The difference of student’s activities and learning outcome with problem based learning using macromedia flash and handout (original) (raw)

The Development of Interactive Learning Media Based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) Using Macromedia Flash 8


The study aims to produce an interactive learning media based problem based learning (pbl) use macromedia flash 8 of basic technology automotive subject that worthy, effective use, easy to learn and easy to use. The type of research is a development research that use Borg and Gall product development models. The learning product development model is a model that is arranged systematically and meets the characteristics. The process making this product the following stgaes : preliminary study, planning and development, validation, media test.The result of hypotesis testing indicates that there is differen the students outcomes learn by using interactive learning media with the students who are taught without using interactive learning media. This concluded from results of data prosessing where Fhitung < Ftabel that is 1,348 < 1,738 at a significant level α = 0,05The final conclusion is the students who are taught using interactive learning media have an average learning outcome of 79,76 while students who are taught without using interactive learning media have learning outcomes of 72,33.

The Implementation of Problem Based Learning Model Based on Collaborative with Macromedia Flash to Increase Student’s Achievementon Solubility and Solubility Product in Senior High School


The purpose of this research is determine the students achievement on Solubility and Solublity Product is learned by problem based learning based on collaborative with macromedia flash.The population of this research was all of student in SMA Negeri 10 Medan grade XI Science. The samples were 2 class from student in SMAN 10 Medan by purposive random sampling methods. The experimental class was learned by problem based learning based on collaborative with macromedia flash and control class was learned by direct instructional method. The instruments are using multiple choice test to see the student’s achievement. The instrument of research was stardardized by expert validators and empiric validity . Data analysis using Microsoft Excel for Windows 2007. The result of test standardized is 20 items with reliability 0.78. The result data shows that the student’s achievement taught by problem based learning based on collaborative with macromedia flash give higher significant difference tha...

Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Tests Based on Macromedia Flash on Understanding Concept Ability in PGSD Students of Santo Thomas Catholic University Medan

Proceedings of the The 3rd International Conference Community Research and Service Engagements, IC2RSE 2019, 4th December 2019, North Sumatra, Indonesia, 2020

The problem in this study is the lack of use of media in learning, the ability to understand concepts in learning is less effective, the lack of understanding in developing learning media. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of computer assisted tests based macromedia flash on the ability to understand concepts in PGSD students of Santo Thomas Catholic University. This research is using experimental research methods with quantitative approach. In field trials the average pretest score is 67.03 while the average posttest score is 90.14 with an average increase of 23.11. The minimum gain value is 0.70 with a high category while the maximum gain value is 1.00. The results of data processing showed that the effectiveness of computer assisted tests on Macromedia Flash was 95.00. It can be interpreted that the variable computer assisted test based on macromedia flash has a very positive effectiveness with a contribution of 95.00 with very good criteria for the ability to understand the concept of students and 5.00 others are influenced by other factors beyond the variable computer assisted test based macromedia flash. Thus it can be stated that using computer assisted test based macromedia flash in learning has a very positive effectiveness on the ability of understanding students' concepts.

The Development Optical Textbooks of Problem-Based Learning Trough Macromedia Flash

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Science and Technology for the Internet of Things, ICSTI 2019, September 3rd 2019, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2020

This study aimed to develop and describe the optical textbooks of problembased learning through Macromedia Flash. It is research and development consisting of 5 steps namely exploration study, early product development, expert validation and product revision, limited trial and product revision, main test and revision to final products. The instruments used were a validation questionnaire for material expert lecturers, media experts and a student response questionnaire. Data analysis techniques use qualitative and quantitative data. Data analysis techniques used qualitative and quantitative data. The results of this research are optic textbook of problem-based learning model through Macromedia Flash, with an average validation score of material experts 3.47 or 90.25% which is included in the excellent category, media experts 3.31 or 82.83% with very good category, and student responses 3.25 or 81.14% which are included in the very good category.

Developing Mathematics Learning Media Based on Macromedia Flash by Using Problem-Based Learning to Improve Students’ Mathematical Spatial Ability

American Journal of Educational Research, 2019

This research was aimed to know the validity, effectiveness and practicality of Macromedia Flash development in learning media so that it can improve the students' spatial ability. This research subject was eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Batang Kuis 2019/2020. This research object was Macromedia Flash application in Mathematic subject of solid geometry (cube and cuboids) using Problem-Based Learning. This research instrument was testing the spatial ability. This is a development research which used 4-D development model. The result of this research is valid known from the learning media validity score with the average of 4.55 from the media expert and 4.64 from learning material expert, then the validity score total of lesson plan is 4.48; worksheet is 4.62; the spatial ability test and Mathematic learning motivation survey are also valid. The mathematic learning media which was developed is effective, known from students' learning mastery calcically reached 91.99%. The improving of students' spatial ability used learning media which was developed on solid geometry subject (cube and cuboids), shows the increasing in average score from 67.93 to 84.13 .The average score of each spatial ability indicator is also increasing.

Development of Learning Media Prezi Integrated Problem Based Learning Model (PBL) to Improve Student Results High School


This study aims to determine: 1) the utilization of computer-based powerpoint learning media used in SMAN 1 Darul Falah has been in accordance with BSNP standards; 2) the utilization of integrated prezi learning media PBL model developed on salt hydrolysis discussion has been in accordance with BSNP standard; 3) differences in use of computer-based powerpoint learning media and prezi integrated learning media PBL model developed to improve student learning outcomes. The population in this study is all students of class XI IPA at SMAN 1 Darul Falah Academic Year 2017/2018. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. The sample of this research is two classes in SMAN 1 Darul Falah each 2 class. Research instrument in the form BSNP, objective test of valid learning result and reliable. Analytical technique used Two Way Anova technique and General Linear Model (GLM) test on SPSS 17.00 program. Analytical technique used Two Way Anova technique and General Linear Model (GLM) test on SPS...

Conceptuals Understanding: As The Effect of Reciprocal Teaching Assisted By Macromedia Flash


Based on the observation, conceptuals understanding of student in SMA N 1 Jetis still need to be improved. This study aims to determine the effect of reciprocal teaching assisted by macromedia flash on understanding concepts in ecological material. This designe of this research was quasi-ekspeimental which used 2 groups, class X IPA 1 as the experimental group and class X IPA 5 as the control class. The result showed that eksperimental group was 0,38 (moderate) and The control group was 0,16 (low) from N-Gain value. As for the independent simple t-test analysis was 0,000<0,05 were significant differences between control and experimental class on the value of conceptual understanding. The conclusion of this study is that Reciprocal Teaching assisted by Macromedia Flash has an effect on conceptuals understanding of student.

The Efforts to Improving the Mathematical Critical Thinking Student's Ability through Problem Solving Learning Strategy by Using Macromedia Flash

This study aims to determine whether the application of problem solving learning strategy by using macromedia flash can improve student's critical thinking skills on the subject two variables of linear equation (SPLDV) at class 8 th Junior High School) that attended by 25 students. Data obtained from tests analyzed using descriptive statistics with five absolute scales, while data from the observation analyzed by percentage of the total aspects observed. The results showed that the critical thinking ability of students is improved. Indicated by the results of the achievement of the minimum criteria quite well in the first cycle by 40%. In the second cycle amounted to 60% in the third cycle increased to 80%.The results of the observation of teacher ability to manage by problem solving learning strategies by using macromedia flash on the first cycle get 66.4%, so it has not fulfilled the ability of teachers in the classical style 75% in the second cycle and the third cycle reached 87,5%.So that it meets the expected categories according to the benchmark.

Impelementation of Problem Based Learning with Electronic Media on Student Learning Outcomes in Indonesia's - Philippines International Class


The curriculum in Philippines different with the curriculum in Indonesia. This make the learning process and the problems faced by students in Indonesia and Philippines different. One of the problems experienced by students is caused by the lack of variation in strategies in the teaching and learning process. The instructional model used by the teacher is to upgrade student learning outcomes, especially on high-level cognitive, in this research especially problem solving abilities. Instructional method used by researchers is Problem Based Learning (PBL) with a pretest posttest design. Data of this research obtained quantitatively and using the mean before and after the test. This study used control class and experimental class on material cells to organism. The results show that the experimental class has a higher average value of 88.6 compared to the control class, 81.9. These results indicate that PBL successfully increases learning activities and students can follow the learning model using PBL.

The Use Of Macromedia Flash Player As Media To Improve Students’ Reading Skill

Lingua, 2020

The study is classroom action research. It is conducted at Junior High School of PGRI 4 Labuan Ratu.The subject of the research is eight students of Junior High School of PGRI 4 Labuan Ratu. The objectives of the research are: 1) to know how macromedia flash player can improve students’ reading skill at eight year of Junior High School of PGRI 4 Labuan Ratu; 2) to know how is the classroom situation when macromedia flash used in teaching reading at eight year of Junior High School of PGRI 4 Labuan Ratu. The research is conducted in two cycles. The procedure of the research consists of identifying the problem, planning the action, implementing the action, observing the action, and reflecting the result of the research. To colect the data, the writers employ observation, interview and test. In the meantime, to analize the data, the writers make use of some steps: (1) Data Reduction (2) Data Display (3) Data Conclusion. The result of the research indicates that there is an improvement ...