, it is worth noted that according to Brahmajāti, the planets are created by lord Īśvara. The characters and the relationships of the planets in Bṛhatpārāśara-horāśāstra and Brahmajāti illustrates some differences. Still, the essential dignities of the planets such as rulership, exaltation and debilitation are similar. Concerning the conpets of Daśā, Brahmajāti calls out Daśā as “Thaksa” and Mahathaksa is also similar to the Aṣṭottarīdaśā in Bṛhatpārāśara-horāśāstra including the total age of 108 years, the age of the planets and the calculation of the span of the planet’s Daśā and the planet’s Antardaśā. Only the calculation of the first planet’s Daśā is different. In fact, Bṛhatpārāśara-horāśāstra is more concerned by the period of the moon in natal nakṣatra whereas Brahmajāti is concerned by the native’s lord of birthday. Bṛhatpārāśara-horāśāstra and Brahmajāti both calculate the span of the planets in Daśā system by cross-multiplication. However, the prediction in Bṛhatpārāśara-horāśāstra considers the planets’ essential dignities. It is interesting to indicate that most of the predictive texts are different. For the concept of the physiognomy, the predictions based on the effects of the characteristic features of various body parts as well as the effects of marks in Bṛhatpārāśara-horāśāstra apply specifically to women even though the last śloka of chapter 81 and some predictive texts in chapter 82 indicate that this can also be applied to men. However, the physiognomy in Brahmajāti predictions are applied to both women and men. The auspicious-inauspicious effects of the physiognomy of both scriptures are similar whereas the predictive texts are mostly different.

A History of governmentality imposed on autochthonous peoples in West Kalimantan 1771-2006 = ประวัติศาสตร์การบังคับใช้ระบบการปกครองของรัฐต่อชนพื้นเมืองในกาลิมันตัน ระหว่างปี ค.ศ. 1771-2006 / Yanuar Sumarlan


This dissertation offers a revelation of the important turning points, disjunctures, and ruptures in the quest to build a civil[ized] society of multiethnic population in West Kalimantan province, Indonesia. By examining these turning points, disjunctures and ruptures, the dissertation focuses on two main themes. The first theme is the attempts by foreign or local rulers-Muslims, the Dutch, postcolonial regimes, and post-1997 crises regimes-to incorporate the highly diversified "pagan" population of West Kalimantan's Dayak into a civilized society. The second theme is the reactions of the ruled groups-subalternized during the process of society building in different epoch-to maintain their relative independence from the incursions of 'foreign' or 'non-native' ruling elements. This dissertation argues that the category of "Dayaks" has been constructed loosely first by the Muslim-Malay coastal rulers and second rather coagulated by the Dutch and finally exploited by the Dayak themselves during the post-colonial regimes. The full-blown manipulation of the category of "indigenous" group is taking place after the fall of the suppressive Suharto regime in 1998. The loose construction of Dayak by the Muslim-Malay coastal princes is finally hardened by the Dutch who fully launch the indirect rules: racialization between the rulers (Dutch, Chinese, Eastern Asians/Indian, Arabs) controlled under civic rules and the ruled (Malays, Dayaks, and other ethnics) adjudicated under each own customary rules. The attempts



This study aims to conduct economics and environmental cost-benefit analysis of conservation economic cropping system on slopping area in DuPhong village, DuPhong Sub-District, Suntisook District, Nan Province. Cooperative design of 5 measures for conservative economic cropping on the sloping land was done by researchers and representatives of local farmers. 103 respondents of the target were asked to collect the information used to analyze the economic environment costs and benefits of conservation economic cropping systems, thereafter the net present value under the period of 20 years were obtained. In this study, cost-benefit analysis was conducted during the implementation of conservative economic cropping systems. Furthermore,

Ecosystem Services: Derivation and Critique of the Political Ecology Perspective (การบริการของระบบนิเวศ : ความเป็นมาและ การวิจารณ์จากมุมมองนิเวศวิทยาการเมือง)

Journal of Mekong Societies V, 2017

Ecosystem services (ES) is a concept concerning the relationship between humans and the environment. In the last two to three decades, this concept has drawn interest and has been applied broadly in international academic issues, policy making and environmental advocacy. However, the implementation of this concept regarding Thailand’s environmental problems remains in the early stages. This paper aims to stimulate interest, shorten the time and overcome difficulties in understanding the concept. It provides knowledge about preliminary ES by presenting the concept derivation and a critique from the “inside,” referring to relevant ES-related courses such as Biology, Ecology, Economics. The rest of this paper focuses on a critique from the “outside” in which the authors concentrate on a critique from the perspective of Political Ecology, which is critical of it and provokes a discussion of more serious environmental solutions. The paper concludes by indicating that ES is a dynamic conc...

หอยทะเลฝาเดียวของไทย (Marine gastropods of Thailand)


Marine Gastropods of Thailand Andaman Coastal Research Station for Development (ACRSD) Andaman Coastal Research Station for Development (ACRSD) หอยเป๋ าฮื ้ อ Donkey's ear abalone Haliotis ovina หอยงอบดาว Limpet Patelloida saccharina หอยหมวกจี น Rayed wheel limpet Cellana testudinaria หอยก้ นแหลม Top shell Monodonta labio หอยนมสาว Top shell Trochus sp. หอยนมสาว Top shell Trochus maculatus หอยนมสาว Top shell Trochus sp. หอยทั บทิ ม Button top Umbonium vestiarium หอยตาวั วน ้ าลึ ก Tapestry turban shell Turbo petholatus หอยตาวั ว Turban shell Turbo sp. ฝาปิ ดเปลื อกของหอยตาวั ว Operculum of Turbinidae หอยน ้ าพริ ก Nerite Nerita belteata หอยน ้ าพริ ก Nerite Nerita albicilla หอยน ้ าพริ ก Nerite Nerita polita หอยน ้ าพริ ก Nerite Nerita polita หอยน ้ าพริ ก Nerite Nerita polita หอยน ้ าพริ ก Nerite Nerita polita Vittina coromandeliana Vittina sp. Vittina sp. หอยจุ ๊ บแจง Horn snail Cerithidea quadrata หอยเจดี ย์ Turritella snail Turritella duplicata หอยขี ้ กา Telescope snail Telescopium telescopium หอยมวนพลู Screw shell Terebra sp. หอยหู Ear cassidula Cassidula cf. aurisfelis หอยปากเบี ้ ยวลาย Banded mangrove helmet snail Cassidula nucleus หอยนน Judas ear cassidula Ellobium aurisjudae หอยงอบ Calyptraea sp.