Measuring the perception of violence against women at UABC Law School, Campus Valle Dorado = Medición de la percepción de la Violencia contra las Mujeres en la escuela de Derecho de la UABC, Campus Valle Dorado (original) (raw)

Gender Violence in Universities in Southern Mexico

International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE), 2018

The purpose of this article is to deepen in the forms of expression of gender violence exercised against female undergraduate students of public universities in Southern Mexico, by actors of the university community such as teachers, classmates, university authorities and administrative personnel. The data presented here are based on quantitative research, and account for a high rate of aggression by teachers and classmates. In the university, the students are subject to gender violence in different ambits of their lives and also in institutions of higher education, which constitute a social space where a socialization is formed, traversed by acts of aggression, reproducing relations of power, domination, based on the exercise of gender violence and expresses the various forms of aggression in the social contexts in which these institutions are located.

Violence against Women in Mexico: Conceptualization and Program Application

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2006

Violence against women has been a problem in human cultures for centuries. This is still the case both in developed and in developing countries, but it is in developing countries where the problem is aggravated as the result of cultural norms that are tolerant of men exerting power over women and girls as a commonly accepted practice. This power is often put into practice through physical and psychological acts of violence. In Mexico, as in many other countries, there is a legal framework that protects women from such acts, yet in the case of Mexico it has not yet been translated into actual improvements in their lives. We present an overview of advances in legal remedies regarding violence towards females internationally and in Mexico. The fact that these advances per se do not lead to changes in social norms that tolerate violence against females is emphasized. Also presented is the experience of the Mexican Institute for Research on Family and Population (IMIFAP) with the design and implementation of programs that promote protective factors and changes in behaviors in such a way that violence is effectively prevented. These programs focus on the development of psychosocial skills and knowledge through participatory workshops that promote self reflection, and they are developed and evaluated before being then applied on a large scale in poverty-stricken communities. These workshops lead to more egalitarian relationships between genders. IMIFAP´s programs address not only violence but also other areas are integrated such that the enablement of psychosocial skills is applied in the broader sociocultural context, leading to healthier and economically more productive lives. These programs are derived from the Framework for Enabling Agentic Empowerment (FENAE), which enables choice and the development of agentic empowerment through integrating skills, knowledge, and the context in which people live.

Research on violence against women

In Interdisciplinary Journal of Family Studies, XVII.1, 2012

This article reviews various approaches to the study of gender violence coming from a sociological point of view. The review is a partial, diachronic reconstruction of the international debate since the 1970s, including the contribution of Black Feminism, Latin American Studies and Gender Migration Studies. We propose to consider gender intersectional asymmetries, including those related to cultural and social groups, to class, age, sexual orientation and legal status. This review assumes symbolic violence as a theoretical perspective.

Prevalence and determinants of male partner violence against Mexican women: a population-based study

Salud Pública de México, 2004

mujeres mexicanas: un estudio con base poblacional. Salud Publica Mex 2004;46:113-122. El texto completo en inglés de este artículo también está disponible en: Resumen Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia y los factores de riesgo en violencia contra mujeres por parte de sus parejas, en una muestra representativa de aquéllas residentes en el área metropolitana de Cuernavaca, Morelos, México. Material y métodos. De junio a septiembre de 1998 se realizó un estudio con base poblacional en 1 535 mujeres, de 15 a 49 años de edad. Para construir la variable dependiente se realizó análisis de componentes principales y, adicionalmente, análisis de regresión logística politómica, de lo cual se obtuvieron estimadores de razón de momios (RM), con intervalos de confianza (IC 95%). Resultados. La prevalencia de violencia leve-moderada fue de 35.8%, y de severa 9.5%. La prevalencia de violación fue de 5.9%. Los principales factores asociados con violencia fueron los siguientes: nivel socioeconómico (RM= 0.57; IC 95%= 0.34-0.95); nivel educativo en ambas mujeres (prueba de tendencia p=0.01) y sus parejas (prueba de tendencia p= 0.002); años de convivir con la pareja (RM= 2.63; IC 95%= 1.55-4.45), uso de alcohol y drogas ilegales (RM= 2.56; IC 95%= 2.02-3.25, RM= 6.17; IC 95%= 2.37-16.03, respectivamente); violencia durante la niñez (RM= 3.40; IC 95%= 2.23-5.18) e historia de violación (RM= 5.89; IC 95%= 2.78-12.5). Conclusiones. Este estudio confirma cómo la violencia en contra de las mujeres es

