Star Formation from Galaxies to Globules (original) (raw)
Related papers
The Astrophysical Journal, 2014
The Schmidt-Kennicutt relation links the surface densities of gas to the star formation rate in galaxies. The physical origin of this relation, and in particular its break, i.e. the transition between an inefficient regime at low gas surface densities and a main regime at higher densities, remains debated. Here, we study the physical origin of the star formation relations and breaks in several low-redshift galaxies, from dwarf irregulars to massive spirals. We use numerical simulations representative of the Milky Way, the Large and the Small Magellanic Clouds with parsec up to subparsec resolution, and which reproduce the observed star formation relations and the relative variations of the star formation thresholds. We analyze the role of interstellar turbulence, gas cooling, and geometry in drawing these relations, at 100 pc scale. We suggest in particular that the existence of a break in the Schmidt-Kennicutt relation could be linked to the transition from subsonic to supersonic turbulence and is independent of self-shielding effects. This transition being connected to the gas thermal properties and thus to the metallicity, the break is shifted toward high surface densities in metal-poor galaxies, as observed in dwarf galaxies. Our results suggest that together with the collapse of clouds under self-gravity, turbulence (injected at galactic scale) can induce the compression of gas and regulate star formation.
Star Formation on Galactic Scales: Empirical Laws
EAS Publications Series, 2011
Empirical star formation laws from the last 20 years are reviewed with a comparison to simulations. The current form in main galaxy disks has a linear relationship between the star formation rate per unit area and the molecular cloud mass per unit area with a timescale for molecular gas conversion of about 2 Gyr. The local ratio of molecular mass to atomic mass scales nearly linearly with pressure, as determined from the weight of the gas layer in the galaxy. In the outer parts of galaxies and in dwarf irregular galaxies, the disk can be dominated by atomic hydrogen and the star formation rate per unit area becomes directly proportional to the total gas mass per unit area, with a consumption time of about 100 Gyr. The importance of a threshold for gravitational instabilities is not clear. Observations suggest such a threshold is not always important, while simulations generally show that it is. The threshold is difficult to evaluate because it is sensitive to magnetic and viscous forces, the presence of spiral waves and other local effects, and the equation of state.
Empirical star formation laws from the last 20 years are reviewed with a comparison to simulations. The current form in main galaxy disks has a linear relationship between the star formation rate per unit area and the molecular cloud mass per unit area with a timescale for molecular gas conversion of about 2 Gyr. The local ratio of molecular mass to atomic mass scales nearly linearly with pressure, as determined from the weight of the gas layer in the galaxy. In the outer parts of galaxies and in dwarf irregular galaxies, the disk can be dominated by atomic hydrogen and the star formation rate per unit area becomes directly proportional to the total gas mass per unit area, with a consumption time of about 100 Gyr. The importance of a threshold for gravitational instabilities is not clear. Observations suggest such a threshold is not always important, while simulations generally show that it is. The threshold is difficult to evaluate because it is sensitive to magnetic and viscous forces, the presence of spiral waves and other local effects, and the equation of state.
We present an analytical model of the relation between the surface density of gas and star formation rate in galaxies and clouds, as a function of the presence of supersonic turbulence and the associated structure of the interstellar medium. The model predicts a power-law relation of index 3/2, flattened under the effects of stellar feedback at high densities or in very turbulent media, and a break at low surface densities when ISM turbulence becomes too weak to induce strong compression. This model explains the diversity of star formation laws and thresholds observed in nearby spirals and their resolved regions, the Small Magellanic Cloud, high-redshift disks and starbursting mergers, as well as Galactic molecular clouds. While other models have proposed interstellar dust content and molecule formation to be key ingredients to the observed variations of the star formation efficiency, we demonstrate instead that these variations can be explained by interstellar medium turbulence and structure in various types of galaxies.
