Principles and objectives of information and analytical support for prenatal care (original) (raw)
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Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan
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Prediction and prevention of preterm birth: State-of-the-art
Rossiiskii vestnik akushera-ginekologa, 2016
Частота спонтанных преждевременных родов (ПР) в мире в последние годы составляет в среднем 11,1% и имеет тенденцию к повышению [1]. Каждый год 15 млн детей рождаются недоношенными. На них приходится почти 75% перинатальной смертности и примерно 50% случаев неврологической заболеваемости [2, 3]. В настоящее время ПР рассматриваются не как диагноз, а как «событие», наступившее раньше времени и способное повлечь за собой ряд неблагоприятных последствий для новорожденного. Предваряя основное изложение опубликованных научных работ, необходимо сделать важное уточнение.
Prediction and management model of preterm birth
Annals of the Russian academy of medical sciences, 2019
Background: It seems relevant to study the contribution of socio-demographic, somatic and obstetric-gynecological factors in the implementation of preterm birth. Aims: Assessment of the prognostic significance of socio-demographic, obstetric-gynecological and somatic factors in the prediction of preterm birth and associated adverse pregnancy outcomes with subsequent validation of the prognostic model. Materials and methods: Cohort study with a mixed cohort. A retrospective assessment of socio-demographic factors, harmful habits, obstetric and gynecological pathology, somatic diseases, course and outcomes of pregnancy was carried out with the assessment of the status of newborns in 1246 women with subsequent construction of a predictive model of preterm birth and adverse outcomes of pregnancy using Regression with Optimal Scaling and its prospective validation in 100 women. Results: The most significant predictors, that increase the chance of preterm birth and adverse pregnancy outco...
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Parenting and Parenthoodas Research Domains
Psychological-Educational Studies, 2015
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Èkologiâ čeloveka, 2017
Арктический университет Норвегии, г. Тромсе, Норвегия 3 Национальный институт общественного здоровья, г. Осло, Норвегия Медицинские регистры родов являются ценным источником информации о врожденных дефектах и широко используются для целей мониторинга и контроля. В России в настоящее время медицинские популяционные регистры родов были созданы только в Мурманской и Архангельской областях. В Кольском и Мурманском областном регистрах родов собраны данные об исходах беременности с 1973 года, что позволяет изучать изменение частот врожденных пороков в течение сорокалетнего периода, включающего период социально-экономических преобразований и изменений в медицинской практике, связанных в первую очередь с внедрением методов пренатальной диагностики. Целью настоящего исследования явилась демострация на примере обзора ранее проведенных исследований возможностей медицинских регистров родов, созданных в Мурманской области. Благодаря популяционному охвату и проспективному сбору данных как об исходах, так и о большом числе перинатальных воздействий, медицинские регистры родов в Мурманской области могут использоваться как для мониторинга и контроля распространенности врожденых пороков, так и для эпидемиологических исследований с целью выявления перинатальных факторов риска врожденных аномалий. Ключевые слова: медицинские регистры родов, врожденные пороки, распространенность, Мурманский областной регистр родов, Кольский регистр родов
International journal for quality in health care : journal of the International Society for Quality in Health Care, 2021
BACKGROUND Nepal has made significant strides in maternal and neonatal mortality over the last three decades. However, poor quality of care can threaten the gains, as maternal and newborn services are particularly sensitive to quality of care. Our study aimed to understand current gaps in the process and the outcome dimensions of the quality of antenatal care (ANC), particularly at the sub-national level. We assessed these dimensions of the quality of ANC in 17 primary, public hospitals across Nepal. We also assessed the variation in the antenatal care process across the patients' socio-economic gradient. METHODS We used a convergent mixed methods approach, whereby we triangulated qualitative and quantitative data. In the quantitative component, we observed interactions between providers (17 hospitals from all seven provinces) and 198 women seeking ANC, and recorded the tasks the providers performed, using the Service Provision Assessments protocol available from the Demographic...
Possibilities for diagnosis and prediction of preterm labor at the present stage
Kazan medical journal
Preterm birth is one of the main causes of perinatal morbidity and mortality, which does not tend to decrease in rate. The risk of death in premature babies is 2535 times higher than that of full-term babies, and stillbirths are registered 813 times more often than in timely delivery. To date, there are no effective ways to prevent preterm birth. Therefore, the timeliness of therapy, which largely determines the outcome of pregnancy in general, depends on the effectiveness of assessing the likelihood of their development. At the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) Congress (2018), preterm birth is identified as a problem that has not yet been solved at the current stage of science and technology development. The result of the unsolved problems is a situation wherein the modern world over the past 60 years there has been no decrease in the premature birth rate, which is 9.5% of births and annually ends with the birth of 15,000,000 premature babies. The study ...
