Dropout in Higher Education: A Review and Theoretical Synthesis of Recent Research (original) (raw)
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An Analytical Investigation of the Characteristics of the Dropout Students in Higher Education
Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 2018
Aim/Purpose: Student dropout in higher education institutions is a universal problem. This study identifies the characteristics of dropout. In addition, it develops a mathematical model to predict students who may dropout. Methodology: The paper develops a mathematical model to predict students who may dropout. The sample includes 555 freshmen in a non-profit private university. The study uses both descriptive statistics, such as cross tabulation, and a binary regression model to predict student dropout. Contribution: There are two major contributions for the paper. First, it identifies the dropout rates of each group, a finding that may be used to better allocate resources at higher education institutions. Second, it develops a predictive model that may be used in order to predict the probability of a student dropping out and take preventive actions. Findings: This study compared dropout rates of one and a half year of enrollment among Traditional Undergraduate Students. Two major ...
The deficient factual basis of the main explanatory models of dropout in higher education
Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn), 2023
In the last 40 years in much of the western world dropout rates in higher education have remained almost unchanged. Although student retention seems to be the most studied and discussed aspect, nearly every empirical study on the causes of dropout in higher education and even more the impact of retention actions carried out by universities, in most cases have achieved modest results. This paper argues that this fact finds its explanation, to a certain extent, in the nature of the methodological approaches and factual supports of the empirical studies that most of those actions were based on. In this regard, there are strong arguments and empirical evidence that reveal the deficient nature of the factual basis of the most accepted models, theorizations and measurements on dropout in higher education. Among them are those that underlie the models proposed in 2012 by Vincent Tinto and Adam Seidman, the two main current references on the subject. The most significant questions point to the low reliability of the inferences produced from the application of surveys, especially the national survey of student engagement, very recurrently applied throughout the western world in empirical studies on dropout in higher education.
Educação em Revista, 2021
Public policies are based on diagnoses of reality that, with some frequency, use social indicators and administrative records. The success of public action and of diagnostic tools depends, among other things, on an adequate definition of the phenomenon to be addressed. This article aims to problematize the current and official definition of dropout in higher education used by INEP/MEC, based on its guiding document "Methodology for Calculating Flow Indicators in Higher Education" of 2017, and point out its limits and implications. To achieve success, a documentary research was mobilized, bifurcated in methods of document analysis for government texts and data analysis for the Census of Higher Education. For the presentation of the reflections, it was opted, initially, to point out the importance dropout has in several public policies for higher education. Later on, there is the actual analysis of the subject of this article. The results achieved signal the presence of limits in the ability to express the phenomenon and, consequently, to instrumentalize public policies appropriate to the public problem, especially because the current definition does not deal with the motivations, ignores the reentries by considering the dropout as an act always terminative, does not commit to a longitudinal analysis and does not adequately dialogue with the purposes of higher education established by the Law of Directives and Bases.
The European educational researcher, 2021
Higher education dropout has been considered a major concern for several researchers in the field of education around the World. Although different studies were carried out to deal with the topic, they all faced common limitations. This paper explores the twofold research conducted to investigate higher education dropout in Education studies at two of the main Catalan public universities. First, a review of the different theoretical perspectives that tackled dropout was carried out to combine the direct and indirect dropout predictors. Second, some research was conducted in the faculties of Education in the selected two Catalan public universities to investigate the antecedents of higher education dropout. The utilized instrument discussed in this paper is the survey. In the first part, the predictors of higher education dropout were combined in a 5-layer model called the ¨Dimensions of Academic Dropout" wheel (Naaman, 2018). In the second part, the results of the survey analyzed quantitively revealed that dissatisfaction from the program and academic failure are the most important antecedents of higher education dropout in education studies in Catalonia.
This is the full technical report of a systematic review of the international empirical research on dropout phenomena at universities. The report offers a conceptual analysis of what dropout is and also an analysis of the research which investigates either determinants of dropout or effects of measures undertaken by universities to prevent or reduce dropout. The results of the research are presented in a synthesis. The project was commissioned by The Swiss Council for Educational Research (CORECHED). Work on the project was carried out in the period 01.03.2012-15.04.2013. Clearinghouse is grateful for the work done by the Review Group. The Review Group not only accepted our invitation to participate in the project, they actively took up the challenge as reviewers of all the relevant international research and the overall project. Clearinghouse also wishes to thank the National Library of Education, Denmark for competent assistance in the search for and procurement of the many documents on which this report is based.
