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Effect of Addition of Zero and Pole in Different System
ABSTRACT: The frequency response methods are most powerful in the conventional control system and step responses are commonly used in control systems analysis and design. In this paper, we will discuss step response and frequency response in different system after the addition of pole, zero in the transfer function. Some applications numerical are provided. A number of illustrated figures are presented to validate the concepts.
EXPERIMENT 5 TRANSIENT RESPONSE ANALYSIS Purpuse :The main purpose of software experiments is to introduce the computer-aided control system analysis and design. In this experiment, you will practice about transient response analysis by using MATLAB. İntroduction Rise Time : This time is represented by tr. We define rise time in case of under damped systems where the value of ζ is less than one, in this case rise time is defined as the time required by the response to reach from zero value to hundred percent value of final value. Peak Time : On differentiating the expression of c(t) we can obtain the expression for peak time. dc(t)/ dt = 0 we have expression for peak time Maximum overshoot : Now it is clear from the figure that the maximum overshoot will occur at peak time tp hence on putting the valye of peak time we will get maximum overshoot as Settling Time : Settling time is given by the expression Under damped system : A system is said to be under damped system when the value of ζ is less than one. In this case roots are complex in nature and the real parts are always negative. System is asymptotically stable. Rise time is lesser than the other system with the presence of finite overshoot. Critically damped system : A system is said to be critically damped system when the value of ζ is one. In this case roots are real in nature and the real parts are always repetitive in nature. System is asymptotically stable. Rise time is less in this system and there is no presence of finite overshoot. Over damped system : A system is said to be over damped system when the value of ζ is greater than one. In this case roots are real and distinct in nature and the real parts are always negative. System is asymptotically stable. Rise time is greater than the other system and there is no presence of finite overshoot. Results (Part 1) Specify the nature of the system response 1) 0 < ζ <1 underdamped 2) ζ >1 overdamped 3) ζ=1 crtically damped 4) ζ=0 zerodamped PART 1- 2 damping ratio ζ and natural frequency Wn Part 2 (rise time , peak time , settling time , and maximum overshoot values.) Part 2 (Specify the nature of the system.) **Transfer function= K/(s^2+8s+K) K=12 Overdamped K=16 Critacallydamped K=20 Underdamped K=50 Underdamped Comments : for k=12 (POLES and FREQUENCY) Results of the poles and frequency would have come out exactly the same but different output. In this case roots are real and distinct in nature and the real parts are always negative. System is asymptotically stable. Rise time is greater than the other system and there is no presence of finite overshoot. An overdamped response is the response that does not oscillate about the steady-state value but takes longer to reach than the critically damped case. Here damping ratio is >1 it is the response of a system with respect to the input as a function of time Plot the step responses C) EFFECT OF ADDITIONAL POLES Discuss the effect of third pole location on the step responses. For which values of , the systems can be modeled as a second order system? If the system has a cluster of poles and zeros that are much closer (5 times or more) to the origin than the other poles and zeros, the system can be approximated by a lower order system with only those dominant poles and zeros. (2 kutupla simetrik elde edilir reel kızma sonradan eklediğimiz 3.kutup 5 kat fazla akarsa ignore edilir.) D) EFFECT OF ADDITIONAL ZEROS Discuss the effect of zero locations on the step responses.? Effect of addition of zero to closed loop transfer function Makes the system overall response faster. Rise time, peak time, decreases but overshoot increases. Addition of right half zeros means system response slower and system exhibits inverse response. Such systems are said to be non-minimum phase systems.
Influence Analysis of Unstable Zeroes and Poles on the Stability of the Feedback Systems
Журнал електроенергетичні та електромеханічні системи, 2020
According to the theory of automatic control, there should be no behavior's difference between an object given by a set of transfer functions, which are respectively interconnected, and a real object, corresponding to such a theoretical structure with given transfer functions. Accordingly, a generalized analysis of the Otto Smith hypothesis regarding the stability indices in automatic control systems with unstable zeros and poles of second-order transfer functions is carried out. Due to the fact that the behavior of most technical objects can be described by a second-order transfer function, the main accent is placed on the second-order transfer function with a denominator with unstable zeros and poles. In the article, both the apparatus of transfer functions and the structural models of the appropriate level were used for the description, which made it possible to make their description evident. A generalized description of a second order automatic control system with negative feedback is made. For Influence analysis of unstable zeroes and poles on the stability of the Feedback Systems 53 such a system, theoretical stability criteria have been formed with respect to its parameters on the basis of necessary and sufficient conditions of stability. On the basis of the common description of the second-order transfer function, the study of automatic control systems with different variants of placement on the complex plane of unstable zeros and poles of the open system's transfer function was performed. The presentation of the material is accompanied by numerous examples, for which cases of transfer functions with both real poles and a pair of complex conjugated poles are considered. The case of both open system and feedback system is considered for each example given in the article. Both cases are illustrated in each example by bode plots and a step response. The researches carried out in the article are illustrated by bode plots and step responses, which for each example are obtained using mathematical applications MATLAB (with the library Control System Toolbox) and Mathcad. According to the results of our research, O. Smith's conclusions about the difference in the behavior of real physical systems with unstable zeros and poles and theoretically obtained models with similar transfer functions are confirmed.
Example: Suppose a linear system is represented by the differential equation d 2 y dt 2 + a 1 dy dt + a 0 y = u s 2 Y (s) + a 1 sY (s) + a 0 Y (s) = U (s). Taking Laplace Transforms with zero initial conditions, (s 2 + a 1 s + a 0)Y (s) = U (s) we see that the transfer function is G(s) = Y (s) U (s) = 1 s 2 + a 1 s + a 0. Remarks: – The transfer function is always computed with all initial conditions equal to zero. – The transfer function is the Laplace Transform of the impulse response function. [To see this, set U (s) = 1.] The transfer function of any linear system is a rational function G(s) = n(s) d(s) = b m s m + · · · + b 1 s + b 0 a n s n + · · · + a 1 s + a 0 where n(s), d(s) are the numerator and denominator polynomials of G(s), respectively – G(s) is proper if m = deg n(s) ≤ n = deg d(s) – G(s) is strictly proper if m < n. – For a proper or strictly proper rational function, the difference α = n − m is called the relative degree of the transfer function.
Feedback Control Systems Lab Lab # 4 Time Response Analysis
What is the Time Response …? It is an equation or a plot that describes the behavior of a system and contains much information about it with respect to time response specification as overshooting, settling time, peak time, rise time and steady state error. Time response is formed by the transient response and the steady state response. Time response = Transient response + Steady state response Transient time response (Natural response) describes the behavior of the system in its first short time until arrives the steady state value and this response will be our study focus. If the input is step function then the output or the response is called step time response and if the input is ramp, the response is called ramp time response … etc. Delay Time (Td): is the time required for the response to reach 50% of the final value. Rise Time (Tr): is the time required for the response to rise from 0 to 90% of the final value. Settling Time (Ts): is the time required for the response to reach and stay within a specified tolerance band (2% or 5%) of its final value. Peak Time (Tp): is the time required for the underdamped step response to reach the peak of time response (Yp) or the peak overshoot. Percent Overshoot (OS%): is the normalized difference between the response peak value and the steady value This characteristic is not found in a first order
Understanding Poles and Zeros 1 System Poles and Zeros
The transfer function provides a basis for determining important system response characteristics without solving the complete differential equation. As defined, the transfer function is a rational function in the complex variable s = σ + jω, that is )