Analisis Nilai Tambah Pelaku Rantai Pasok Organisasi Jaringan Madu Hutan Sumbawa (JMHS) Menggunakan Metode Hayami (original) (raw)

2018, Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia

This study was aimed to analyze the comparison of added value in the supply chain of forest honey at Jaringan Madu Hutan Sumbawa (JMHS) organization. The respondents in this study are 30 honey hunter, 2 group leader, 2 JMHS cooperative and 1 marketing outlet Rumah Madu. The JMHS supply chain mechanism was identified using qualitative methods. This research was carried out using the Hayami method approach (1987). The results from this study were Madu Hutan Lestari cooperatives have the highest added value than other chain actors. While the value added distribution of marketing outlets Rumah Madu has been the highest percentage of added value compared to other chain actors.