Factors Influencing Dropout Students in Higher Education
Education Research International
Dropout students are a severe problem in higher education (HE) in many countries. Student dropout has a tremendous negative impact not only on individuals but also on universities and socioeconomic. Consequently, preventing educational dropouts is a considerable challenge for HE’s institutions. Therefore, knowing the factors influencing student dropout is an essential first step in preventing students from dropping out. This study uses a mix of qualitative and quantitative approaches. To determine what variables affect student dropout, we use a qualitative approach, after which the variables found will be validated by the public and stakeholders using a quantitative approach. Then, the next step is to classify variables using a quantitative approach. This study observes dropout students at private universities in Central Java, Indonesia. The findings reveal that personal economic factors, academic satisfaction, academic performance, and family economics are the most influential. The...
A Case Study on University Dropout: Perspectives from Education Faculty Students and Academicians 1
Research in Educational Administration and Leadership, 2022
This case study investigated the reasons for students dropping out of a university and the experiences associated with the dropout process of individuals who dropped out of the faculty of education in Turkey. We collected data from 10 individuals who dropped out and 8 academic staff members who worked in the same faculty of a state university in the Aegean region in Turkey between 2008 and 2018 using the criterion sampling technique. We collected data using semi-structured interview forms and conducted the content analysis. The results revealed that pre-admission factors (I), which are the factors of guidance, personality, system, family, career, and city play decisive roles in the admission process of individuals. These factors can shape their intrinsic and extrinsic motivation before the faculty admission process. After admission, the university processes factors (II) such as psychological condition, academic condition, social condition, organizational situation, appointment factors, military service, family situation, and financial situation are determinant factors on individuals’ intrinsic and extrinsic motivations in their university experience. After the dropout decision, individuals either drop out of the system or change department/university. Findings point out that the reasons for and process of the dropout are interdependent and divergent. Recommendations for future investigations and practices are presented based on our findings.
This piper describes Pcrsonality and Educational Environment Scales (PEES) aad a self-conceIt theoretical model, used in diagnosing dropout from educational institutions, as utilized in a follow-up study of participation and dropout in adult education classes. A dropout was defined as a person who after being present for session 1 or 2 was absent for the midpoint session and four successive sessions of a continuing course. The PEES form, measuring the student's rating of himself, his lecturer, the other students, and his ideal self., as well as his reasons for giving up the course, was sent to persister and dropout participants of adult education evening courses. A total of 948 PEES were received from persisters and 326 from dropouts. A factor analysis was performed on the data obtained from the PEES, and mean scale ratings were obtained; a matrix of over 13,000 mean scale and discrepancy ratings were produced. The findings of the study show that low discrepancies (or assumed self/other similarities) are associated with persistent behavior, whereas dissimilarity (or high discrepancy) is associated with dropout. (Cc()
Analysis of College Dropouts-Some Manifest and Covert Reasons
The Personnel and Guidance Journal, 1968
Most of the research dealing with college dropouts indicates that nationally about 50% of the studf1-3 attending colleges and universities drop out before securing an undergre degree. To be sure, some of these students return to college at a later and do, in fact, obtain degrees. Summerukill (1962) indicates that approximately 20% graduate at some college, sometime later, which would still leave a sizeable percentage who fail to complete their college education after once dropping out.
Dropouts and turnover: The synthesis and test of a causal model of student attrition
Research in Higher Education, 1980
The determinants of studeat attrition in institutions of higher education were investigated. A causal model was developed which synthesized research findings cn turnover in work organizations and on student attrition. Question:le:fres were distributed to university freshmen (N=1171). The data was analyzed using multiple regression and path analysis. Findings indicate that female dropouts are not coaaitted to the institution or to attaining a degree, did not do well in high school, do not beloa4 to campus organizations, do not believe that a college education will lead to employment or self-development, perceive an opportunity to transfer, do not find daily life at college repetitive, are no: satisfied with being a student, know the social and academic rules of the institution, do ,not participate in decision making, and d3 not meet with staff and faculty members informally. The findings also indicate that male dropouts are not comilitted to the institution, do not have a high university GPA, are satisfied with being 3tudents, do not believe that education leads to self-d velopment, find their lives repetitive, do not know the social and a;:ademic rules of the institution well, ana often live with their parents. (Author)