How to Achieve the Common Good: Analysis of Discrimination and Violence Based on Gender Relations as Experienced by Male/Female Students at Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina


Desde la creación del Programa contra la violencia de género de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín, en el año 2013, casos de violencia simbólica –como chistes, burlas, sarcasmos en pasillo, aulas y facultades –han sido denunciados por diferentes miembros de la comunidad académica. El objetivo de este artículo es describir y analizar, desde un abordaje cualitativo y cuantitativo, las causas y efectos de la violencia de género de tipo simbólica que vivencian las y los estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina. Concluimos que la violencia simbólica es un tipo de violencia frecuente porque está naturalizada por los distintos actores de la comunidad universitaria. La mayoría de la violencia simbólica es infringida por los estudiantes varones contra las estudiantes mujeres. Sin embargo, los profesores varones y no docentes también practican violencias simbólicas y acoso a través de redes sociales, que se interseccionan con abusos de poder.

Developing an Index to Measure Violence Against Women for Comparative Studies Between Mexico and the United States

Very few scales exist thatmeasure violence against women and allow for comparative studies between Mexico and the United States. In this article,we present the results of a validation exercise for just such a scale. The scale was designed using, as a basis, some of the items in the Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS) and the Index of Spouse Abuse (ISA), in an attempt to differentiate among three types of violence: physical, psychological, and sexual. One hundred and twenty women from diverse social groups in each country responded to a questionnaire in which they were asked to consider the severity of each item on a scale from 1 to 100. Factorial analysis confirms that women assign a different average weight to each type of violence. An analysis of variance test confirms that the different groups of women interviewed evaluated each type of violence in a consistent manner. Very reasonable alpha coefficients were obtained. The paper concludes by demonstrating with an example the use of the scale in prediction modeling. KEYWORDS: abuse scale; comparative research; internal consistency; validity.

Research on violence against women. A sociological perspective

Interdisciplinary Journal of Family Studies, 2012

This article reviews various approaches to the study of gender violence coming from a sociological point of view. The review is a partial, diachronic reconstruction of the international debate since the 1970s, including the contribution of Black Feminism, Latin American Studies and Gender Migration Studies. We propose to consider gender intersectional asymmetries, including those related to cultural and social groups, to class, age, sexual orientation and legal status. This review assumes symbolic violence as a theoretical perspective.

Violence and Types of Violence in Northern Mexico University

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014

In current times were violence affects different populations and social and religious groups, universities are having various manifestations of internal violence. This cross sectional study was designed to identify the amount and type of violence that exists in a university from the north of Mexico. A likert survey with 120 reagents was applied in a representative sample of 545 students from the faculties. The prevalence of violence was above twenty percent, social rejection is the most common type of violence, followed by verbal violence and direct physical assault.

Discourse of Gender Violence in México and Spain: an analysis from the Mexican migration

Pando Amezcua Saraí, 2019

The objective of this paper is to analyze the perception and representation of gender violence and the impact that changes in the socio-cultural context can have on it. The discourse is the main reflection of cultural and social beliefs and serves as a fundamental element to explore and understand the legitimacy of gender violence; the notion of social representation allows us to capture this collective dimension of social problems in their context and in moments of social transformation.The research process carried out semi-structured interviews with Mexican people living in Spain and living in Mexico, exploring four main dimensions: definitions of gender violence; the reactions and the intensity of this kind of violence; the causes of gender violence, as well as personal experiences. The results suggest that there is an impact on changing contexts in the social representation of gender violence, but the most relevant references are linked to the experience and trajectory of gender itself.

The scourge of Gender-based violence in Mexican Higher Education

International Briefs of Higher Education Leaders, 2021

Build, strengthen, and connect networks. Many authors underscore the critical importance of networks of individual women scholars and leaders in advancing their own and each other's work. More broadly, Kristen Renn highlights the power of institutional networks-in this case, among women's colleges and universities-to address and overcome systemic barriers to women's advancement. Fanny Cheung, Amalia Di Iorio, and Adéle Moodly cite the role of associations, including ACE, in organizing and supporting national, regional, and global women's networks. And by bringing together researchers A ladder is only as strong as its weakest rung. Going forward, we need global approaches to shore up the ladder for women leaders in higher education, remove barriers, and promote their success. ACE and CIHE are committed to this work, and we look forward to ongoing partnership with our authors, counterpart associations, and women leaders around the world to elevate women's voices, advance research, build networks, and ultimately, improve equity and quality in higher education at the institutional, national, and global levels.