Real capacity of ropeway transportation subsystem (original) (raw)
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Highlights • CASWAT-G surface ropeway (CSR) is the fi rst system developed in Nepal • Application of green energies to CSR makes it independent running system • Operation of CSR by GPE and leg muscle eff orted energy is a special feature • The CSR is simple, low cost, sustainable, and environment friendly and safe and hence suitable to use in mountainous countries and • Nation can get benefi ts in public transport and in tourism by applying CSR system
Model of Sustainable Growth and Development of the Cableway Transport System in Slovenia
PROMET - Traffic&Transportation, 2011
The cableway transport system is very important for the Slovenian tourist economy. Within the Slovene transport system, the cableway transport subsystem has a specific role because it allows and ensures access to regions which are difficult to access or completely inaccessible by other transport subsystems owing to the configuration of the area. The quality and development of transport services are directly linked to the introduction of new cableways. New technical achievements, which are nowadays used in cableways, all provide greater capacity and higher speed of cableways, which, however, results in their higher maintenance and exploitation costs. The cableway transport system is being developed in Slovenia, but not on principles of sustainable development. This paper presents a model of sustainable growth and development of the cableway transport system in Slovenia based on which it is possible to determine assumptions for future growth so that the Slovene cableway transport syst...
Evaluation of the Tourist Path Carrying Capacity in the Belianske Tatry MTS
The aim of the study is to contribute to the knowledge of the path carrying capacity in the Belianske Tatry Mts and to propose the tourism regulation. We determined the criteria for the evaluation of the path carrying capacity and we created the limits and proposals for the using. This led to the criteria determination for general landscape use, which can be potentially used for the territory landscape ecological regionalization and optimization. We evaluated 3 tourist paths localized in the territory of the fifth (the strictest) degree of protection, which are in use during the tourist season (since 16 th June till 31 st October). Each path was divided into separately evaluated parts. There were: a) path from the Javorina village to the Kopské sedlo saddle (educational path), b) path from the Monkova dolina valley through the Široké sedlo saddle to the Kopské sedlo saddle (educational path) and c) path through the Dolina Siedmich prameňov valley.
Management and Improvement of a Forest Road Network
The road network of the public forest complex "Smixi-Avdella-Perivoli", which was constructed in the last 40 years, has served the management of this forest. Thus, gradually a satisfactory level for the forest operations timing and efficiency had been achieved. Due to technical and economical aspects that were prevailed at each era the construction of individual roads differs from the regular geometric standards. Yet the frequent use in conjunction with weather conditions have caused some damage to forest roads, creating passability problems, especially during the winter months. Overall, despite shortages in technical works and the poor condition of road, most roads are pretty good traced and cross woodlands with magnificent landscapes. This paper deals with the presentation of the existing road conditions and with the improvement of the road net and skidding conditions of the timber, in order to meet the modern needs of the forest exploitation.
Research of the local road network
A tanulmány arra tesz kísérletet, hogy egy kistáj példáján (Mecsekhát) keresztül, a működésbeli, alaktani és történeti szempontok alapján összefoglaló jelleggel bemutassa a községi úthálózat jellemzőit és vizsgálati lehetőségeit. A cikk további célja, hogy ráirányítsa a figyelmet a kérdéskör jelentőségére a történeti és földrajzi diszciplinák körében, különös tekintettel arra, hogy az úthálózat-vizsgálatok általában a főútvonalakra és a közúthálózatra koncentráltak. A vizsgálat alapját 18-20. századi kéziratos térképek, tájmorfológiai megfigyelések és néprajzi gyűjtések adják. A tanulmány négy községi úttípust különböztet meg és mutat be: a) gazdasági utakat, b) közlekedő utakat, c) dombháti utakat, d) országutakat, derékokat. A működésbeli szempontok alatt ismerteti az útirányok alakulásának sajátságait, az úthasználat és -karbantartás jellemzőit, a csomópontok jelentőségét és az utak helyi terminológiáját. Alaktani aspektusból aktív és fosszilis úttípusokat különböztet meg és megismerteti az utak bemélyülésének folyamatát. A tanulmány a történeti szempontok bemutatásakor konkrét, levéltári forrásokon és terepbejárásokon alapuló útrekonstrukciókat mutat be két-két szinkrón és diakrón példán keresztül. Kulcsszavak: úthálózat, táj, történeti-földrajz, környezettörténet, mélyutak, dűlőutak Several disciplines are dealing with the road and traffic analysis, from the point of view of this present study historical geography, archaeology, local history, the anthropogenic geomorphology, transport geography, landscape history deserve special attention. 2 All sciences regard roads as the tangible elements of communication and interaction and try to explore them, analyse them and show them in order to understand their function. Roads have messages for the present-day man. The structure, the 2014/I
Alternate Ropeway Transit System for Manpada Road
Civil Engineering and Urban Planning: An International Journal (CiVEJ), 2016
Cities grow in dynamic complex patterns, creating many problems. The study area of Dombivli-Manpada road has grown haphazardly in past decade due to population explosion. Manpada road attracts heavy traffic but due to narrow roads and inefficient transit options, it leads to severe traffic congestion, side friction, delays, stress, accidents and other problems. Alternate ropeway transit system provides a better public transit option and plays important role in reducing use of fossil fuels thus helping fight climate change. Total travel during peak hours is expected to double from 48000 to 88000 by 2031 which needs to be supported by various public transits. Cost benefit analysis is used here for evaluating desirability of project by weighting benefits against costs. Ropeway is expected to provide sustainable development, efficient and effective public transit option and contribute to protection and enhancement of environment.
From Linear to Nodal Transport Infrastructure . Case Study : Maramureş County . Romania
The issue of transport networks in spatial planning has been and still remains relevant because territorial development depends on the characteristics of their technical and spatial distribution. Transport network represents the “channels of territory” through which all other anthropogenic systems are connected and cooperate for well-functioning and development. On the other hand, natural geographical systems use specific transport and communication networks, some of which are also used in the anthropogenic systems (e.g. streams, river basins). The characteristics of the spatial distribution of transport networks are integrated in spatial planning, and once properly resolved, they allow the implementation of technical characteristics. The characteristics of spatial distribution of transport networks include the following: the network type (linear, circular, nodal); the network density (km/sq km); the number of arcs and nodes a network includes; the network arcs length (km); the numb...
Amrit research journal, 2022
Highlights • CASWAT-G (Circulating Cable Supported up down Walking Technology by Using Gravity) is a surface ropeway transportation system (SRT system). • SRT system is operated by harvested gravitational potential energy (GPE) from the users and the leg muscle energy applied by the users. • Presented technology is useful to apply in the mountainous countries that have high possibilities potential slope places it requires. • The system is simple, lowest cost over other transportation systems, and environmental friendly. • The system having efficiency above 80 % can provide transportation facilities to hilly areas people as well as to touristfor recreational purposes.
Problems and prospects of development of the road transport complex: financing, management, innovation, quality, safety – integrated approach, 2021
The monograph focuses on the problems and prospects of development of the road transport complex on the basis of the integrated approach. In Ukraine, the road transport system is one of the priority ones. However, its priority status is reflected only in numerous regulations. In such conditions the necessity of realization of scientific achievements and practical recommendations of development of the road transport system as a whole is actualized. The integrated approach to financing, management, innovation, quality and security has been applied. In order to eliminate the regional imbalance in the development of the state, as an urgent measure, methodological principles of support for weak regions have been substantiated and developed, which envisages its implementation in the short term. It is proposed to determine the rating of the best educational institutions in the region on the basis of mathematical modeling. Relevant clusters of educational institutions of the region have been established and systematized, taking into account their sectoral significance, form of ownership, efficiency of state funding and the amount of own revenues. Methodological support for quality management of transport and logistics services has been developed, which includes a certain procedure and a set of appropriate methods for implementing this activity based on the application of the scenario approach and algorithmization of procedures for obtaining possible states of operation of modern transport and logistics sector objects. A set of functional subsystems of an enterprise by analogy with the systems of a living organism, the activity of which is interdependent, which ensures the stability of the «living organism» of the enterprise to the influence of external conditions has been formed. The process of determining and assessing the competencies of employees on the basis of the modern assessment technology «Assessment Center» has been formed. The program of development of corporate social responsibility at internal and external levels of implementation taking into account features of various groups of stakeholders is offered. The combined safety management system «behavior + transport status + infrastructure + permanent monitoring + post-accident services» is offered. The proposed theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of the development of the road transport system are of theoretical and practical interest to scientists, entrepreneurs and government agencies.
Mogućnosti za smanjenje negativnog utjecaja broja transportera u sustavu transporta ugljena
Belt conveyors are usually applied in coal conveyance, whether the reference is made to conveyance in mines themselves or from mines to the nearest consumers. These conveyance systems have often a large number of transporting units, which may have a negative impact on the system reliability and the environment. This paper deals with the possibilities for reducing the number of conveyors in a coal conveyance system by maximizing the conveyor length and the possibility of applying horizontal bend conveyors.