Uncovering Portuguese teachers’ difficulties in implementing sciences curriculum (original) (raw)

Initial and in-service teacher education in sciences: what portuguese kindergarten teachers say about their teaching practices

Journal of modern education review, 2014

Education in sciences should contribute to everyone’s scientific literacy and encourage their democratic participation in informed decisions making. In a time when we claim the educational relevance of science, promoting its early start among three to six-year-old children is necessary to create appropriate strategies to guide educators towards practices which are consistent with the current national science curriculum guidelines. The objectives of this study are twofold. Firstly it aims to depict the type of training kindergarten teachers of the district of Braganca receive in the field of sciences. Secondly it intends to clarify didactical and pedagogical aspects set out by educators in the context of experimental sciences in their everyday workplace. The data was gathered through questionnaires, in the universe of the kindergarten teachers in this district. It is based on a case study of descriptive and interpretative nature. The overall results show that they are satisfied with ...

72-Conceptions of Portuguese Primary School Teachers about Science Education : Their Relevance in Innovative Classroom Activities


Multiple as they may be, all programs designed to promote Scientific Literacy (SL) with an Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) referential and according to Science / Technology / Society (STS) guidelines, include the intention to develop learning and teaching practices that are both innovative and appropriate for contemporary demands. According to several authors, teachers play a decisive role in the quality of education, in the development of favorable attitudes towards the learning of science and in the implementation of curricular reforms. They also agree that the interpretation teachers make of the programs determines their classroom activitie s and stems from their own conceptions about science education. Therefore, understanding the conceptions teachers form regarding science education can influence and improve teaching practices and the potential success of educational reforms. We present Portuguese primary school teachers conceptions about science education (obtained...

Enhancing the Popularity and the Relevance of Science Teaching in Portuguese Science Classes

PARSEL Project emerged from the urgent need to overcome the problem of lack of scientific literacy in the population, which should be a priority in a society where science occupies a central place. Indeed, nowadays for any citizen to participate in a responsible and informed way in society he has to be scientifically acknowledgeable. Nevertheless, not only are scientific levels low in the general population, but also there is an increasing number of students who avoid science and technology courses and related professions. Within this context, PARSEL aims at raising science and scientific courses’ popularity and relevancy as well as at enacting teachers’ professional development. In order to achieve these goals, the PARSEL group developed 54 pan-European modules, which were tested and evaluated by several teachers in several European countries and Israel. Teachers maintained a close relationship with the university, were highly encouraged to appropriate the modules and to adapt them to their local conditions and, also to discuss and share their experiences. In Portugal, modules were tested by a group of eight teachers, and their students. This paper presents data concerning teachers’ evaluation. Data was collected by means of interviews, observation and written documents and reveals that teachers positively evaluated PARSEL’s impact on their own professional development. Furthermore, they considered modules as well as the teaching-learning approach essential for making science learning relevant and popular for their students.

Pre-school science education in Portugal: teacher training and innovative practices

Ase Annual …, 2010

Assuming that science education in the early years is the stepping stone for the development of scientific and technological literacy, a teacher training programme was developed with six kindergarten teachers in Portugal. Its aim was to promote the (re)construction of their subject content and pedagogical knowledge leading to innovative practices, based on the characterisation of their profile, shortcomings and practices. Learning through practice was considered the most effective means to promote change in kindergarten teachers' curricular approaches to science, hence the development of practical activities focusing on children's understanding and requiring their scientific knowledge and enquiry processes. These include a teacher's guide (presenting its objectives, concepts and teaching, learning and assessment strategies), a theoretical framework (presenting the concepts, known misconceptions and research references) and also the necessary didactic resources. This article details the results of the developed teacher training programme.

Brazilian Nacional Curriculum and Socio-Scientific Issues: openings and (im)possibilities for Science Education in the Elementary School

Revista de Ensino de Ciências e Matemática

This paper discusses the possibilities of adequacy or the obstacles presented in the Brazilian National Curriculum (Base Nacional Comum Curricular — BNCC, in portuguese) for the development of Socioscientific Issues (SSI) in science education for Elementary School. Therefore, our main objective is to understand which are the elements, perspectives and formative aspects present in the text of the document that indicate possibilities or obstacles for the development of practices aligned with the perspectives of Socio-Scientific Issues. To this end, we focus our discussion on three broad axes: General conceptions of formation and (mis) alignment with the SSI perspective; Formative itineraries for science education centered on SSI; Relevant contents and topics in SSI treatment. Based on the analysis, we understand that, at a discursive level, there are openings from which it is possible to undertake practices based on the perspectives of SSI, although not without an explicit investment...

Spanish Teachers' Views of the Goals of Science Education in Secondary Education

Research in Science & Technological Education, 2002

The purpose of this work is to find out teachers' opinions regarding the goals and objectives of the teaching of science, within the frame of educational reform. We attempt to disclose to what extent educational thinking gives priority to the training of the students in scientific concepts, laws and theories needed in further courses (propedeutic training) and how this thinking pays less attention to the so-called scientific literacy which is meant to be the main object of the teaching of science according to the designers of the curriculum. To achieve this, we carried out a multiple and convergent experimental design with a number of samples of teachers. We found a confirmation that in secondary education, the curricular emphasis of teachers focuses on the propedeutic training of students.

