National policy of the soviet government on the territory of Nothern Bukovyna and Khotyn region during the first period of sovietization (june 1940 – june 1941)

History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

In the twentieth century, Bukovyna experienced a fourfold change of government and came under the rule of totalitarian regimes – first Romanian, then Soviet. The policy of the Soviet regime in the ethnic sphere – forced Russification, mass repression, which was one of the means of Sovietization of Bukovyna which deprived the region of its uniqueness and special spirit.A study shows the national policy of the Soviet government in the first year of the formation of Soviet power. The initial theoretical and methodological foundations of research include consideration concepts of «national policy». The author reveals the reaction of ethnic minorities to the entry of the Red Army on the territory of Northern Bukovyna and Khotyn region on June 28, 1940.It is pointed out that in the initial period of the formation of Soviet power, the Soviet government carried out significant agitation and propaganda, as well as work with ideological education, especially in the initial period, which was r...

Introduction of Russian jurisdiction to the Uryankhay region (1914—1917)

Bulletin of the South Ural State University Series «Social Sciences and the Humanities», 2020

Решения «урянхайского вопроса» в Совете Министров Российской империи В результате Синьхайской революции 1 декабря 1911 г. Внешняя Монголия объявила себя независимым и самостоятельным государством. 12 февраля 1912 г. Китай стал республикой. А в январе 1912 г. амбын-нойон Тувы Комбу-Доржу провел общетувинский съезд, в котором было решено обратиться к «Белому» царю о покровительстве, тем самым активизировав решение «урянхайского вопроса». Изменившаяся политическая ситуация требовала от российских властей принятия ряда мероприятий, в том числе проведения административной 1 и судебной реформ. Эти вопросы несколько раз обсуждались в Совете Министров Российской империи. Основная дискуссия развернулась вокруг вопроса о распространении русской юрисдикции в Туве. При этом в правительственных кругах России существовало об этом не совсем верное представление. Его озвучил министр юстиции И. Г. Щегловитов на заседании Совета Министров 3 января 1913 г., который считал, что «отправление правосудия в Урянхайском крае за последнее время беспрепятственно осуществлялось русскими мировыми судьями, периодически объезжавшими поселения… края, причем русские судьи принимали к своему рассмотрению дела независимо от подданства сторон» [9, с. 68]. 1 Об административной реформе в Туве в данный период см.: Самдан А. А. «Усиление российского политического влияния и административная реформа в Туве // Oriental Studies (Вестник КИГИ РАН). 2018. № 5. С. 2-13. URL: https://kigiran.elpub.ru/jour/issue/view/68/ showToc. СаМДан аяна анай-ооловна, кандидат исторических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник, Тувин ский институт гуманитарных и прикладных исследований, (г. Кызыл, Российская Федерация).


80 година од избијања Другог светског рата на простору Југославије и страдања града Крагујевца: нови помаци или ревизије историје, 2021

DUINO AGREEMENT 1945: MILITARY DIPLOMACY IN THE STRUGGLE FOR WESTERN BORDERS OF YUGOSLAVIA The article analyzes the negotiations that began on 13 June 1945 in Duino between the Yugoslav and Allied military representatives. The main goal of the negotiations was to closely define the decisions in adopted by signing the Belgrade Agreement on 9 June 1945. After difficult negotiations, the Duino Agreement was signed on 20 June 1945. The author points out the complex circumstances in which the negotiations took place. The article was written on the basis of documents from the Archives of Yugoslavia, published archival materials and literature. On the Yugoslav side, the negotiators in Duino were generals of the Yugoslav Army. During the negotiations with the allied military representatives, the Yugoslav generals tried to use all the arguments and all the influence that Yugoslavia had. They constantly emphasized the fact that Yugoslavia is an allied state, and Italy is an enemy, and that because of that, Yugoslavia and Italy do not have the same rights in the Venezia Giulia. Although the negotiations in Duino did not result in obtaining guarantees for the smooth operation of local people’s committees, nor in obtaining approval to increase the number of Yugoslav soldiers in the area under Allied occupation, which would significantly strengthen Yugoslavia’s position in Venezia Giulia, the Duino Agreement provided a good basis for the continuation of the diplomatic struggle at the peace conference. Keywords: Venezia Giulia, Trieste, Yugoslavia, Duino Agreement, Great Britain, United States of America.

Historiography of relations between the soviet government and the local population in the territory of Northern Bukovyna and Khotyn region in 1940-1947

History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the historiography of the topic of relations between Soviet authorities and local population, the instruction of Sovietization processes in the territory of Northern Bukovyna and Khotyn region during 1940-1947.The study of relationship between Soviet authorities and local population is quite unexplored and requires further scientific study. There was no comprehensive study. In the scientific literature, this issue is highlighted in the form of a diverse thematic spectrum and concerns current political, economic, household and educational and cultural issues. During the last decades, depending on socio-political conditions and the available base of historical sources, the approach to the coverage of the mentioned issues has changed.The conclusion emphasizes that modern Ukrainian historiography, relying on a much wider source base, examines in more depth certain aspects the life of population in the territory of Chernivtsi region.Soviet...


