Descriptive Analysis of Financial Literacy: Evidence from Public and Private University Students (original) (raw)
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Financial knowledge plays a pivotal role to survive in modern society. The study measures the financial literacy level of public and private university students in Indonesia by distributing an online questionnaire to 608 respondents. The questions of financial literacy refer to the Standard & Poor’s Rating Services, which covered three subjects, namely numeracy and compound interest, inflation, and risk diversification. For this purpose, the level of financial literacy was conducted using descriptive statistics (Eviews). The result shows that there is 12% of the respondents from public universities answered all questions correctly, which is relatively high compared to private university students are at 10%. In addition, more than half of respondents are able to answer the question about numeracy and compound interest correctly, and inflation is 39%. On the other hand, the score is only 27% for the correct answer related to risk diversification. Financial illiteracy consequences are ...
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Administrative Science, Policy, and Governance Studies, ICAS-PGS 2019, October 30-31, Universitas Indonesia, Depok. Indonesia, 2020
In the advent of digital economy era, financial literacy is considered the crux to achieve financial inclusion. The existing body of knowledge pivots around personal finance and investment opportunities with a handful highlighting the influence of socioeconomic variables on financial literacy in young adults. This study aims at determining the financial literacy level of first-year students at selected Indonesian public universities with consideration to different disciplines of the respondents which might shape their financial literacy. Financial literacy is measured by financial attitude, behaviour, and knowledge. This study uses quantitative approach whereby survey data from 389 respondents are analysed and presented in descriptive statistics. The result shows that students with low financial literacy outnumber those with high literacy level in all three universities. A pattern exists with regard to the different study discipline and in general, female students are relatively equally distributed between high and low financial literacy group.
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Purpose of the study: Financial literacy has become one of the important policies of the Indonesia government. The improvement of financial literacy is crucial for a more stable financial system and reduces financial fragility. Our research is to examine levels of financial literacy, to identify determinants of financial literacy and to investigate whether knowledge is followed by financial practices. Methodology: This study employs the survey method, which includes questionnaires sent to academicians in Indonesia. Multiple regression analysis (MRA)is used to empirically analyze the relationship between financial literacy and its application in financial decision-making. Main findings: The respondents are financially literate with the same level of financial literacy. Socio-demographic characteristics influence significantly the financial literacy and the capability in cash flow management of the respondents. Further, there is a linkage between the knowledge of financial products ...
Financial literacy and its variables: The evidence from Indonesia
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The purpose of this study is to investigate and measure the level of financial literacy and its variables within the academic community in Indonesia. The strength of this study is that it extends the concept of financial literacy and its variables. This study explains how members of Indonesian academic community understood their financial literacy levels and the ways in which it can be improved. The study sample comprised 889 lecturers in Indonesia. The survey method was used to measure financial literacy and its variables which include subjective financial knowledge, financial behavior, financial experience, financial awareness, financial skills, financial capability, financial goal, and financial decisions, as reflected in individuals' financial behavior. The research data were collected using a quantitative survey and were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results confirm the relationships between financial literacy and its variables of financial awareness, financial behavior, financial experience, financial skills, subjective financial knowledge, financial capability, financial goals, and financial decisions. This study fills the gap in the literature related to the multi-variables of financial literacy. It provides information to assist policy-makers in developing strategies to increase financial literacy in society.
Sociodemographic Factors on Financial Literacy of University Students in Pekanbaru, Indonesia
International Journal of Economics Development Research (IJEDR), 2020
This study aimed to investigate the effect of socio-demographic factors, including gender, work experience, age, and GPA (Grade Point Average) on the students’ level of financial literacy within some universities in Pekanbaru. This study conducted in two state universities (Riau University and UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim) as well as in four private universities (Caltex Polytechnic University, Muhamadiyah University of Riau, Lancang Kuning University, and STIE Pelita Indonesia). The universities were the object of this study since they had collaborated with the Riau Representative Indonesia Stock Exchange in establishing a financial education in the purpose to develop students’ knowledge on investment products and personal financial management. The population in this research was 78.540 active students and based on Slovin formula this study used 348 students as sample. Sampling technique used was simple random sampling. In addition, this study applied descriptive analysis and Binary Logi...