Initial Science Teacher Education in Portugal: The Thoughts of Teacher Educators About the Effects of the Bologna Process

Journal of Science Teacher Education, 2016

Between the 1980s and 2007, Portugal used to have one-stage (5-year period) initial teacher education (ITE) programs. In 2007 and consistent with the Bologna process guidelines, Portuguese teacher education moved toward a twostage model, which includes a 3-year undergraduate program of subject matter that leads to a licenciatura (or bachelor) degree and a 3-year professional master in the teaching of a subject. The way that teacher educators perceive the ITE programs effects the education of prospective teachers and consequently the future of science education. This paper aims at analyzing how science teacher educators perceived the changes that took place in this formal way of educating junior school (7th-9th grades) and high school (10th-12th grades) science teachers in Portugal, due to the implementation of the Bologna guidelines. To attain the objectives of the study, 33 science teacher educators including science specialists and science education specialists answered an open-ended online questionnaire, which focused on the strengths and weaknesses of the pre-and post-Bologna ITE programs, the overall quality of teacher education and measures for improving ITE. The results indicate that science teacher educators were quite happy with all of the ITE models, but they expressed the belief that both the science and the teaching practice components should be strengthened in the post-Bologna masters in teaching. Meanwhile, changes were introduced in Portuguese educational laws, and they proved to be consistent with the opinions of the participants. However, the professional development of teacher educators along with evidence-based ITE programs seems to be


The purpose of this research is to identify the problems that teachers have experienced during the implementation of the science curriculum and their suggestions for solution to these problems. In the research, survey model has been used among the descriptive research methods in which quantitative and qualitative data have been used together. The sample of the research consists of science teachers (n=208) and classroom teachers who deliver science courses (n=104) in Manisa province. A questionnaire form and a semi-structured interview form developed by the researchers have been used as data collection tools. For quantitative data, percentage and frequency values have been analysed and for qualitative data, content analysis have been performed. As a result of the analyses the problems encountered in the implementation of the curriculum have been examined in three different categories namely; teacher-related problems, curriculum-related problems and other problems. According to the results of the questionnaire, most of the teachers think that they confront with problems because they do not see themselves sufficient in terms of designing/evaluating a project, designing an experiment and creating an activity. In terms of the program, the majority of teachers think that they encounter with problems as there is not enough information about the implementation of the inquiry-based learning approach and not enough examples and explanations for the learning outcomes. In addition, nearly half of the teachers’ state that they have problems with the use of alternative assessment tools and techniques in the program. Regarding other problems; the insufficient content of the course book, lack of materials, lack of adequate support from parents, and technological inadequacies are among the problems most of the teachers have experienced. Similarly, when the results of interviews have been examined; materials, laboratories, and the inadequacy of the course book are among the most frequently mentioned problems. When the survey results of teachers' suggestions for solution have been examined; putting more emphasis on teachers’ views in the process of curriculum development, revision of curricula of education faculties oriented to the changes in curriculum, preparation of flexible curricula according to students’ needs, improvement of technological infrastructure of schools and classes, preparation of guidebooks for teachers, raising the knowledge levels of parents about the instruction program, providing an in-service training for designing experiments/projects are among the most frequently selected recommendations from teachers. When the interview results have been examined, it has been seen that most of the suggestions are about increasing the number and quality of in-service trainings and increasing the quality of laboratory and material facilities and textbooks. Since the newly announced science curriculum will be gradually implemented as of 2017-2018 academic year, it is expected that the results of the study will contribute to the field in terms of the problems and solution suggestions for the current curriculum, the program development and update studies, the contents of in-service trainings and comparison of the curricula.

Design and implementation of science curriculum in pre-university education in Albania and in European countries

International Conference. Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tirana , Tirana, Albania; University of Pristina, Kosovo; State University of Tetovo, Macedonia. Tiranë, 2-3 December 2016. ISBN:978-9951-494-61-8.

Science curriculum is an important part of pupils' formation with knowledge, skills, and competencies. The aim of the study is to research in comparatively way the development of science curriculum in pre university education in european countries and in Albania. Research hypothesis include: (1) There are differences in the way of implementation of science curriculum in primary, lower secondary, and upper education in European countries and in Albania.(2) There are differences in the structure of pre-service and in-service training of science curriculum teachers in pre university education in European countries and in Albania. Methodology used in the study is based on a quantitative approach and supported by qualitative one, include the techniques: (1) review of official documentation, (2) observation by self-declaratory instruments. The instruments used in the study include: (1) format for review of official documentation, (2) interviews. The sample consists of teachers of science curriculum as well curriculum specialist's respondents. The study conclusions highlight that: (1) In the majority of European countries there are a defined number of teaching hours of science curriculum according to respective grades; in Albania is given in total according to key stages. (2) Mean value of annual teaching classes in European countries is 137.4 annual taught classes; in Albania there is 158. (3) In almost every European country and in Albania science curriculum in primary education is taught as an integrated course, in lower secondary education as well as in upper secondary education is organized as separated in physics, chemistry, biology, and earth science courses. (4) New teachers of science curriculum coming from universities with updated knowledge on science, but they lack proper training and experience of teaching methodology. (5) There is a lack of coordination, planning, needs identification of continuing professional development of teachers.