Estimación del crecimiento de Lutjanus peru (Pisces: Lutjanidae) basado en capturas artesanales experimentales realizadas en el Parque Nacional Natural Gorgona y su área de influencia, océano Pacífico colombiano (original) (raw)
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Investigaciones Marinas, 2006
Parque Nacional Natural Gorgona y su área de influencia, océano Pacífico colombiano* RESUMEN. El Parque Nacional Natural (PNN) Gorgona, comprende un territorio insular de 1600 ha y un área marina de 60.087 ha, se encuentra localizado en el océano Pacífico oriental a 27 km de la costa de Colombia. En esta área se efectuaron mensualmente capturas experimentales mediante pesca artesanal, entre mayo y agosto de las temporadas 2002 y 2003, utilizando un espinel vertical o volantín. Los resultados de las capturas de Lutjanus peru indicaron que su crecimiento fue isométrico y fue descrito por la función Pt = 0,0102·Lt 3,0349 . Adicionalmente, se estableció con base en los registros históricos de pesca científica del PNN Gorgona, que la talla mínima y la talla media de captura para L. peru ha disminuido significativamente desde 1990. Los resultados de este trabajo recomiendan mantener la protección del recurso en el área marina del PNN Gorgona y avanzar hacia el manejo efectivo en el área de influencia.
Revista de Biología Tropical, 2014
Coexistencia de Lutjanus peru y Lutjanus guttatus (Pisces: Lutjanidae) en la costa de Guerrero, México: relación con la variación temporal en el reclutamiento Abstract: Monthly volumes of capture of Lutjanus peru and Lutjanus guttatus from the coast of Guerrero, Mexico, were analyzed considering eight annual cycles. Time-series, auto correlation, and cross-correlation analysis showed that monthly abundance of populations display unsystematic variations. The FiSAT software was used to obtain the recruitment patterns of both species, using length-frequency data. Our results support the hypothesis that temporal phase-shifts in reproductive events, hence recruitment, explain the coexistence of these species. The outcome of this mechanism is a temporal succession of specific recruit abundance off the coasts of Guerrero, Mexico. The uncoupling of the recruitment events between these species, induces a separation of recruits; therefore, the intake of a particular set of preys could take place at different times.
Coexistencia de Lutjanus peru y Lutjanus guttatus (Pisces: Lutjanidae) en la costa de Guerrero, México: relación con la variación temporal en el reclutamiento Abstract: Monthly volumes of capture of Lutjanus peru and Lutjanus guttatus from the coast of Guerrero, Mexico, were analyzed considering eight annual cycles. Time-series, auto correlation, and cross-correlation analysis showed that monthly abundance of populations display unsystematic variations. The FiSAT software was used to obtain the recruitment patterns of both species, using length-frequency data. Our results support the hypothesis that temporal phase-shifts in reproductive events, hence recruitment, explain the coexistence of these species. The outcome of this mechanism is a temporal succession of specific recruit abundance off the coasts of Guerrero, Mexico. The uncoupling of the recruitment events between these species, induces a separation of recruits; therefore, the intake of a particular set of preys could take place at different times.
Evaluación de la pesquería de Lutjanus peru (Pisces: Lutjanidae) de . Guerrero, México
Revista de Biología Tropical
Red snapper (Lutjanus peru) fishery was analyzed from landings and catch records. Stock age structure was reconstructed after the parameter values of the von Bertalanffy growth model, the length-weight relationship, ages and the natural mortality coefficient through each of nine years of cateh records. The Pisat software package was applied to assess population parameters, whose estimates are, for the von Bertalanffy growth model, K = 0. 1 442 to 0.38; lo = -0.2; L = 87 cm; W = 9.4 Kg, and the natural mortality coefficient (M) afier several methods (0. 14 to 0.38). Cohort size was assessed by the virtual population analysis (VPA), estlmating population size in 5.2* 1 06 fish with a biomass of 8 454 tonnes. Current fishing mortality P, ranges from 0.06 to 1 . 1 3, depending upon the chosen M value; according to this, when the M value used is low, the results suggest that the stock is nnderexploited, and vice versa. The yield per recruit model applied suggests improvements to the mana...
Revista de biología …, 2009
Reproduction and growth of the fish Lutjanus guttatus (Pisces: Lutjanidae) in the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica. The fish Lutjanus guttatus is important in the fisheries of Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica where they are captured with varied gear mainly by the artisanal fleet. We measured specimens from the commercial catch of 2002-2006. Gonadal state was determined macroscopically and age with otoliths The total length-total weight relationship was y = 0.0236x 2.8153 and total length-eviscerated weight y = 0.0216x 2.8129. Simplified relationships were y = 0.0173x3 and y = 0.0162x3. There is year-round reproduction with peaks in March (dry season) and September (rainy season). Male-female sexual ratio was 1:1. The age-length key for the gulf shows availability until the 6 years of age. The von Bertalanffy growth curve is L (t) = 65,9 (1-e-0,13(t+2,66)).
Revista de Biología Tropical, 2013
Reproduction and growth of the fish Lutjanus guttatus (Pisces: Lutjanidae) in the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica. The fish Lutjanus guttatus is important in the fisheries of Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica where they are captured with varied gear mainly by the artisanal fleet. We measured specimens from the commercial catch of 2002-2006. Gonadal state was determined macroscopically and age with otoliths The total length-total weight relationship was y = 0.0236x 2.8153 and total length-eviscerated weight y = 0.0216x 2.8129. Simplified relationships were y = 0.0173x3 and y = 0.0162x3. There is year-round reproduction with peaks in March (dry season) and September (rainy season). Male-female sexual ratio was 1:1. The age-length key for the gulf shows availability until the 6 years of age. The von Bertalanffy growth curve is L (t) = 65,9 (1-e-0,13(t+2,66)).