Демографічні результати запровадження допомоги при народженні дитини , 2013
Стаття присвячена дослідженню впливу запровадження допомоги при народженні дитини на тенденції народжуваності в сучасних умовах. Розглядаються зміни у перебігу процесів народжуваності в період після запровадження допомоги та істотного збільшення її розміру, вплив допомоги при народженні на зменшення майнової нерівності, соціологічний вимір впливу допомоги на дітородні орієнтації // The issue of impact of family policy financial instruments on demographic trends is of particular relevance in Ukraine, because some time has passed since the introduction of significant assistance at birth and there have been some positive changes in the population birth rate. Maternity grant at birth also significantly assists in overcoming income inequality. The contribution of maternity grants to the increased birth rate remains a debatable issue, since the effect of other objective birth rate factors cannot be ignored, in particular – the transformation of birth rate age model, the post-crisis compensational recovery and entry into active childbearing age of broad generations born in the 80s. In the last decade the childbirth intensity and the proportion of children of high birthorders in overall birth rate have increased in Ukraine. Positive trends in birth rates have reduced the depopulation and “softened” the demographic crisis. The most significant growth in the total birth rate took place in the period between the introduction of significant maternity grant in 2005, and the financial crisis of 2008–2009. In the period from 2005 to 2008, the increase in the total birth rate occurred throughout the territory of Ukraine, including the areas where there was no previous birth rate increase. After 2008 birth rate has been increasing slowly, and only in few areas. The largest increase in the share of the second birth was observed in the most crisis regions, East, South and Center of Ukraine. Increase of the share the third and subsequent births was observed equally across the country, most noticeably, between 2008 and 2011. The results of surveys in 2008, 2009 and 2010 indicate that the share of the respondents who indicated the influence of material assistance on their childbearing plans are stably at 12–14%. Positive changes have occurred in the dynamics and structure of birth rate in the short term after the introduction and increase of maternity grants. How much have the changes in the calendar of births impacted the birth rate, and how will the intensification of family policy reflect on the birth rates of real generations – can be reliably determined only in the future, at full completion of childbearing activity of modern generations of young people.
Варненски медицински форум (Varna Medical Forum), 2017
Всяка жена смята раждането за важен момент и изключително сериозно изпитание, но към настоящия момент у нас жените, които се подготвят за него, са малко. Анализът на достъпната литература ни дава основание да приемем, че отговорните фактори за недостатъчната и дори хаотична подготовка на бременните за раждането у нас са множество и имат разнороден характер. Цел: Да се проучи готовността на бременните за раждане и ролята на акушерката в подготовката на жените. Материал и методи: Проведено е проучване сред студенти дипломанти от специалност "Акушерка" на МУ-Варна (28) чрез пряка индивидуална анкета през м. юни 2017 г. Използвани методи-документален, статистически-анкетен, графичен анализ. Резултати и обсъждане: Студентите дипломанти на МУ-арна считат, че има съществени недостатъци в подготовката на бременните, постъпващи за раждане (89.28%). Студентите считат, че съществуват възможности подготовката на жените да се подобри (92.86%). Според тях въпреки ограниченията и неясните регламенти акушерките са основен ресурс за подготовка на бременните за раждане (67.86%). Повечето от анкетираните смятат, че акушерските грижи са един недостатъчно използван ресурс за обучение на жените (78.57%). Студентите предлагат разнообразни методи за обучение на пациентите-беседа (71.43%), демонстрация (67.86%), дискусия (39.29%) и тренинг (32.43%). Анкетираните считат, че пациентите ще бъдат по-добре подготвени за раждане, ако бре-ABSTRACT Introduction: Every woman perceives the process of giving of birth as a very important moment and exceptionally serious challenge, but up until this very moment, in Bulgaria, the women preparing themselves for this are not too many. The analysis on available literature gives us the impression that the factors responsible for the insufficient or even complete lack of preparation of pregnant patients for giving birth are too many and have a different origin. Aim: The aim of this paper is to observe the readiness of pregnant patients for giving birth and the role of the midwife in their preparation.