The incorporation of traditional leaders into local government : the case of Msinga Local Municipality (original) (raw)

Ta ble of contents page no. Chapter 1: The need for the study 1 1.1 Aim of the study 1 1.2 Research problem 1 1.3 Research question 2 1.4 Subsidiary questions 3 1.5 Hypothesis 3 1.6 Chapter outline 3 Chapter 2: The research methodol ogy 6 2.1 Introd uction 6 2.2 Sources of informatio n 6 2.2.1 Primary sources 6 2.2.2 Secondary sources 6 2.3 Sampling 7 2.4 Shortcomin gs experience d during data collection 9 2.5 Conclusion s 9 Chapter 3: Conceptu al and theoretica l framewor k l0 3.1 Introductio n 10 3.2 Key concepts 10 3.2.1 Traditional leader/aut hority or tribal leader/aut hority l0 3.2.2 Tribal area 12 3.2.3 Local governmen t. 12 3.2.4 Municipalit y 12 3.2.5 Demarcati on 13 3.3 Theoretica l perspectiv es 14 3.4 Critical analysis of the theories 17 Chapter 4: Tradition al leadershi p and governme nt 20 4.1 Introductio n 20 4.2 Internation al precedents 20• 4.2.1 Botswana 20 4.2.2 Ghana 23 4.2.3 Zimbabwe 25 4.2.4 Micronesia 26 4.3 Lessons fro South Africa 33 4.4 Traditional leadership in South Africa 34 4.5 Debates about the roles and functions of traditional Leaders in South Africa 39 4.6 Conclusion s 45 Chapter 5: South African legislatio n 47 5.1 Introductio n 47 5.2 The Constitutio n 48 5.3 The White Paper on Local Governme nt. .48 5.3.1 The role of traditional leadership at local leveL .49 5.3.2 The relationshi p between traditional leaders and local governmen t. 50 5.3.3