Type Inference for Bimorphic Recursion (original) (raw)

Type inference with polymorphic recursion

ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 1993

The Damas-Milner Calculus is the typed A-calculus underlying the type system for ML and several other strongly typed polymorphic functional languages such as Mirandal and Haskell. Mycroft has extended its problematic monomorphic typing rule for recursive definitions with a polymorphic typing rule. He proved the resulting type system, which we call the Milner-Mycroft Calculus, sound with respect to Milner's semantics, and showed that it preserves the principal typing property of the Damas-Milner Calculus. The extension is of practical significance in typed logic programming languages and, more generally, in any language with (mutually) recursive definitions. In this paper we show that the type inference problem for the Milner-Mycroft Calculus is log-space equivalent to semiunification, the problem of solving subsumption inequations between first-order terms. This result has been proved independently by Kfoury et al. In connection with the recently established undecidability of semiunification this implies that typability in the Milner-Mycroft Calculus is undecidable. We present some reasons why type inference with polymorphic recursion appears to be practical despite its undecidability. This also sheds some light on the observed practicality of ML in the face of recent theoretical intractability results. Finally, we exhibit a semiunification algorithm upon which a flexible, practical, and implementable type inference algorithm for both Damas-Milner and Milner-Mycroft typing can be based.

Type Inference for Recursive Definitions


We consider type systems that combine universal types, recursive types, and object types. We study type inference in these systems under a rank restriction, following Leivant's notion of rank. To motivate our work, we present several examples showing how our systems can be used to type programs encountered in practice. We show that type inference in the rank-k system is decidable for k ≤ 2 and undecidable for k ≥ 3. (Similar results based on different techniques are known to hold for System F, without recursive types and object types.) Our undecidability result is obtained by a reduction from a particular adaptation (which we call "regular") of the semi-unification problem and whose undecidability is, interestingly, obtained by methods totally different from those used in the case of standard (or finite) semi-unification. 's [Hin97, page 104]. Be that as it may, the explicit connection between Robinson's first-order unification, published in 1965, and inference of simple types is due to Hindley and Milner. This is an instance of a more general and very productive connection, encountered again later between other forms of unification and other forms of type inference.

Programming examples needing polymorphic recursion


Inferring types for polymorphic recursive function definitions (abbreviated to polymorphic recursion) is a recurring topic on the mailing lists of popular typed programming languages. This is despite the fact that type inference for polymorphic recursion using ∀-types has been proved undecidable. This report presents several programming examples involving polymorphic recursion and determines their typability under various type systems, including the Hindley-Milner system, an intersection-type system, and extensions of these two. The goal of this report is to show that many of these examples are typable using a system of intersection types as an alternative form of polymorphism. By accomplishing this, we hope to lay the foundation for future research into a decidable intersection-type inference algorithm. We do not provide a comprehensive survey of type systems appropriate for polymorphic recursion, with or without type annotations inserted in the source language. Rather, we focus on...

On Polymorphic Recursion, Type Systems, and Abstract Interpretation

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008

The problem of typing polymorphic recursion (i.e., recursive function definitions rec {x = e} where different occurrences of x in e are used with different types) has been investigated both by people working on type systems and by people working on abstract interpretation. Recently, Gori and Levi have developed a family of abstract interpreters that are able to type all the ML typable recursive definitions and interesting examples of polymorphic recursion. The problem of finding type systems corresponding to their abstract interpreters was open (such systems would lie between the let-free fragments of the ML and of the Milner-Mycroft systems). In this paper we exploit the notion of principal typing to: (i) provide a complete stratification of (let-free) Milner-Mycroft typability, and (ii) solve the problem of finding type systems corresponding to the type abstract interpreters proposed by Gori and Levi.

A type system for well-founded recursion

ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 2004

In the interest of designing a recursive module extension to ML that is as simple and general as possible, we propose a novel type system for general recursion over effectful expressions. The presence of effects seems to necessitate a backpatching semantics for recursion based on Scheme's. Our type system ensures statically that recursion is well-founded (that the body of a recursive expression will evaluate without attempting to access the undefined recursive variable), which avoids some unnecessary run-time costs associated with backpatching. To ensure well-founded recursion in the presence of multiple recursive variables and separate compilation, we track the usage of individual recursive variables, represented statically by "names". So that our type system may eventually be integrated smoothly into ML's, reasoning involving names is only required inside code that uses our recursive construct and does not need to infect existing ML code.

Modelling general recursion in type theory

Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 2005

Constructive type theory is an expressive programming language in which both algorithms and proofs can be represented. A limitation of constructive type theory as a programming language is that only terminating programs can be defined in it. Hence, general recursive algorithms have no direct formalisation in type theory since they contain recursive calls that satisfy no syntactic condition guaranteeing termination. In this work, we present a method to formalise general recursive algorithms in type theory. Given a general recursive algorithm, our method is to define an inductive special-purpose accessibility predicate that characterises the inputs on which the algorithm terminates. The type-theoretic version of the algorithm is then defined by structural recursion on the proof that the input values satisfy this predicate. The method separates the computational and logical parts of the definitions and thus the resulting type-theoretic algorithms are clear, compact and easy to understand. They are as simple as their equivalents in a functional programming language, where there is no restriction on recursive calls. Here, we give a formal definition of the method and discuss its power and its limitations.

Type inference for guarded recursive data types


We consider type inference for guarded recursive data types (GRDTs) -a recent generalization of algebraic data types. We reduce type inference for GRDTs to unification under a mixed prefix. Thus, we obtain efficient type inference. Inference is incomplete because the set of type constraints allowed to appear in the type system is only a subset of those type constraints generated by type inference. Hence, inference only succeeds if the program is sufficiently type annotated. We present refined procedures to infer types incrementally and to assist the user in identifying which pieces of type information are missing. Additionally, we introduce procedures to test if a type is not principal and to find a principal type if one exists.

Type Reconstruction in the Presence of Polymorphic Recursion and Recursive Types


We establish the equivalence of type reconstruction with polymorphic recursion and recursivetypes is equivalent to regular semiunification whichproves the undecidability of the corresponding type reconstruction problem. We also establish the equivalence of type reconstruction with polymorphic recursion and positive recursivetypes to a special case of regular semi-unification whichwe call positive regular semi-unification. The decidability of positive regular semiunification is an open problem.

Syntactic Considerations on Recursive Types


We study recursive types from a syntactic perspective. In particular, we compare the formulations of recursive types that are used in programming languages and formal systems. Our main tool is a new syntactic explanation of type expressions as functors. We also introduce a simple logic for programs with recursive types in which we carry out our proofs. 1 Introduction Recursive types are common in both programming languages and formal systems. By now, there is a deep and well-developed semantic theory of recursive types. The syntactic aspects of recursive types are also well understood in some special cases. In particular, there is an important body of knowledge about covariant recursive types, which include datatypes like natural numbers, lists, and trees. Beyond the covariant case, however, the syntactic understanding of recursive types becomes rather spotty. Consequently, the relations between various alternative formulations of recursive types are generally unclear. Furthermore, ...