The Self-gravitating Gas Fraction and the Critical Density for Star Formation
The Astrophysical Journal, 2019
We analytically calculate the star formation efficiency and dense self-gravitating gas fraction in the presence of magneto-gravo-turbulence using the model of Burkhart (2018), which employs a piecewise lognormal and powerlaw density Probability Distribution Function (PDF). We show that the PDF transition density from lognormal to powerlaw forms is a mathematically motivated critical density for star formation and can be physically related to the density where the Jeans length is comparable to the sonic length, i.e. the post-shock critical density for collapse. When the PDF transition density is taken as the critical density, the instantaneous star formation efficiency (inst) and depletion time (τ depl) can be calculated from the dense self-gravitating gas fraction represented as the fraction of gas in the PDF powerlaw tail. We minimize the number of free parameters in the analytic expressions for inst and τ depl by using the PDF transition density instead of a parameterized critical density for collapse and thus provide a more direct pathway for comparison with observations. We test the analytic predictions for the transition density and self-gravitating gas fraction against AREPO moving mesh gravoturbulent simulations and find good agreement. We predict that, when gravity dominates the density distribution in the star forming gas, the star formation efficiency should be weakly anti-correlated with the sonic Mach number while the depletion time should increase with increasing sonic Mach number. The star formation efficiency and depletion time depend primarily on the dense self-gravitating gas fraction, which in turn depends on the interplay of gravity, turbulence and stellar feedback. Our model prediction is in agreement with recent observations, such as the M51 PdBI Arcsecond Whirlpool Survey (PAWS).
Gas Phase Processes Affecting Galactic Evolution
The Evolution of Galaxies, 2003
Gas processes affecting star formation are reviewed with an emphasis on gravitational and magnetic instabilities as a source of turbulence. Gravitational instabilities are pervasive in a multi-phase medium, even for sub-threshold column densities, suggesting that only an ISM with a pure-warm phase can stop star formation. The instabilities generate turbulence, and this turbulence influences the structure and timing of star formation through its effect on the gas distribution and density. The final trigger for star formation is usually direct compression by another star or cluster. The star formation rate is apparently independent of the detailed mechanisms for star formation, and determined primarily by the total mass of gas in a dense form. If the density distribution function is a log-normal, as suggested by turbulence simulations, then this dense gas mass can be calculated and the star formation rate determined from first principles. The results suggest that only 10 −4 of the ISM mass actively participates in the star formation process and that this fraction does so because its density is larger than 10 5 cm −3 , at which point several key processes affecting dynamical equilibrium begin to break down.
The Astrophysical Journal, 2005
We derive an analytic prediction for the star formation rate in environments ranging from normal galactic disks to starbursts and ULIRGs in terms of the observables of those systems. Our calculation is based on three premises: (1) star formation occurs in virialized molecular clouds that are supersonically turbulent; (2) the density distribution within these clouds is lognormal, as expected for supersonic isothermal turbulence; (3) stars form in any sub-region of a cloud that is so overdense that its gravitational potential energy exceeds the energy in turbulent motions. We show that a theory based on this model is consistent with simulations and with the observed star formation rate in the Milky Way. We use our theory to derive the Kennicutt-Schmidt Law from first principles, and make other predictions that can be tested by future observations. We also provide an algorithm for estimating the star formation rate that is suitable for inclusion in numerical simulations.