В статье рассматриваются региональные и межнациональные проблемы в социали- стической Югославии в период 1945–1991 гг. После Второй мировой войны Юго- славия возобновилась, однако, учитывая предшествующий опыт, не в виде унитар- ного, централистски организованного государства, а как Федерация шести респу- блик (к тому же с двумя автономными краями в одной из них). Несмотря на то что в развитии нового государства региональные цели и региональная политика стояли на первом месте, в своей основе они рассматривались как межнациональная проблема, мало отличавшаяся от аналогичной проблемы в первой Югославии. Этому способ- ствовали и статус республик (и автономных краев) как макрорегионов, и редуци- рование региональной политики на присовокупление и распределение так называе- мых дополнительных средств для развития неразвитых регионов. Когда в середине 1960-х гг. просторно координированная система регионального развития сменилась на просторно некоординированную, региональные проблемы усилились, а страна в целом, как и все ее части, потерпела большие ущербы. Именно региональная, т. е. межнациональная, проблема стала одной из самых острых, в немалой степени спо- собствуя развалу страны.


Intermarum history policy culture, 2021

The work aims to study the formation of a system of ideological influence on the Izmail region’s population in 1944–1945. Based on archival sources and materials of the regional press, the tasks of agitation and propaganda activities, the general forms and methods used by the Communist Party to spread ideology among the population of the annexed region were revealed. The author paid particular attention to determining the role of the regional party leadership in managing and conducting agitation and propaganda. The methodology. The study is based on the principles of historicism, scientificity, objectivity, systematics, specificity, and reliance on historical sources. With the aid of the historical-typological method, it was possible to determine the main tasks, forms, and methods of agitation and propaganda. The historical-comparative method opens the way to reveal the peculiarities of ideological work with various categories of the citizens and to determine the specific features o...


The article is devoted to the formation of foreign policy priorities of the Republic of Armenia and Georgia, and related processes in the South Caucasus in the 1990s. We consider their impact on the development of the Armenian-Georgian relations. The author draws attention to the key im- portance of the period, when the newly independent state, along with numerous internal problems, make decisions on matters of foreign policy. Also analyzes the factors of internal nature, affecting the bilateral relations in the framework of regional security. The author draws attention to the fact that the implementation of the military-political and economic projects there was a factor of manipulation on the part of the States concerned, that would lead to the division of the region into zones of influence. Special emphasis is placed also on the Georgian-Turkish relations in the region. In the military sphere, not only Georgia, but also aroused the interest of the Republic of Armenia from Turkey. This was due to the military presence of Russia in the region. Tbilisi integration into European and Euro-Atlantic organizations is a priority in its foreign policy, whereas in Armenia priority as previously considered Russia. Despite the differences in foreign policy, both countries understand and accept the importance of good neighborly relations in the region, which formed the basis of the bilateral cooperation between Georgia and the Republic of Armenia.


In this general paper the process of creating sites of memory of the deported Ukrainian from Poland in 1944 1946 are analyzed, in particular special attention is given to such sites as monuments, temples, museums. It is shown that active symbolic marking of space during 2004 2007, and this process revived again in 2014 2016. The author suggested that attracting attention to settlers from Poland caused not only by difficult internal political situation in the country, but also by denotes to step-by-step incorporation their images of past to the collective memory general community. Conclusion are drawn that strategy of symbolic marking of space in this communities is similar, and as a rule based on create monuments, that have remind about the tragic events, and to be a place for realization commemoration rituals (laying flowers, public prayer). Key words: sites of memory, symbolic marking of space, deportations, Poland, Ukraine.


Istorija 20. veka, 2021

APSTRAKT: U članku se razmatra delatnost Centralnog jugoslovenskog biroa pri Centralnom komitetu Ruske komunističke partije (boljševika) u završnoj fazi Građanskog rata u Rusiji. Prema tvrđenjima sovjetske i jugoslovenske istoriografije socijalističkog perioda, jugoslovenske komunističke organizacije su se 1920-1921. godine uglavnom bavile omogućavanjem povratka u domovinu Jugoslovena koji su učestvovali u Građanskom ratu na strani kako crvenih, tako i belih. Dokumenti korišćeni u članku omogućavaju da se tvrdi da ove organizacije nisu toliko doprinele repatrijaciji sunarodnika, koliko su pokušavale da po svom nahođenju odlučuju ko je od Jugoslovena "proleterski element" i kao takav može računati na povratak, a ko, poput "svih bivših srpskih i crnogorskih podanika bez izuzetka", podleže zatvaranju u koncentracioni logor, kako bi kasnije mogli da posluže i kao taoci. U zaključku, autor nudi svoje viđenje razloga za ukidanje ovih organizacija jugoslovenskih komunista. KLJUČNE REČI: Centralni jugoslovenski biro za agitaciju i propagandu, Ruska komunistička partija (boljševika), ratni zarobljenici, jugoslovenski komunisti, građanski rat, Sovjetska Rusija, koncentracioni logori, taoci U Moskvi je 2. marta 1920. obrazovan Centralni jugoslovenski biro za agitaciju i propagandu (CJB) pri CK RKP(b)-poslednja od velikih organizacija jugoslovenskih komunista koje su postojale u Rusiji za vreme Građanskog rata. 1 Predistorija pojave CJB i njegova delatnost do avgusta 1921. proučene su dovoljno podrobno kako u sovjetskoj, tako i u jugoslovenskoj istoriografiji. 2 U vezi sa prvom, organizacijama stranih komunista u Sovjetskoj Rusiji posvećeni su članci, monografije i zbornici dokumenata, koje su objavili saradnici Instituta