Lower Dimensional Representation of Text Data based on Centroids and Least Squares (original) (raw)
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Dimension reduction based on centroids and least squares for efficient processing of text data
Proceedings of the 2001 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 2001
Dimension reduction in today's vector space based information retrieval system is essential for improving computational efficiency in handling massive data. In our previous work we proposed a mathematical framework for lower dimensional representations of text data in vector space based information retrieval, and a couple of dimension reduction method using minimization and matrix rank reduction formula. One of our proposed methods is CentroidQR method which utilizes orthogonal transformation on centroids, and the test results showed that its classification results were exactly the same as those of classification with full dimension when a certain classification algorithm is applied. In this paper we discuss in detail the CentroidQR, and prove mathematically its classification properties with two different similarity measures of L 2 and cosine.
A Comparison of SVD, SVR, ADE and IRR for Latent Semantic Indexing
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2009
Recently, singular value decomposition (SVD) and its variants, which are singular value rescaling (SVR), approximation dimension equalization (ADE) and iterative residual rescaling (IRR), were proposed to conduct the job of latent semantic indexing (LSI). Although they are all based on linear algebraic method for tem-document matrix computation, which is SVD, the basic motivations behind them concerning LSI are different from each other. In this paper, a series of experiments are conducted to examine their effectiveness of LSI for the practical application of text mining, including information retrieval, text categorization and similarity measure. The experimental results demonstrate that SVD and SVR have better performances than other proposed LSI methods in the above mentioned applications. Meanwhile, ADE and IRR, because of the too much difference between their approximation matrix and original term-document matrix in Frobenius norm, can not derive good performances for text mining applications using LSI.
Document Representation and Dimension Reduction for Text Clustering
2007 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering Workshop, 2007
Increasingly large text datasets and the high dimensionality associated with natural language create a great challenge in text mining. In this research, a systematic study is conducted, in which three different document representation methods for text are used, together with three Dimension Reduction Techniques (DRT), in the context of the text clustering problem. Several standard benchmark datasets are used. The three Document representation methods considered are based on the vector space model, and they include word, multi-word term, and character N-gram representations. The dimension reduction methods are independent component analysis (ICA), latent semantic indexing (LSI), and a feature selection technique based on Document Frequency (DF). Results are compared in terms of clustering performance, using the k-means clustering algorithm. Experiments show that ICA and LSI are clearly better than DF on all datasets. For word and N-gram representation, ICA generally gives better results compared with LSI. Experiments also show that the word representation gives better clustering results compared to term and N-gram representation. Finally, for the N-gram representation, it is demonstrated that a profile length (before dimensionality reduction) of 2000 is sufficient to capture the information and, in most cases, a 4-gram representation gives better performance than 3-gram representation.
Information Retrieval Using a Singular Value Decomposition Model of Latent Semantic Structure
Proceedings of the …, 1988
In a new method for automatic indexing and retrieval, implicit higher-order structure in the association of terms with documents is modeled to improve estimates of term-document association, and therefore the detection of relevant documents on the basis of terms found in queries. Singular-value decomposition is used to decompose a large term by document matrix into 50 to 150 orthogonal factors from which the original matrix can be approximated by linear combination; both documents and terms are represented as vectors in a 50-to 150dimensioal space. Queries are represented as pseudo-documents vectors formed from weighted combinations of terms, and documents are ordered by their similarity to the query. Initial tests find this automatic method very promising.
Framework for Document Retrieval using Latent Semantic Indexing
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2014
Today, with the rapid development of the Internet, textual information is growing rapidly. So document retrieval which aims to find and organize relevant information in text collections is needed. With the availability of large scale inexpensive storage the amount of information stored by organizations will increase. Searching for information and deriving useful facts will become more cumbersome. How to extract a lot of information quickly and effectively has become the focus of current research and hot topics. The state of the art for traditional IR techniques is to find relevant documents depending on matching words in users' query with individual words in text collections. The problem with Content-based retrieval systems is that documents relevant to a users' query are not retrieved, and many unrelated or irrelevant materials are retrieved. In this paper information retrieval method is proposed based on LSI approach. Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) model is a concept based retrieval method that exploits the idea of vector space model and singular value decomposition. The goal of this research is to evaluate the applicability of LSI technique for textual document search and retrieval.
On the Use of the Singular Value Decomposition for Text Retrieval
Computational information …, 2001
On the Use of the Singular Value Decomposition for Text Retrieval* Parry Husbands, Horst Simon, and Chris HQ Ding* 1 Introduction The use of the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) has been proposed for text retrieval in several recent works [2, 6]. This technique ...
Latent semantic indexing is an optimal special case of multidimensional scaling
… of the 15th annual international ACM …, 1992
Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) is a technique for representing documents, queries, and terms as vectors in a multidimensional real-valued space. The representations are approximations to the original term space encoding, and are found using the matrix technique of Singular Value Decomposition. In comparison, Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) is a class of data analysis techniques for representing data points as points in a multidimensional real-valued space. The objects are represented so that inter-point similarities in the space match inter-object similarity information provided by the researcher. We illustrate how the document representations given by LSI are equivalent to the optimal representations found when solving a particular MDS problem in which the given inter-object similarity information is provided by the inner product similarities between the documents themselves. We further analyze a more general MDS problem in which the interdocument similarity information, although still in inner product form, is arbitrary with respect to the vector space encoding of the documents.
Currently, most approaches to retrieving textual materials from scienti c databases depend on a lexical match b e t ween words in users' requests and those in or assigned to documents in a database. Because of the tremendous diversity i n t h e w ords people use to describe the same document, lexical methods are necessarily incomplete and imprecise. Using the singular value decomposition (SVD), one can take a d v antage of the implicit higher-order structure in the association of terms with documents by determining the SVD of large sparse term by document matrices. Terms and documents represented by 200-300 of the largest singular vectors are then matched against user queries. We call this retrieval method Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) because the subspace represents important associative relationships between terms and documents that are not evident in individual documents. LSI is a completely automatic yet intelligent indexing method, widely applicable, and a promising way to improve users' access to many kinds of textual materials, or to documents and services for which textual descriptions are available. A survey of the computational requirements for managing LSI-encoded databases as well as current and future applications of LSI is presented.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2015
In day today life huge amount of electronic data is generated from various resources. Such data is literally large and not easy to work with for storage and retrieval. This type of data can be treated with various efficient techniques for cleaning, compression and sorting of data. Preprocessing can be used to remove basic English stop-words from data making it compact and easy for further processing; later dimensionality reduction techniques make data more efficient and specific. This data later can be clustered for better information retrieval. This paper elaborates the various dimensionality reduction and clustering techniques applied on sample dataset C50test of 2500 documents giving promising results, their comparison and better approach for relevant information retrieval.