The Impact of Cybernetics on Contemporary Education (original) (raw)
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Educational Philosophy and Theory, 2022
… in which we pass through eleven episodes in the history of cybernetics, each episode focusing on one of its perspectives on learning. We end with a coda where we define 'cybersocial systems' and 'cybersocial learning' , phrases we have coined to identify some characteristics of contemporary times, when so many aspects of our lives and learning have come to be entangled with computers. FULL TEXT HERE:\_profiles/new-learning/community\_updates/149352
Cybernetics, Cyberethics, and Technologically Enhanced Learning
Cybernetics is the science of communications and control. It has been applied to everything from household thermostats to non-verbal communication. Ethics is the study of beliefs about right and wrong thought and behavior. The synthetic subfield of cyberethics deals with the application of ethics to the technologies and practices of cybernetics. This chapter will explore a definition of cybernetics that goes beyond its association with computers, information networks, and the rights, roles, and responsibilities of people involved in information technology. This more adventuresome approach will embrace broader themes in education and offer insights into the “box” outside of which we are relentlessly being told to think.
Education as cybernetic system
Nowadays integration is the main tendency in the development of natural and human sciences as well. The discoveries arising on the boundary of individual sciences are the direct expression of scientific knowledge integration. Specified theoretical tools are required to realize integration, in regular, nonstochastic way. The cybernetics can provide those tools.
2020 Fifth International Conference “History of Computing in the Russia, former Soviet Union and Council for Mutual Economic Assistance countries” (SORUCOM), 2020
The history of the Scientific Council on Complex Problem “Cybernetics” of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR created at the initiative of academician and navy admiral, Axel Ivanovich Berg, is covered. Axel Berg’s brilliant predictions, relating to the cybernetics development and digital transformation in education are described. The current continuation of Berg’s traditions is highlighted.
2020 Fifth International Conference «History of Computing in the Russia, former Soviet Union and Council for Mutual Economic Assistance countries» (SORUCOM), Moscow 2020, 6–7 Oct. 2020. IEEE, 2021
Abstract — The history of the Scientific Council on Complex Problem “Cybernetiсs” of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR created at the initiative of academician and navy admiral, Axel Ivanovich Berg, is covered. Axel Berg’s brilliant predictions, relating to the cybernetics development and digital transformation in education are described. The current continuation of Berg’s traditions is highlighted.
Postphenomenology and Education: From Cyborg Students to Immersive Classrooms
Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication, 2023
This analysis uses a postphenomenological lens to provide insight into the shift occurring within society at large. It focuses on the educational domain, and arguing for a reevaluation of instructive approaches. Philosophical research into technology and education is seemingly lacking, and so this article seeks to fill the present gaps. This analysis initially delves into the postphenomenological frameworks of technological mediation, intentionality, and dimensions, to clearly differentiate the embodiment and cybernetic relationships as they are understood within various texts. Following this the epistemic and practical dimensions of these relations are explored to then be juxtaposed with the descriptive argument of the overall cultivating cybernetic relationship between human user and technological artefact in contemporary times, using the smartphone as the core example case study. Finally, a normative argument is made considering the previous cybernetic insight, in that if the classroom setting is to evolve and adapt, it too must embed technology within the classroom, lessons, and overall educational engagement. It represents an equalizing technological balance of cybernetic student and immersive classroom where the intentionality of user, technology, and classroom blend together to continue the cultivation of our blossoming relationship with technology.This analysis uses a postphenomenological lens to provide insight into the shift occurring within society at large. It focuses on the educational domain, and arguing for a reevaluation of instructive approaches. Philosophical research into technology and education is seemingly lacking, and so this article seeks to fill the present gaps. This analysis initially delves into the postphenomenological frameworks of technological mediation, intentionality, and dimensions, to clearly differentiate the embodiment and cybernetic relationships as they are understood within various texts. Following this the epistemic and practical dimensions of these relations are explored to then be juxtaposed with the descriptive argument of the overall cultivating cybernetic relationship between human user and technological artefact in contemporary times, using the smartphone as the core example case study. Finally, a normative argument is made considering the previous cybernetic insight, in that if the classroom setting is to evolve and adapt, it too must embed technology within the classroom, lessons, and overall educational engagement. It represents an equalizing technological balance of cybernetic student and immersive classroom where the intentionality of user, technology, and classroom blend together to continue the cultivation of our blossoming relationship with technology.
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
The use of virtual and digital technological resources is a phenomenon that crosses humanity in such an intense way that it often interferes with the existential naturalness of individuals and allows to launch to the world, even if in a subtle and gradual way, a relationship of mastery of the machine with the mankind. The work aims to make the reader aware of the problem of the human-machine relationship and bring paths and reflections based on a perspective of studies and debates in the field of Philosophy, about this functioning in which it can generate a subservient behavior of the human as the creator of digital functions. but that loses this domain due to the self-development of the machine. The study's methodology is bibliographic research, as well as references to films and series such as Akira (1988); Neon Genenis Evangelion (1995) and Ghost In The Shell (1995) that address this issue and serve as a basis for analyzing the facts raised as problematic. The main result of ...
Second order pedagogy as an example of second order cybernetics
Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 2012
This article is about seeing/creating/trying out an idea of pedagogy and pedagogical/ educational research in/as/with self-reflexive, circular and diffractive perspectives and about using second order cybernetics as thinking tool. It is a move away from traditional hypothesis driven activities and a move towards data driven pedagogies and research: Teachers, teacher researchers and researchers simultaneously producing and theorizing our practices and ourselves. Deleuzian becomings-eventually becomings with data -theory -theodata is pivotal. It is a move towards a Derridean bricolage. A different science of pedagogy operating as a circular science of self-reflexivity and diffraction in search of quality again and again and again: Theopractical becomings and inspiractionresearch.
Review of: "Cybernetic-Based Instruction: An Innovative Learning Model in the Digital Age
The text is well written, and realizes a review of Cybernetic-Based Instruction which can be useful for beginners. Some problems, however, may undermine this objective. The Literature Review section does not fulfill its purpose, introducing only two literature references (the third reference in the section had already been introduced by then). This might be a problem of the Introduction section, which should introduce the paper, with topics as the motivations and the description of following sections, but not start the literature review. Two sections, Key Features of Cybernetic-Based Instruction and Benefits of Cybernetic-Based Instruction, are written as topics, which is not recommended for scientific papers. The authors should rewrite these sections for more clarity and fluidity. Finally, I expected the description of an experiment on CBI conducted by the authors, but none was provided.
Cybernetics of Technology, Education and Politics in Technological Societies
Sosyal sibernetik, gudumleme ve kontrol kavramidir ve teknolojik toplum icinde yeniden dogdu ve yeni sekillere uyandirildi. Dolayisiyla bu calisma, sosyal sibernetik yonetisiminim kuresel politik ekonomideki teknoloji, egitim ve politikaya yonelik hareketliligine odaklanmaktadir. Bu makale, temel sosyal sibernetik ile ilgili olarak teknolojik gelismenin politik ve felsefi tarihi yoluyla, demokratik ilkelerin halkin gudumleme ve kontrolu amaciyla kuresel ve uygunsuz bir sekilde reddedilip reddedilmedigini tartismaktadir. Bu makale, demokratik uluslararasi iliskiler kisvesi altinda var olan bir tur cogulcu teknokrattik yonetisim kurulmasinin devam etmesi icin duzenlenen bu yeni tekniklerin kullaniminin arkasindaki gerekcelerini arastirmaktadir.