„Czyste ciało, jasny umysł” – medycyna alternatywna w rytualnej praktyce nowych ruchów religijnych na przykładzie Kościoła scjentologicznego (original) (raw)
2020, Doświadczanie choroby w perspektywie badań interdyscyplinarnych. Tom VII. Duchowość i cielesność w perspektywie współczesnych badań historycznych i socjokulturowych. Wybrane problemy
The following text is an attempt at a synthetic approach to the problems of allegedly healing practices present in the religious cult of the Church of Scientology (CoS). By introducing an interesting and unconventional anthropological theory of L. Ron Hubbard (1911-1986) – the founder of this religious community, we turn to the issue of the practical application of the concept of the three elements, which comprise the human body according to the Scientological quasi-healing activities. L. Ron Hubbard, and hence the contemporary Scientologist community also followed him, was convinced that physical health has a strong connection with mental health. So, to heal the mind, which, as the representatives of the CoS claim, is contaminated by the so-called engrams, painful memory like cysts in the reactive part of our mind, first had to heal the human body. A clear body leads to a clear mind which, by its way, is the gateway to spiritual development in Scientology. Examples of basic techniques and para-therapeutic methods in Scientology are Purification Rundown, assists and auditing; the first two issues are described in the individual subsections of this article. Auditing was described in a general way, without going into details, because otherwise, it would require a significant extension of the text frame. Finally, the controversy of methods used by Scientologists is analysed, the opinions of representatives of the conventional medical world are given, and possible considerations about why there is an incongruity between Scientology and contemporary science in the field of human well-being.