Financial Literacy Among University Students: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business, 2016
This study investigates the level of financial literacy among undergraduate and graduate students. The study also examines the association between the students’ demographic factors and their financial literacy rate. Data were collected by distributing 800 questionnaires to undergraduate and graduate students of Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia, covering cross educational majors, ages, gender, education levels, marital status, income, and work experience. Out of the sample, a total of 348 respondents returned completed questionnaires, which gave a response rate of 43.5 percent. The findings show that on average 45.39 percent of the respondents answered the questions correctly, which is relatively low compared to what other studies found in other countries, such as Chen and Volpe (1998) in the US (52.87 percent), or Beal and Delpachitra (2003) in Australia (53 percent). It also seems that male students, students with economics and business majors, those with higher incomes, and more ...
Financial literacy consists of financial knowledge, financial attitudes, and financial behavior. To be financially literate is important in order to make a good financial decision. Young adult especially college students are facing tough financial decision in today’s demanding financial environment which will affect their financial behavior. This research objective is to find out the influence of financial literacy on financial behavior and how financial behavior influences on financial decision among college students. The research applied quantitative method with 337 samples as respondents taken from President University students. This research applied convenience sampling technique. The results of this research show that there’s a significant relation between financial literacy to financial behavior and from financial behavior to financial decision. Since parents are the first people for the children, they should give good understanding about financial matter towards their childre...
In this paper researcher presented the findings of a pilot study conducted by OECD International Network on Financial Education on 14 countries. The variation in financial knowledge, attitude and behavior were studied along with their relationship with socio demographic factors. All three parameters of financial literacy have a lot of room for improvement. OECD INFE developed a survey instrument that can be used for face to face and telephonic interviews. The survey includes basic practice questions and questions on socio demographic factors of the respondents. The survey was not conducted to rank order the countries rather it was designed to show comparison among nations in level of financial literacy. FINANCIAL KNOWLEDGE Financial Knowledgeable person carries at least some basic knowledge of the financial concepts. In a survey there were 8 questions related to the financial knowledge. Questions were easy to interpret and solve for a financial knowledgeable person. The score of 6 or more was kept as a standard score and it was surprising to see that less than half of the respondents were able to achieve this score. Example: A simple question on simple interest and then compounding was presented in the instrument and at least of the respondent's population was even failed to assess the impact of compounding. Similar was the case with the question on diversification.
Effects of Indonesian Students’ Financial Literacy on Financial Behavior
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effect of financial literacy on Indonesian students’ financial behavior. The data were collected using questionnaires. Respondents who participated in the study were 347 students collected using a convenience sampling method. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by applying linear regression using SPSS 18. The results show that financial literacy has a positive effect on the Indonesian students’ financial behavior, meaning that good financial literacy can convince someone to make better decisions about finances related to the use of funds in terms of savings and loans, insurance, and investments.
The Influence Of Financial Literacy Towards Financial Behavior
The ability to manage personal finance has become increasingly important in today’s world.The study about personal finance is challenging to be investigated, due to the rare ofresearch regarding this topic. This research is aim to know the influence of demographicfactors towards financial literacy and its impact towards financial behavior from the membersof SMEs under the guidance of Bank Indonesia in Banyumas. The research methodologythat used in this study is a case study with survey research method. Convenience samplingtechnique derived from non-probability sampling techniques are used for sample selection.The sample of this research are 83 respondents and used the OLS as the model estimation.The results of this study indicate that education significantly influences the financial literacylevel and the financial behavior level. Then, income also significantly affects financialbehavior, but does not affect a person's financial literacy. Surprisingly, the financial literacydoes ...