Functional relation between corticonuclear input and movements evoked on microstimulation in cerebellar nucleus interpositus anterior in the cat (original) (raw)

Relation Between Cutaneous Receptive Fields and Muscle Afferent Input to Climbing Fibres Projecting to the Cerebellar C3 Zone in the Cat

European Journal of Neuroscience, 1996

Inferior olivary cells projecting as climbing fibres to the forelimb area of the cerebellar C3 zone were investigated with respect to their cutaneous and muscle afferent input in barbiturate-anaesthetized cats. Climbing fibre responses were recorded from single cerebellar cortical Purkinje cells on natural stimulation of the skin and on electrical stimulation of nerves to m. biceps brachii, m. triceps brachii and to nine muscles acting as dorsal or palmar flexors of the paw (and, in some cases, the digits). The analysis was focused on the functional organization of convergence between cutaneous and muscle afferents onto single olivary neurons. Cutaneous receptive fields on the dorsal side of the paw and on the digits were generally associated with moderate to strong input from dorsal flexors, but little or no input from palmar flexors or proximal muscles. Receptive fields on the ventral side of the paw and forearm were associated with relatively strong input from biceps and palmar flexors. Climbing fibres with cutaneous receptive fields extending on the ulnar side of the paw and forearm usually received strong input from the triceps and moderate to strong input from dorsal flexors, whereas input from the palmar flexors was weak or lacking. In conclusion, the results indicate that the cutaneous receptive fields in many cases are associated with input from muscles the action of which would tend to move the receptive field towards a stimulus applied to the skin.

Topography and nociceptive receptive fields of climbing fibres projecting to the cerebellar anterior lobe in the cat

The Journal of Physiology, 1991

NIS 8740) 9 PHY 441 C2-F. EKEROT, M. GARWICZ AND J. SCHOUENBORG Furthermore, the class of receptive fields restricted to the lateral side of the upper arm and shoulder was only found in the lateral part of the C3 zone. 6. In the discussion, it is proposed that climbing fibres projecting to each microzone carry information from spinal multireceptive reflex arcs acting on a single muscle or a group of synergistic muscles. It is further suggested that each microzone controls the activity of the corresponding motoneurone pool(s) via pathways through the anterior interposed nucleus and the red nucleus.

Gating of cutaneous input to cerebellar climbing fibres during a reaching task in the cat

The Journal of Physiology, 1997

1. Task-dependent modulation of cutaneous input to climbing fibres projecting to the Cl, C2 and C3 zones in the cerebellar paravermal lobule V was investigated in awake cats during performance of a reaching task. 2. Climbing fibre responses resulting from low intensity (non-noxious) electrical stimulation of the ipsilateral superficial radial nerve were recorded as extracellular field potentials in the cerebellar cortex using chronically implanted microwires. 3. Response size, measured as the time-voltage integral of the evoked field potential, was assessed during three phases of the reaching movement, reaction, reach and grasp, and compared with the response size at rest. 4. At Cl and C3 zone recording sites response size was usually reduced during the task (7/10 sites). The reduction was most pronounced in the grasp phase, occasionally accompanied by a smaller reduction in the reach and reaction phases. In one case an enhancement was found in the reach phase. 5. Response size was also modulated during the task at four of six C2 zone recording sites.

Climbing fiber responses of cerebellar Purkinje cells to passive movement of the cat forepaw

Brain Research, 1976

The activity of cerebellar Purkinje cells during controlled and passive movement of the forepaw was studied in the cat. Burst responses characteristic of activation by climbing fibers were observed in Purkinje cells in lobules Vb and Vc of the cerebellar vermis and paravermis. The climbing fiber responses followed the onset of a movement with a latency ranging from 20 to 60 msec depending upon movement type and amplitude. Responsive Purkinje cells were localized in a well defined parasagittal strip very near the paravermal vein in lobules Vb and Vc. Cells within the responsive strip responded with identical response probabilities and latencies for any particular type of movement presentation. Responses were independent of starting paw position and direction of movement. Climbing fiber responses could be evoked by extremely small movements with most cells responding to displacements of 50/~m. The latencies and probabilities for climbing fiber responses were inversely related to movement amplitude with latencies as long as 80 msec for very small displacements.

Distribution of Cutaneous Nociceptive and Tactile Climbing Fibre Input to Sagittal Zones in Cat Cerebellar Anterior Lobe

European Journal of Neuroscience, 1992

Climbing fibres projecting to the cerebellar C3 zone (and the related C1 and Y zones) receive spatially well organized tactile and nociceptive inputs from the skin. In the present study, cutaneous tactile and nociceptive input to climbing fibres projecting to the X, B, C2 and D1 zones in lobule V were investigated in pentobarbitone-anaesthetized cats. From the present results and previous studies, it is concluded that the X, C1, CX, C3 and Y zones receive cutaneous nociceptive climbing fibre input. By contrast, climbing fibres to the B, C2 and D1 zones lack cutaneous nociceptive input. Tactile input was found in all zones. The spatial organization of receptive fields of climbing fibres projecting to the X and D1 zones was similar to that in the C3 zone. They were located on the ipsilateral forelimb, mainly its lateral and distal parts, and their proximal borders were located close to joints. In the B zone, more than half of the receptive fields of climbing fibres were confined to the ipsilateral hind-or forelimb. However, frequently more than one limb and parts of the trunk were included. In the C2 zone, the majority of climbing fibres had distal ipsi-or bilateral receptive fields on the forelimbs, often also including the headlface. Some of the bilateral forelimb receptive fields additionally included the hindlimbs ipsi-or bilaterally. The results indicate that each zone has a characteristic set of climbing fibre receptive fields, which is probably related to its efferent control functions.

Climbing fibres projecting to cat cerebellar anterior lobe activated by cutaneous A and C fibres

The Journal of physiology, 1987

1. Climbing fibre responses evoked on stimulation of the ipsilateral superficial radial nerve were examined in the forelimb area of the C3 zone in the barbiturate-anaesthetized cat. Climbing fibre responses were recorded in sixty-five Purkinje cells and as field potentials from the surface of the cerebellum. 2. In addition to the previously described A beta-fibre-evoked climbing fibre response, late climbing fibre responses were consistently evoked in all Purkinje cells studied when C fibres were stimulated. The latencies of the A beta- and C-fibre-evoked climbing fibre responses were 11-20 ms and 110-220 ms, respectively. In most experiments climbing fibre responses with an intermediate latency (20-30 ms) were evoked. It was demonstrated that this response depended on A delta fibres. 3. The long-latency climbing fibre response generated by electrical stimulation at C-fibre strength was evoked also during selective anodal block of conduction in A fibres (Brown & Hamman, 1972). Hence...

Movement-related inputs to intermediate cerebellum of the monkey. J Neurophysiol

Journal of Neurophysiology

AND CONCLUSIONS I. The primary goal of this study was to characterize the information about single-joint forelimb movements supplied to intermediate cerebellar cortex by mossy fibers. Discharge of mossy fibers and Golgi cells was studied while monkeys operated six devices that required movements about specific joints. Additional control experiments in anesthetized cats and monkeys established criteria for identification of mossy fibers and Golgi cells.