SLA-driven automatic bottleneck detection and resolution for read intensive multi-tier applications hosted on a cloud (original) (raw)

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Adaptive resource provisioning for read intensive multi-tier applications in the cloud Cover Page

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SLA-Driven Dynamic Resource Management for Multi-Tier Web Applications In a Cloud Cover Page

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Agile dynamic provisioning of multi-tier internet applications Cover Page

Improving Data Center Resource Management, Deployment, and Availability with Virtualization


This thesis would not have been completed without the guidance of my advisor and the support of my friends and family. Professor Prashant Shenoy taught me the key skills needed by any researcher: how to pick a problem, pursue it to completion, and then present my ideas to the world. When deadlines drew close, his ability to help me see the broader picture was invaluable for learning how to prioritize my efforts and produce the best work possible.

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Improving Data Center Resource Management, Deployment, and Availability with Virtualization Cover Page

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FC2Q: Exploiting Fuzzy Control in Server Consolidation for Cloud Applications with SLA Constraints Cover Page

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Two levels autonomic resource management in virtualized IaaS Cover Page

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Self-scalable Benchmarking as a Service with Automatic Saturation Detection Cover Page

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Cloudstone: MultiPlatform, Multi-Language Benchmark and Measurement Tools for Web 2.0 Cover Page

Black-box approach to capacity identification for multi-tier applications hosted on virtualized platforms


Abstract In cloud-based Web application hosting environments, virtualization offers the potential to exploit dynamic resource provisioning and scaling to maintain service level agreements while minimizing resource utilization for a given workload. However, optimal proactive resource provisioning and scaling for a specific Web application require, at the least, a profile of the application's current workload and a model of the application's capacity under various resource configurations. Here we focus on multi-tier Web applications.

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Black-box approach to capacity identification for multi-tier applications hosted on virtualized platforms Cover Page

Predictive Model for Dynamically Provisioning Resources in Multi-Tier Web Applications

In the competitive world of modern web applications , performance plays a crucial role. An e-commerce company estimated that every 100ms delay reduces sales by 1 percent, and a popular search engine reported that every 500ms delay in search reduces earnings by 20 percent. The demands from users for these services can vary widely based on factors such as the time-of-day and unexpected events that can trigger flash crowds. To meet these demands web applications can be organized using a multi-tier architecture to make them modular and scalable in a cloud environment. However, a highly dynamic workload and different types of resource requirements in each tier can make it difficult to model the behavior of these applications. This presents two significant challenges to infrastructure providers: 1) to model the behavior of an application workload and provide responsive resources using dynamic resource provisioning; and 2) to maintain performance-based (response time) Service Level Agreements (SLAs). In this paper, we formulate a convex optimization problem for resource allocation, and offer a strict SLA for performance. We adopt an SLA violation cost model to formulate our optimization problem and derive the solution for dynamic resource provisioning. To achieve a strict SLA for the response time of an application, we propose a predictive model that seeks to dynamically provision resources using a Feedback-based Control System (FCS). Our model is applicable for a broad range of multi-tier applications. We demonstrate the effective use of our model through experiments that analyze the behavior of an online auction application using a common workload benchmark.

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Predictive Model for Dynamically Provisioning Resources in Multi-Tier Web Applications Cover Page