Analysis of the quality of performance report of the local government on websites: Indonesian case (original) (raw)
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The study aims to assess the quality of disclosure in performance of the local administration report (LAR) in the local government which is published on the websites. Quality criteria are based on: (1) the information that should be disclosed according to the regulations; and (2) the comprehensibility format of the report. Using the content analysis, the results showed that the information published only disclosed 35.46% of the information that should be conveyed. The low quality of disclosure is caused by the absence of disclosing standard of the LAR. The types of information which are not presented or inadequately covered are only a small portion of information displayed uses graphs and tables, and information about performances and its measurements are not presented in a systematic way. Format of presentation consisted of a summary with very long narrative does not guarantee that the important information is conveyed sufficiently to the public. From these results, it is expected for the regulator to develop a disclosing manual of LAR containing types of information and format of presentation which can help the public comprehend the information. The findings of this work show that the quality of the transparency of the reporting made by public bodies becomes crucial for public accountability.
Financial and performance transparency on the local government websites in Indonesia
Journal of theoretical and applied information technology, 2014
E-government in Indonesia started since the issuance of Presidential Instruction Number 3 Year 2003. Local Governments are expected to provide relevant information related to their finance and performance to the public through the media that is easily accessible in order to meet the principles of accountability and transparency. This study has two objectives, that are 1) to analyze the development of the implementation of Presidential Instruction Number 3 Year 2003 with a focus on the transparency of financial and performance information and 2) to analyze the factors that affect the transparency level of financial and performance information in local government websites. To achieve these two objectives, we calculate the level of financial and performance information transparencies based on checklist and analyze the results descriptively then perform multiple regressions to test the influence of economic factors and characteristics of local government on the level of financial and pe...
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International Journal of Public Administration, 2012
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Analysis of Local Government Web Transparency of South Eastasia Countries: A Case Study in Indonesia
The aim of this study is to find out level of web transparency of local government organization among ASEAN countries with Indonesia as the case study. Indonesia has 416 regencies and 97 cities. However, only 148 regencies and 38 cities can be analysed further due to out of criteria. Local government that were included in the analysis only when the local governments publish their Financial Statement in their websites. Data were collected by using content analysis. The Web Transparency was measured by using combination of Municipalities Transparency Index and Digital Transparency Index. 8 dimensions developed by da Cruz and Gary (2015) were regrouped into 3 variables: General Information; Managerial and Administrative; and Relationship with External Parties. Transparency levels were measured by category developed by Kharisma (2018). The results found out that local governments in Indonesia have general information disclosed (39.02%), Managerial and Administrative (44.77%), and Relationship with External Parties (54.58%). In general, Local Government in Indonesia is still categorized as Lack of Transparency (46.12%). The results of this study are expected to enrich knowledge related to Management Information Systems and improve information system management at Local Government in South East Asia especially in Indonesia..
This paper investigates three basic qualitative epithets of Government Financial Statements. These are the adequacy of the financial reporting statements in meeting the information need of diverse user groups in the country, reports utilization, and compliance of the statements with the statutory requirements. To accomplish the objectives of this paper, three hypotheses were formulated and tested. On the basis of these hypotheses, personal interview and government financial statement evaluation questionnaire were used as research instruments. The descriptive and parametric statistics were employed in analysing the data and testing the hypotheses, respectively. The paper revealed that the Government Financial Statements, in the present form, significantly comply with statutory laws but inadequate for report utilisation. There is high desire by the user groups for a more comprehensive and informative Government Financial Statements. Consequently, to improve the quality of the financial statements, it is recommended that the financial reports should be simplified with special financial reports based on users’ request. The need for emphasis on external reporting over stewardship reporting is strongly advocated. These will add value to the usefulness of Government Financial Statements.
Scholars Bulletin
This study was conducted with the aim to determine the effects of local government size, income per capita, local government wealth and audit opinion on the quality of internet financial reporting disclosures in local governments in accordance with Minister of Home Affairs Instruction No. 188.52/1797/SJ. The population in this study was all the official websites of the provincial governments in Indonesia, which covered 34 provinces. The samples in this study were all the official websites of the provincial governments in Indonesia with the observation years of 2015-2017, so the total amount of data in this study was 102 data (34 x 3 years). The samples in this study were selected using the survey data method on the official websites of the Provincial Governments in Indonesia. The results showed that the size of the local government had a significant effect on the quality of internet financial reporting disclosures in local governments, while income per capita, local wealth and audit opinion did not affect the quality of internet financial reporting disclosures in local governments.