Tradisi Menggunakan Jasa Pawang Hujan Ditinjau Dari Aqidah Islam (original) (raw)
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Comparativa: Jurnal Ilmiah Perbandingan Mazhab dan Hukum
This research explains the local wisdom of Malay culture regarding the plain flour pate which is a traditional Malay procession that is encountered at every ceremony carried out by the Malay community which has Islamic meaning and symbols in it. The purpose of this study was to find out the perspective of Islamic law on the plain flour pate tradition and to find out the philosophical meaning contained in the materials used in the plain flour pate tradition. This tradition also has the function of offering prayers. The method used in this research is field research where data can be obtained through interviews and documentation. This tradition also has the function of offering prayers. The method used in this research is field research where data can be obtained through interviews and documentation. The results of the study show that the plain flour patting tradition does not conflict with Islamic law, this is because the activities of the plain flour patting tradition have meaning i...
Tradisi Islam Lokal Pesisir Cirebon
In cultural perspective, attitudes and act change of individual or social, and in many respects influenced by cultural interactionism and integration. As outer various cultural values contact with local cultural values, will be the basis in the formation of sub-cultures that stands alone with his dynamic expressions. For that reason, various dimentions life experience redefinition and differentiation in massif occurring and than gave rise to various socio-cultural its own problems. Let alone it impact the change in attitudes and the act dimention of individual and the coastas Javas communities in Talun subdistrict Cirebon district of West Java. Ritual acculturation of "Nadran" in Indonesia that called as a ritual of sea alms especially in subdistrict of Talun, Cirebon district presented cultural acculturation that pertaining the region activities.
Tradisi Kawin Colong Pada Masyarakat Osing Banyuwangi Perspektif Sosiologi Hukum Islam
Al-Ahwal: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam
Marriage is a sunnatullah which its conditions is determined by religion. However, the existence of marriage becomes disturbed when faced with the matter of tradition, such as the tradition of colong marriage in the Osing Banyuwangi community. This matter is because this tradition has no comprehensive formulation within nas, including alquran, sunnah, as well as ijima’. The colong marriage is a form of making a marriage proposal with traditional Osing wasilah. However, this marriage tradition creates social tension in the community such that there are some who feel aggrieved. There are several factors causing this situation, including: disagreement by parents, nyepetaken lakon, fear of a proposal being rejected, and different social statuses and economic levels. In Islamic law sociology with the theory of al-‘urf approach, consider that the colong marriage still considered of legitimate urf.[Perkawinan merupakan sunnatulllah yang ketentuannya telah ditetapkan dalam agama. Akan teta...
Tradisi Khatam Rayab Perspektif Islam
An-Nida : Jurnal Komunikasi Islam
Abstrak: Masuk agama Islam di Lembak pada Abad 18, awal mulanya dengan kitab khatam rayab berada di Desa Karang Baru/Merantau, Kecamatan Padang Ulak Tanding, Kabupaten Rejang Lebong. Sejarah kitab khatam rayab dalam tradisi Lembak terdapat suatu pusaka warisan leluhur sebuah Al-Qur'an kuno yang oleh masyarakat dinamakan Khatam Rayab. Sebelum masuknya Islam di Lembak dan masyarakat Lembak memakai adat bekatak sekubang dan judi sabung ayam. Al-Quran khatam rayab merupakan sebuah tradisi yang ada di Desa Karang Baru Provinsi Bengkulu. Al-Quran tersebut digunakan untuk keperluan pemecahan sebuah masalah sehingga seorang pencuri yang ingin meyakinkan bahwa dia bukan pencuri maka diadakannya sebuah sumpah menggunakan Al-Quran khatam rayab. Sebeleum melaksanakan sumpah maka pihak dari pemilik khatam melakukan sebuah ritual sedekah punjung kuning dan mengiris kemenyan. Dalam Islam praktek seperti ini merupakan perbuatan yang dilarang dan merupakan perbuatan syirik.
Titik Singgung Islam dan Kepercayaan Tradisi dalam Sĕrat Dahor Palak
Manuskripta, 2018
adalah jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola oleh Masyarakat Pernaskahan Nusantara (Manassa), asosiasi profesi pertama dan satu-satunya di Indonesia yang memperhatikan pengkajian dan pelestarian naskah Nusantara. Jurnal ini dimaksudkan sebagai media pembahasan ilmiah dan penyebarluasan hasil penelitian di bidang filologi, kodikologi, dan paleografi. Terbit dua kali dalam setahun.
Tradisi Ambruk Dalam Masyarakat Dusun Ngesong Menurut Perspektif Hukum Islam
Mahakim, 2022
Proposal is a step toward marriage commonly done by men to deliver their purpose to marry girls and ask the girls' parental blessing. Today, proposal in Javanese culture is various with the reasons of effectiveness in doing it and different situations. One of the varied proposals is that in Ngesong hamlet which is located in Tiron village, Banyakan subdistrict, Kediri regency. The phenomenon is tradition of staying overnight in a same house for the prospective bride and groom called ambruk. In this research, the researcher concerned in that entitled Ambruk Tradition in Ngesong Hamlet in View of Islamic Law. This research is a case study so that the researcher used the sociology of law for the approach. This is descriptive research using observation and interview in collecting the data. The research subject are Tiron village officials, the Tiron village chief, the village elders, the religious leaders and the people of Ngesong hamlet. Ambruk is a tradition done after engagement and determination of the wedding day with sumitting the prospective groom by his family to the prospective bride's family. Ambruk has two elements; the prospective groom helps his future parents-in-law at work and stays overnight at their house. In the view of Islamic law, helping them is allowed but staying overnight is forbidden. It is included in 'urf fāsid with concerns probably raising danger and sins of khalwah and zina, while the worries of those must be rejected as strong as possible. In conclusion, based on the concept of sadd al-dhari'ah that the tradition ambruk is not allowed according to the view of Islamic law.
