Profinite complexes of curves, their automorphisms and anabelian properties of moduli stacks of curves (original) (raw)
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Actions of the Absolute Galois Group
We review some ideas of Grothendieck and others on actions of the absolute Galois group Γ Q of Q (the automorphism group of the tower of finite extensions of Q), related to the geometry and topology of surfaces (mapping class groups, Teichmüller spaces and moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces). Grothendieck's motivation came in part from his desire to understand the absolute Galois group. But he was also interested in Thurston's work on surfaces, and he expressed this in his Esquisse d'un programme, his Récoltes et semailles and on other occasions. He introduced the notions of dessin d'enfant, Teichmüller tower, and other related objects, he considered the actions of Γ Q on them or on their etale fundamental groups, and he made conjectures on some natural homomorphisms between the absolute Galois group and the automor-phism groups (or outer automorphism groups) of these objects. We mention several ramifications of these ideas, due to various authors. We also report on t...
Arxiv preprint arXiv:0706.1466, 2007
We show that the Galois group Gal(Q/Q) operates faithfully on the set of connected components of the moduli spaces of surfaces of general type, and also that for each element σ ∈ Gal(Q/Q) different from the identity and from complex conjugation, there is a surface of general type such that X and the Galois conjugate variety X σ have nonisomorphic fundamental groups. The result was announced by the second author at the Alghero Conference 'Topology of algebraic varieties' in september 2006. Before the present paper was actually written, we received a very interesting preprint by Robert Easton and Ravi Vakil ([E-V07]), where it is proven, with a completely different type of examples, that the Galois group Gal(Q/Q) operates faithfully on the set of irreducible components of the moduli spaces of surfaces of general type. We also give other simpler examples of surfaces with nonisomorphic fundamental groups which are Galois conjugate, hence have isomorphic algebraic fundamental groups.
International Mathematics Research Notices, 2010
Given an object over Q, there is often no reason for invariants of the corresponding holomorphic object to be preserved by the absolute Galois group Gal(Q/Q), and in general this is not true, although it is sometimes surprising to observe in practice. The case of covers of the projective line branched only over the points 0, 1, and ∞, through Belyi's theorem, leads to Grothendieck's dessins d'enfants program for understanding the absolute Galois group through its faithful action on such covers. This note is motivated by Catanese's question about a higher-dimensional analogue: does the absolute Galois group act faithfully on the deformation equivalence classes of smooth surfaces? (These equivalence classes are of course by definition the strongest deformation invariants.) We give a short proof of a weaker result: the absolute Galois group acts faithfully on the irreducible components of the moduli space of smooth surfaces (of general type, canonically polarized). Bauer, Catanese, and Grunewald have recently answered Catanese's original question using a different construction (using surfaces isogenous to a product) [BCG3]. C → P 1 (over Q) such that σ(C) → P 1 is a topologically different cover (where both covers are now considered over C, as maps of Riemann surfaces).
On the Galois actions on torsors of paths I
We are studying representations obtain from actions of Galois groups on torsors of paths on a projective line minus a finite number of points. Using these actions on torsors of paths we construct geometrically representations of Galois groups which realize `-adically the associated graded Lie algebra of the fundamental group of the tannakien category of mixed Tate motives over Spec Z, Spec Z[ 1 q ], SpecOQ(√−q) for any prime number q (q 6= 2 in the last case) and over SpecOQ(√−q)[ 1 q ] for any prime number q congruent to 3 modulo 4. 0 Introduction 0.1. In this paper we are studying actions of Galois groups on torsors of paths. Let V be an algebraic variety defined over a number field K. Let us fix two points or tangential points v and z of V defined over K. Let ` be a fixed prime. We denote by π1(VK̄ ; v) the `-completion of the étale fundamental group of VK̄ base at v and by π(VK̄ ; z, v) the π1(VK̄ ; v)-torsor of `-adic paths from v to z. The Galois group GK acts on π1(VK̄ ; v) a...
The cuspidalisation of sections of arithmetic fundamental groups
Advances in Mathematics, 2012
We prove that sections of arithmetic fundamental groups of hyperbolic curves with cycle classes uniformly orthogonal to Pic ∧ can be lifted to sections of cuspidally abelian absolute Galois groups, under a certain condition on the base field (which is satisfied for instance by fields with finitely generated absolute Galois groups). We also observe the existence of sections of geometrically pro-Σ arithmetic fundamental groups of hyperbolic curves over p-adic local fields, p ̸ ∈ Σ , which do not arise from rational points. c
Pro-l birational anabelian geometry over algebraically closed fields I
Eprint Arxiv Math 0307076, 2003
Zariski prime divisors of K|k, where K is any function field over an algebraic closure k of a finite field such that td(K|k) > 1. b) Part of the local theory is to show that in the context from above, the whole inertia structure which is significant for us is encoded in G ℓ K. c) Third, a more technical result by which we recover the "geometric sets of prime divisors" of function fields K|k as above. By definition, a geometric set of prime divisors of K is the set of Zariski prime divisors D X ⊂ D K defined by the Weil prime divisors of some quasi-projective normal model X of K. This result itself relies on de Jong's theory of alterations [J]. In the second part of the manuscript, we give a simplified version of a part of the "abstract non-sense" from Part II of [P4] (which follows a suggestion by Deligne [D2]), reminding one in some sense of the abstract class field theory. We define so called pre-divisorial Galois formations. The aim of this theory is to lay an axiomatic strategy for the proof of the main result. The interesting example of pre-divisorial Galois formations are the geometric Galois formations, which arise from geometry (and arithmetic). A very basic results here is Proposition 3.18, which shows that in the case K|k is a function field with td(K|k) > 1 and k an algebraic closure of a finite field, the geometric Galois formations on G = G ℓ,ab K are group theoretically encoded in G ℓ K. Finally in the last Section we prove the main Theorem announced above. The main tool here is Proposition 4.1, which gives a Galois characterization of the "rational projections". Thanks: I would like to thank several people who showed interest in this work, both for criticism and suggestions, and for careful reading. My special thanks go to