The Initial Stellar Mass Function from Random Sampling in a Turbulent Fractal Cloud
The Astrophysical Journal, 1997
Observed variations in the slope of the initial stellar mass function (IMF) are shown to be consistent with a model, introduced previously, in which the protostellar gas is randomly sampled from clouds with self-similar hierarchical structure. RMS variations in the IMF slope around the Salpeter value are ±0.4 when only 100 stars are observed, and ±0.1 when 1000 stars are observed. Similar variations should be present in other stochastic models too. The hierarchical-sampling model reproduces the tendency for massive stars to form closer to the center of a cloud, at a time somewhat later than the formation time of the lower mass stars. The systematic variation in birth position results from the tendency for the trunk and larger branches of the hierarchical tree of cloud structure to lie closer to the cloud center, while the variations in birth order result from the relative infrequency of stars with larger masses. The hierarchical cloud sampling model has now reproduced most of the reliably observed features of the cluster IMF. The power law part of the IMF comes from cloud hierarchical structure that is sampled during various star formation processes with a relative rate proportional to the square root of the local density. These processes include turbulence compression, magnetic diffusion, gravitational collapse, and clump or wavepacket coalescence, all of which have about this rate dependence. The low mass flattening comes from the inability of gas to form stars below the thermal Jeans mass at typical temperatures and pressures. The thermal Jeans mass is the only relevant scale in the problem. Considerations of heating and cooling processes indicate why the thermal Jeans mass should be nearly constant in normal environments, and why this mass might increase in starburst regions. In particular, the relative abundance of high mass stars should increase where the average density of the interstellar medium is very large; accompanying this increase should be an increase in the average total efficiency of star formation. Alternative models in which the rate of star formation is independent of density and the local efficiency decreases systematically with increasing stellar mass can also reproduce the IMF, but this is an adjustable result, not a fundamental property of hierarchical cloud structure, as is the preferred model. The steep IMF in the extreme field is not explained by the model but other origins are suggested, including one in which massive stars in low pressure environments halt other star formation in their clouds. In this case, the slope of the extreme field IMF is independent of the slope of each component cluster IMF, and is given by (γ − 1)/α for cloud mass function slope −γ ∼ −2 and power law relation, M L ∝ M α c , between the largest star in a low-pressure cloud, M L , and the cloud mass, M c. A value of α ∼ 1/4 is required to explain the extreme field IMF as a superposition of individual cluster IMFs. We note that the similarity between cluster IMFs and the average IMF from global studies of galaxies implies that most stars form in clusters and that massive stars do not generally halt star formation in the same cloud.
We present an analysis of the positions and ages of young star clusters in eight local galaxies to investigate the connection between the age difference and separation of cluster pairs. We find that star clusters do not form uniformly but instead are distributed such that the age difference increases with the cluster pair separation to the 0.25–0.6 power, and that the maximum size over which star formation is physically correlated ranges from ∼200 pc to ∼1 kpc. The observed trends between age difference and separation suggest that cluster formation is hierarchical both in space and time: clusters that are close to each other are more similar in age than clusters born further apart. The temporal correlations between stellar aggregates have slopes that are consistent with turbulence acting as the primary driver of star formation. The velocity associated with the maximum size is proportional to the galaxy's shear, suggesting that the galactic environment influences the maximum size of the star-forming structures.
On the Appearance of Thresholds in the Dynamical Model of Star Formation
The Astrophysical Journal, 2018
The Kennicutt-Schmidt (KS) relationship between the surface density of the star formation rate (SFR) and the gas surface density has three distinct power laws that may result from one model in which gas collapses at a fixed fraction of the dynamical rate. The power law slope is 1 when the observed gas has a characteristic density for detection, 1.5 for total gas when the thickness is about constant as in the main disks of galaxies, and 2 for total gas when the thickness is regulated by self-gravity and the velocity dispersion is about constant, as in the outer parts of spirals, dwarf irregulars, and giant molecular clouds. The observed scaling of the star formation efficiency (SFR per unit CO) with the dense gas fraction (HCN/CO) is derived from the KS relationship when one tracer (HCN) is on the linear part and the other (CO) is on the 1.5 part. Observations of a threshold density or column density with a constant SFR per unit gas mass above the threshold are proposed to be selection effects, as are observations of star formation in only the dense parts of clouds. The model allows a derivation of all three KS relations using the probability distribution function of density with no thresholds for star formation. Failed galaxies and systems with sub-KS SFRs are predicted to have gas that is dominated by an equilibrium warm phase where the thermal Jeans length exceeds the Toomre length. A squared relation is predicted for molecular gas-dominated young galaxies.