Desarrollo gonadal y ciclo reproductivo de Lutjanus peru (Pisces: Lutjanidae) en Guerrero, México
Revista de biología …, 2003
In this paper, aspects of the reproductive biology of Lutjanus peru that can be used for the fishery management are described. Samples were taken monthly in 1993 and 1994, from commercial catches in the southern coast of Guerrero, Mexico. A global sex ratio of 1:1.37 (M:F) was found, but the sex ratio was highly variable each month. The condition factor, gonadosomatic, hepatosomatic and stomach fullness indexes were analyzed. None of the morphophysiological indexes showed any clear tendency. From 377 gonads, both male and female, five developmental stages were characterized for each sex. L. peru shows asynchronous gonad development and multiple spawning. Two spawning period were observed in 1993 (March, and August-September) and three in 1994 (April-May, July-August, and November), with a maximun in August of both years. Length at first maturity for the females of L. peru was estimated at 295 mm fork length.
Revista de biología tropical, 2004
Monthly volumes of capture of Lutjanus peru and Lutjanus guttatus from the coast of Guerrero, Mexico, were analyzed considering eight annual cycles. Time-series, auto correlation, and cross-correlation analysis showed that monthly abundance of populations display unsystematic variations. The FiSAT software was used to obtain the recruitment patterns of both species, using length-frequency data. Our results support the hypothesis that temporal phase-shifts in reproductive events, hence recruitment, explain the coexistence of these species. The outcome of this mechanism is a temporal succession of specific recruit abundance off the coasts of Guerrero, Mexico. The uncoupling of the recruitment events between these species, induces a separation of recruits: therefore, the intake of a particular set of preys could take place at different times.
Hábitos alimentarios de Lutjanus peru (Pisces: Lutjanidae) en las costas de Guerrero, México
Revista de biología …, 2003
In this paper we describe the feeding habits of the Red snapper (Lutjanus peru) in the southern coast of Guerrero state, Mexico. This data could be relevant to local fisheries management. In total 385 full stomachs (206 from females and 179 from males) were collected monthly in 1993 and 1994, from commercial catches. Stomach contents were identified to species level when possible. Food items were grouped into taxonomically coherent groups, and their numbers, weight and frequency of occurrence obtained. The index of relative importance (IRI) was calculated for the total sample, by month, sex and size class. In 1993, a total of 42 different food items were obtained, and 43 in 1994. Food items consisted of fishes, crustaceans, and mollusks. The grouping of prey species, genera, or families rendered 14 food groups, as follows: Mollusks, Amphipods, Copepods, Stomatopods, Penaeus vannamei, Brachiuran Larvae, Stomatopods Larvae, Family Albuneidae Larvae, Other crustaceans, Anchoa ischana, Anchoa lucida, Other fishes, Salps and Unidentified organic matter. Anchoa ischana dominated the trophic spectrum in both years. Although, Amphipods, Anchoa lucida and Other fishes had important indexes in 1994. There was high variability in the diet composition by month. Nevertheless, in 1993, from February to August, crustaceans as a whole dominated the diet. In 1994, crustaceans only dominated in March and August. No differences in food habits were found between immature fish, males and females. The diet of the Red snapper varies as they grow, although the same food groups are found always. At the adult phase, in length classes over 261 mm FL, there is some degree of specialization, as they consume more fish, particularly engraulids.
Lutjanus peru o huachinango del Pacífico, es considerada una de las especies de escama más importante en el Pacífico mexicano. Los altos precios que alcanza en el mercado han estimulado su capturada durante todo el año, inclusive durante su época reproductiva cuando es más abundante. Se reporta que entre un 45% y 65% de las capturas están conformadas por juveniles y subadultos. Por lo anterior, actualmente la Carta Nacional Pesquera, cataloga al huachinango con estatus de sobreexplotado y ha recomendado el monitoreo constante del recurso. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue caracterizar las capturas de L. peru, a través de sus estructuras de tallas, sexo, tipo de crecimiento, condición y con base a evidencias histológicas y variables morfofisiológicas estimar la longitud de madurez (Lm), así como determinar las características de los estadios de vida adultos, subadultos y juveniles. Durante el año 2012 mensualmente fueron muestreados un promedio 30 individuos, producto de la pesca artesanal, en la Bahía de La Ventana, B.C.S. De cada individuo se registró la longitud total, el peso total corporal y el de sus gónadas, y se recolectó una porción transversal de la gónada (1 cm3) para realizar análisis histológicos que permitieran determinar el sexo de cada individuo, así como su ubicación en alguno de los estadios de vida: juvenil, subadulto y adulto. La Lm de L. peru fue estimada por tres métodos diferentes, y se seleccionó de entre las Lm estimadas, la que más se ajustó a las evidencias histológicas y morfofisiológicas de organismos adultos. Los resultados reflejaron que la pesquería del huachinango se sustentó en un 86% de organismos juveniles y subadultos. Las hembras, machos, adultos, subadultos y juveniles presentaron un tipo de crecimiento isométrico. Los intervalos de tallas para los organismos juveniles y subadultos fueron de 25.9 ± 2.9 y 29.3 ± 3.8 cm, respectivamente, mientras que los adultos se presentaron de 40 cm de LT en adelante. Se encontró que los adultos presentan una mayor tasa de incremento en peso que los juveniles y subadultos. El factor de condición presentó una relación directa con la época reproductiva (junio y julio) y además, evidenció que los juveniles y subadultos presentaron su mejor condición justo en esta misma época. La longitud de madurez que más se ajustó a las características de los organismos adultos fue de 40 cm LT.