戦後英語教科書の量的分析 : New Jack and Betty, New High School English, Sunshine English Courseの比較を中心として (original) (raw)

Nasō to nasasō no shiyō jittai no keiryōteki chōsa (ナソウとナサソウの使用実態の計量的調査)


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高校生の英文読解における意味的結束性理解,語彙・文法力,日本語読解力の関係に関する研究 : パイロットスタディ


Reading comprehension in a foreign language entails grasping the cohesion and constructing the coherent representation of the passage, filling semantic voids in the text. This preliminary research investigated the relationship between semantic gap filling ability, focused on resolving the cohesive voids, in L2 English reading (L2SGF), vocabulary and grammatical knowledge (L2VGK), and L1 reading ability (L1R). Forty-two Japanese high school EFL learners participated in the study. L2 semantic gap filling ability was operationalized as recognizing cohesive devices, such as coreference, replacement, and conjunction. The participants were given four written tests with multiple choices: L2 semantic gap filling test, vocabulary size test, grammar test, and L1 reading ability test. The results showed that the correlation coefficient between L2SGF and L2VGK was moderate with statistical significance, while that between L2SGF and L1R was weak with marginal significance. Multiple regression analysis revealed that L2SGF was influenced more by L2VGK (β=.58, p < .001) than L1R (β=.32, p=.020). The implication was that L2SGF would be achieved on the base of language knowledge of L2VGK, and that L1R might also be transferred to L2SGF. 1.はじめに L2 読解研究では,Alderson(1984)による提言,すなわち, 「第二言語読解力は,第二言語で の習熟度の影響が大きいのか,第一言語の読解力と共通の能力なのか」という問題提起を受け て,L2 読解力を,L2 言語知識(多くは語彙・文法知識)と L1 読解力から説明する研究が,1990 年代の前後を通じて行われてきた(堀場・荒木, 2002) .堀場・荒木 (2002)によるレビューでは, * 三重県立神戸高等学校