Predictors of BMI among adults with down syndrome: The social context of health promotion (original) (raw)

1997, Research in Developmental Disabilities

The study explored the relationship ~[' diet, exercise, disability status, and degree ~?(social integration to Body Mass Index, an indicator of excess weight and health status. Subjects were adults with Down syndrome living at home with their .[amilies. Variables included a llO-item nutritional analysis and assessments ~?[' .[amily demographics, severio, ~f disabili~', and "'l~[estyle" variables, such as friendship and a~liation, access to recreation and social activi~, and level ~]" physical activity. A factor analysis reduced lifestyle variables into three distinet factors representing friendship, social opportuni~.', and physical competency. Factor scores were entered into a hierarchical regression model that compared the variance predicted by these factors to the variance accounted Jbr by diet, exercise, and health and physical status variables. Although the overall regression was not statistically significant, the final bh)ck of predictors, which represented friendship and social opportunity effects, accounted for a significant increment in BMI variance. Thus, even after the effects ~f diet, exercise, and physical status variables were partitioned out, the lifestyle variables remained potent predictors of BML Study conclusions are described in the context c?f current paradigms of health in the field of mental retardation and their relationship to inclusion in the community.