Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the French Version of the Emotional Intelligence Inventory (original) (raw)
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Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue, Petrides & Furnham, 2003) in a French-speaking population. In summary, we found that (1) TEIQue scores were globally normally distributed and reliable; (2) the UK four-factor structure (well-being, self-control, emotionality, sociability) replicated in our data; (3) TEIQue scores were dependent on gender but relatively independent of age; (4) there was preliminary evidence of convergent/discriminant validity, with TEIQue scores being independent of non-verbal reasoning (Raven's Matrices) but positively related to some personality dimensions (optimism, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness), as well as inversely related to others (alexithymia, neuroticism); (5) there was also preliminary evidence of criterion validity, with TEIQue scores predicting depression, anxiety and social support as well as future state affectivity, and emotional reactivity in neutral and stressful situations (6) TEIQue scores were susceptible to socially desirable responding, however (7) TEIQue scores had incremental validity to predict emotional reactivity over and above social desirability, alexithymia, and the five-factor model of personality. Such results constitute encouraging preliminary findings in favour of the use of the TEIQue.
Frontiers in Psychology
Trait Emotional Intelligence (or trait emotional self-efficacy) is a constellation of emotional perceptions assessed through questionnaires and rating scales (Petrides et al., 2007b). This paper examined the psychometric features of the Trait Emotional Questionnaire Full Form (TEIQue-FF; Petrides, 2009b) in the Italian context. Incremental validity in the prediction of depression and anxiety was also tested with respect to the Big Five. Participants were 1343 individuals balanced for gender (690 females and 653 males) whose mean age was 29.65 years (SD = 13.64, range 17-74 years). They completed a questionnaire battery containing the TEIQue and measures of the Big Five, depression, and anxiety (both trait and state). Results indicated that the performance of the TEIQue-FF in the Italian context was comparable to the original United Kingdom version as regards its reliability and factor structure. Moreover, the instrument showed incremental validity in the prediction of depression and state-trait anxiety after controlling for the Big Five.
Avaliação Psicológica, 2020
The aim of this study was to expand the (perceived) emotional intelligence scientific assessment domain and to validate the Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale (SEIS) with Portuguese speaking adults. The research sample was composed of 2,380 subjects, all Portuguese speakers, with a mean age of 34.91 years. The factorial validity analysis produced four factors, similar to the international reference studies with this scale, which explained 45.56% of the total variance. In accordance with the theoretical and instrumental background, the four factors were named: Recognition of others' emotions; Recognition and communication of one's own emotions; Management of one's own emotions and Use of emotions. The adapted instrument presented valid psychometric characteristics for the assessment of perceived emotional intelligence, suggesting that the Portuguese version of the SEIS maintains the content validity and a regular structure, when compared to previously adapted and explored versions. Keywords: emotional intelligence; Schutte; factor analysis; statistical validation; Portuguese speaker. RESUMO-Avaliação da Inteligência Emocional Percebida-Validação Portuguesa da Escala de Inteligência Emocional de Schutte (EIES-P) O objetivo deste estudo foi expandir o domínio de avaliação científica da inteligência emocional (percebida) e validar a Escala de Inteligência Emocional de Schutte (SEIS) para adultos falantes de língua portuguesa. A amostra pesquisada foi formada por 2.380 indivíduos, todos falantes de português, com idade média de 34,91 anos. A análise da validade fatorial mostrou quatro fatores, semelhante aos estudos internacionais de referência com essa escala, que explicaram 45,56% da variância total. Em consonância com os antecedentes teóricos e instrumentais, os quatro fatores foram denominados: Reconhecimento das emoções dos outros; Reconhecimento e comunicação de suas próprias emoções; Gerenciamento de suas próprias emoções e Uso de emoções. O instrumento adaptado demonstrou características psicométricas válidas para avaliação da inteligência emocional percebida, sugerindo que a versão em português da SEIS mantém a validade do conteúdo e uma estrutura regular, em comparação com versões previamente adaptadas e exploradas. Palavras-chave: inteligência emocional; Schutte; análise fatorial; validação estatística; língua portuguesa. RESUMEN-Evaluación de la Inteligencia Emocional Percibida-Versión Portuguesa de la Escala de Inteligencia Emocional de Schutte (EIES-P) El objetivo de este artículo fue expandir el dominio de evaluación científica de la inteligencia emocional (percibida) y validar la Escala de Inteligencia Emocional de Schutte (SEIS) para adultos hablantes de lengua portuguesa. La muestra investigada fue formada por 2380 individuos con una edad media de 34.91 años. El análisis de la validez factorial presentó cuatro factores, equiparable a los estudios internacionales de referencia con esta escala, que resultó el 45.56% de la varianza total. En conformidad con los antecedentes teóricos e instrumentales, los cuatro factores fueron denominados: Percepción emocional de los demás; Reconocimiento y comunicación de sus propias emociones; Gestión de sus propias emociones; y Utilización de emociones. El instrumento adaptado mostró características psicométricas válidas para evaluar la inteligencia emocional percibida, sugiriendo que la versión en portugués de la SEIS mantiene la validez del contenido y una estructura regular, en comparación con versiones previamente adaptadas y exploradas. Palabras clave: inteligencia emocional; Schutte; análisis factorial; validación estadística; lengua portuguesa.
Personality and Individual Differences, 2008
The trait emotional intelligence questionnaire (TEIQue) was tested and validated using a sample of 352 German-speaking participants. A detailed psychometric analysis provided evidence in support of the reliability of the TEIQue (at the facet, factor and global levels) and the robustness of its proposed four-factor structure. Using a subsample of 150 participants, the associations between the TEIQue and a series of relevant constructs (Big Five, life satisfaction, somatic complaints) were examined, which also included data on other trait EI measures. Overall, the TEIQue showed theoretically expected relationships to all other constructs and incremental validity in the prediction of life satisfaction and somatic complaints over and above the Big Five as well as all other trait EI measures combined.
Personality and Individual Differences, 2016
This study tested the concurrent validity of the short-form version of the trait emotional intelligence questionnaire (TEIQue-SF) against the long-form version (TEIQue-LF), and the construct validity of each questionnaire. In total, 1889 Spanish adults (935 women, 954 men; mean age = 21.56 years, age range = 18-37 years) completed the TEIQue-SF and TEIQue-LF, the order of which was counterbalanced across participants. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the 4-factor structure of both the short-form and long-form versions, with marginally stronger factor loadings observed for the long-form. Bivariate correlations demonstrated a high degree of similarity in scoring on the TEIQue-SF and TEIQue-LF for each subscales and the global trait emotional intelligence (EI): well-being (r = 0.76), self-control (r = 0.69), emotionality (r = 0.78), sociability (r = 0.71), and global trait EI (r = 0.83). Overall, findings indicate that the TEIQue-SF is a viable alternative to the TEIQue-LF for research in time-restricted conditions where the completion of long questionnaires might be unfeasible.
Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire–-Short Form; Polish Version
PsycTESTS Dataset, 2015
The present study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Brazilian adaptation of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short Form (TEIQue-SF). In a sample of 512 participants, we tested model fit by bifactor Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM), followed by measurement invariance testing against UK and Chilean datasets of the measure. The Big Five Mini-Markers, Satisfaction with Life Scale and Subjective Happiness Scale were also administered as external validation measures. We obtained the following results: (a) final adequate bifactor ESEM model fit; (b) a significantly higher global trait EI mean for men (d ¼ .27); (c) high internal consistency for global trait EI (a ¼ .88), in spite of lower Cronbach's a values at the factor level (.60À.85); (d) high correlation (r ¼ .89) in the test-retest; (e) significant correlation between global trait EI and most of the Big Five dimensions (r ¼ À.66À.46), life satisfaction (.59) and happiness (.68); (f) evidence of incremental validity of trait EI for life satisfaction and happiness over and above the Big Five; (g) equivalent measurement across the Brazilian, UK and Chilean versions of the TEIQue-SF. We conclude that the Brazilian TEIQue-SF is psychometrically sound and can be recommended for research and practical use.
Personality and Individual Differences, 2016
The present study compared the psychometric properties of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) in Catalan and UK samples. The results showed similar means and standard deviations in the facets scoring higher in both languages, except for Adaptability (d: − 0.50) and emotion management (d: − 0.37). The alpha reliabilities of the TEIQue facets were similar and acceptable in both samples. The TEIQue alpha was 0.95 and 0.90 in Catalonia and the UK, respectively. All TEIQue facets were highly correlated in both samples, suggesting a coherent construct. The factor structure was investigated through exploratory (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) for 13 and 15 facets respectively. The four-factor theoretical structure was satisfactorily replicated using orthogonal rotation for 13 and 15 facets. Factor congruency coefficients were at, or above, 0.98 for both languages and both solutions (13 and 15 facets). As expected, CFA analyses of the simple structures of the three models yielded unsatisfactory fit indices, although these improved considerably after incorporating secondary loadings and correlated error terms. The cross-cultural stability of the instrument was supported by multigroup analyses. The relationships between TEIQue factors and facets were the same in both countries. The TEIQue psychometric properties were similar and robust in both samples.