Jim-Zam, 2021
The science of wisdom for the people of Banten is a belief that has been practiced for generations, because the people of Banten really believe in things that are supernatural, for the people of Banten by practicing the knowledge of wisdom they can overcome life problems, both socially, health, career, mate and business. Because the science of wisdom has the power to solve all problems of life, the knowledge of wisdom that develops in the Banten community is in the form of hizib and wirid, (in the form of verses of the Koran and prayers) which are aimed only at Allah, to ask his help, but in its implementation there are many deviations, which are not in accordance with Islamic teachings. In the implementation of the science of wisdom, usually the community (santri) learns from kiai who teach the science of wisdom in their pesantren, especially salafi pesantren. and the deviation , especially in the Nurul Hikm Islamic boarding school ah Bojonegara Attack B anten. The purpose of this research is to find out what is the science of wisdom, wirid, hizib, asror. How is the process of obtaining it and the benefits of the knowledge of wisdom, as well as its practice in society that is in accordance with Islamic teachings and those that are not in accordance with Islamic teachings. This study uses a qualitative method with an Islamic epistemological approach with data collection techniques using the Research library and research field. The sciences of wisdom, namely wirid, hizib, and asror are practices in the form of wirid and prayer that have spiritual power (ghoib) that are obtained by intention, there are teachers who give diplomas, fasting, wirid, istiqomah. As for the benefits of the science of wisdom, in the form of wirid, hizib, asror helping to fulfill one's desires, rejecting reinforcements (danger) and treatment both medical and non-medical, from the epistemology of the science of wisdom, namely wirid, hizib, asror , fulfilling the elements of its sub-ontology, namely epistemology and axiology. Abstrak Ilmu hikmah bagi masyarakat Banten adalah suatu kepercayaan yang sudah di amalkan secara turun temurun, karena masyarakat banten sangat percaya terhadap halhal yang bersifat supranatural, bagi masyarakat banten dengan mengamalkan ilmu hikmah maka dapat mengatasi permasyalahan hidup, baik secara sosial, kesehatan, karir, jodoh dan bisnis.karena ilmu hikmah mempunyai kekuatan yang dapat menyelesaikan segala permasyalahan hidup, Ilmu hikmah yang berkembang di masyarakat banten adalah berupa hizib dan wirid,(berupa ayat al-quran dan doa-doa) yang di tujukan hanya kepada Allah Swt, untuk meminta pertolongannya, tetapi dalam pelaksanaanya bayak penyimpangan, yang tidak sesuai ajaran islam.dalam pelaksanaan
Tradisi Pegi Tepat Masyarakat Desa Talang Petai Kabupaten Mukomuko Dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam
JURIS (Jurnal Ilmiah Syariah), 2018
Pilgrimage tradition in Indonesia is a phenomenon that has not been eradicated by the times. The more modern and sophisticated technology, the more pilgrims come. In each city and region there are many people who cult certain graves to the point that the tomb can solve their problems. The tradition of the grave pilgrimage or the term in Mukomuko Regency is "pegi tepat." It is a traditional practice carried out every year. Many practices that come from outside the teachings of Islam even there are deviations from the teachings of Islam itself such as: prostration on the grave, asking for healing, enliven the grave and combining between tradition and religion.
Pemeliharaan Alam Tabii Bersumberkan Pengetahuan Islam
Pemeliharaan alam tabii merupakan satu elemen yang penting untuk memastikan kesinambungan kehidupan manusia di dunia ini. Dalam Islam, kehidupan manusia tidak hanya terbatas kepada hubungan sesama manusia tetapi manusia juga diwajibkan menjalinkan hubungan yang baik dengan alam tabii. Kesejahteraan hidup yang dinikmati oleh manusia adalah akibat daripada hubungan harmoni antara manusia dan alam sekitarnya. Setiap kali manusia menarik nafas maka bahan yang disedut ialah gas oksigen. Gas oksigen ini dihasilkan oleh tumbuh-tumbuhan. Sebaliknya, tumbuh-tumbuhan sendiri menghasilkan gas oksigen daripada karbon dioksida yang di dapati daripada manusia dan haiwan. Proses ini akan berulang dan sekiranya ia terhenti, maka kemungkinan tiada lagi penghuni di alam ini.
ABSTRAK Pengupahan panen jagung dengan sistem karungan yang terjadi di Desa Bunga Mayang Kecamatan Jayapura selama ini tidak ada keterbukaan antara pemilik dan buruh, sistem ini sudah lama dipertahankan oleh masyarakat disana walaupun dalam beberapa aspek bisa saja tidak sesuai dengan hukum Islam Adapun permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah pertama, Bagaimana praktik upah panen jagung dengan sistem karungan di Desa Bunga Mayang Kecamatan Jayapura Kabupaten Oku Timur. Kedua, Bagaimana tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap praktik upah panen jagung dengan sistem karungan di Desa Bunga Mayang Kecamatan Jayapura Kabupaten Oku Timur. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah pertama, Untuk mengetahui praktik upah panen jagung dengan sistem karungan di Desa Bunga Mayang Kecamatan Jayapura Kabupaten Oku Timur. Kedua, Untuk mengetahui tinjauan hukum islam terhadap praktik upah panen jagung dengan sistem karungan di Desa Bunga Mayang Kecamatan Jayapura Kabupaten Oku Timur. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian ...