Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) (original) (raw)

An insight into four orthodontic treatment need indices

Progress in Orthodontics, 2011

Occlusal indices have been introduced and used to rank or categorize the occlusion. According to Dr. William Shaw and colleagues (1995), there are five types of occlusal indices, diagnostic, epidemiologic, orthodontic treatment need, orthodontic treatment outcome, and treatment complexity indices. Orthodontic treatment need indices are used to rank the malocclusion. They were devised to minimize the subjectivity associated with the diagnosis, referral and complexity assessment of malocclusion. Some are also multifunctional and used to assess the outcome of orthodontic treatment. The overall aim of the present article is to provide an overview on four commonly used American and European orthodontic treatment need indices, review their modifications, advantages, and limitations. These indices are the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN), the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI), the Handicapping Labio-Lingual Deviation index (HLD), and the Index of Complexity, Outcome and Need (ICON).Gli indici occlusali sono stati introdotti ed utilizzati per assegnare un punteggio o classificare l’occlusione. Secondo il Dottor William Shaw e colleghi (1995) esistono 5 diverse tipologie di indici occlusali: diagnostici, epidemiologici, di necessità di trattamento ortodontico, di esito del trattamento ortodontico e relativi alla complessità del trattamento. Gli indici relativi alla necessità di trattamento ortodontico sono stati concepiti per ridurre al minimo la soggettività associata alla diagnosi, all’invio allo specialista e alla valutazione della complessità della malocclusione. Alcuni indici sono multifunzionali e vengono utilizzati per valutare l’esito del trattamento ortodontico. Lo scopo del presente contributo è quello di fornire una rassegna dei quattro indici relativi alla necessità di trattamento comunemente adottati in Europa e negli Stati Uniti, presentandone le modifiche, i vantaggi e i limiti. Verranno discussi i seguenti indici: Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN - indice di necessità di trattamento), Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI – indice dell’estetica dentale), Handicapping Labio-Lingual Deviation Index (HLD – indice di deviazione labio-linguale invalidante) e Index of Complexity, Outcome and Need (ICON - indice di complessità, esito e necessità). Les indices occlusaux ont été mis au point et appliqués dans le but de classifier et de catégoriser l’occlusion. Selon l’opinion du Docteur William Shaw et collègues (1995), il y a cinq types d’indices, à savoir: indice diagnostique, indice épidémiologique, indice de nécessité de traitement ortho ontique, indice de résultats de traitement, indice de complexité de traitement. Les indices de nécessité de traitement sont employés pour classifier la malocclusion. Ils ont été identifiés pour réduire au minimum la subjectivité associé au diagnostic, au fait d’envoyer le patient chez le spécialiste et à l’évaluation de la complexité de la malocclusion. D’aucuns sont multifonctionnels et utilisés pour évaluer les résultats du traitement ortho ontique. L’objectif général de la présente étude est fournir un aperçu sur les quatre indices de nécessité de traitement ortho ontique, d’habitude utilisés en Europe et aux Etats-Unis, et ensuite mettre en exergue les modifications, les avantages et les limites respectifs. Ces indices sont les suivants: indice de nécessité de traitement orthondontique (IOTN); Indice d’esthétique dentaire (IED); indice HLD (Handicapping Labio-Lingual Deviation); et indice de Complexité, de Résultats et de Besoin (ICON). Los indices oclusales fueron introducidos y utilizados para clasificar y categorizar la oclusión. Según el doctor William Shaw y colegas (1995), existen cinco tipos de indices oclusales, como a renglón seguido se indica: de diagnóstico, epidemiológicos, de necesidad de tratamiento ortodóntico, de resultados de tratamiento ortodóntico y de complejidad de tratamiento. Los indices de necesidad se utilizan para clasificar la mala oclusión. Fueron identificados para reducir al mínimo la subjetividad asociada con el diagnóstico, el hecho de mandar al paciente donde el especialista, la evaluación de complejidad de la mala oclusión. Algunos son ultifuncionales y utilizados para valorar los resultados del tratamiento ortodóncico. El objectivo general de la presente investigación es brindar una visión de conjunto sobre cuatro indices de necesidad de tratamiento ortodóntico, comúnmente utilizados tanto en Europa como en Estados Unidos, y revisar sus modificaciones, ventajas y límites. Estos índices son los siguientes: índice de necesidad de tratamiento ortodóncico (IOTN), indice de estética dental (DAI), Indice de desviación labio-lingual invalidante (HLD),e indice de Complejidad, Resultados y Necesidad (ICON).

Agreement between the index of complexity, outcome, and need and the dental and aesthetic components of the index of orthodontic treatment need

INTRODUCTION: This was a cross-sectional study to investigate the agreement between assessments of orthodontic treatment need of the index of complexity, outcome, and need (ICON) and the index of orthodontic treatment need (IOTN). METHODS: Five hundred two subjects (253 girls, 249 boys; ages, 11-14 years) participated in this study, including a few who were wearing an orthodontic appliance (1 girl, 5 boys). ICON scores and the aesthetic (AC) and dental health components (DHC) of the IOTN were recorded in those not undergoing treatment. The percentages of subjects needing treatment (ICON score >43) and the different complexity components of ICON were compared between the sexes. Observed percentages of agreement and kappa statistics were used to analyze the agreement between the AC and DHC of the IOTN and also the ICON, and the DHC and AC of the IOTN dichotomized into a yes or no categories of orthodontic treatment need. RESULTS: No sex differences were found between male and female subjects for treatment need (ICON score >43; P >0.05) and treatment complexity (P >0.05). The kappa statistic for diagnostic agreement between the DHC and AC of the IOTN was 0.55 (95% CI, 0.48-0.63). The kappa statistics for diagnostic agreement between the ICON and the AC and the DHC of the IOTN were 0.40 (95% CI, 0.33-0.46) and 0.78 (95% CI, 0.73-0.83), respectively. The observed agreement between the DHC and the AC of the IOTN was 81.8%. The observed agreement between the ICON and AC and DHC of the IOTN were 71.3% and 89.5%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: In terms of orthodontic treatment need, there was moderate agreement between the ICON and the AC (IOTN), and between the DHC and the AC. There was good agreement between the ICON and the DHC of the IOTN. The ICON is a good substitute for the DHC of the IOTN.

Formulating a New Orthodontic Index: An Indian Board of Orthodontics Initiative

Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society, 2020

A proposal to formulate an orthodontic index specific for the Indian Board of Orthodontics (IBO) to determine the acceptability and degree of difficulty of a cases submitted for the phase III examination was discussed at the College of Diplomates meet (CDIBO). To ascertain the degree of difficulty of a case is very subjective; therefore, the need to quantify the complexity of a case in a standard format is required. To develop a Discrepancy Index for the IBO, 20 Dental and Cephalometric components of a malocclusion and 20 intraoral frontal photographs would have to be evaluated and a weightage score for each component would be assigned. Components such as upper and lower anterior proclination, commonly seen in our Asian population which have been omitted in the commonly used indices such as PAR (Peer Assessment Review) IOTN (Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need) and the ICON (Index of Complexity,Outcome and Need) have been included. The proposed IBO Index would add uniformity and sta...

Index of orthodontic treatment needs (IOTN) on orthodontic patients at post graduate orthodontics

Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry, 2012

Introduction: Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) was first developed by Brook and Shaw (1989) as a system for grading malocclusions, has 2 components, AC (Aesthetic Component) that shows patient’s subjective needs and DHC (Dental Heath Component) that reveals objective needs for orthodontic treatment. The objective of this research was to know the severity of malocclusion based on IOTN index of orthodontic patients at Post Graduate Orthodontic Clinic Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran from year 2009 to 2010. Method: This descriptive research was done by using data from dental study models of the patients and anterior scale photographs of the patients from the Orthodontic PPDGS students, Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran. Result: The result of this research shows DHC 59.63% of the patients had definite need for treatment, while 27.52% of the patients had borderline need for treatment and the rest 12.85% of the patients had no need or little need for ort...

Application of occlusal indices in orthodontic practice

Stomatoloski glasnik Srbije, 2009

Introduction. Occlusal indices were designed to improve diagnostic criteria and to enable an objective assessment of malocclusion severity. The aim of this study was to present the most frequently used occlusal indices in orthodontic practice and to determine their reliability when applied to dental models. Material and Methods. Three occlusal indices were selected for analysis: the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN), the Peer Assessment Rating Index (PAR) and the Index of Complexity, Outcome and Need (ICON). Twenty dental models of patients referred to Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Belgrade, with malocclusions of different type and severity were used in this study. All dental models were measured by three afore mentioned indices twice, two months apart, in order to determine intraexaminer reliability. Results. The results showed that three indices had good reliability. Weighted Kappa was calculated for IOTN (0.72 and 0.79 for the aesthetic and the dental ...