Yasper: a tool for workflow modeling and analysis (original) (raw)

Modeling and Analysis of Workflows Using Petri Nets

Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 1998

A workflow system, in its general form, is basically a heterogeneous and distributed information system where the tasks are performed using autonomous systems. Resources, such as databases, labor, etc. are typically required to process these tasks. Prerequisite to the execution of a task is a set of constraints that reflect the applicable business rules and user requirements.

Modelling and analysing workflow using a Petri-net based approach


Abstract High-level Petri nets have been used to model systems in a variety of application domains, ranging from protocols to logistics. This paper addresses an application domain which is receiving more and more attention: workflows in offices and their management. High-level Petri nets are used to model (1) the workflow in an office environment and (2) the workflow management system to support the control of office work. In this way we will be able to formalize the main concepts.

Petri net-based modelling of workflow systems: An overview

European journal of operational research, 2001

Despite their wide range of applications, work¯ow systems still suer from lack of an agreed and standard modelling technique. It is a motivating research area and some researchers have proposed dierent modelling techniques. Petri nets, among the other techniques, are one of the mainly used modelling techniques for both qualitative and quantitative analysis of work¯ow and work¯ow systems. We have brie¯y presented a way of mapping work¯ow into Petri nets, which can be used as a basis for such systems. A lot of available papers on Petri net-based modelling of work¯ow have been reviewed and classi®ed. Ó

Modeling and simulation of workflow processes using multi-level petri nets


A method for modeling workflow processes using a Petri net based multilevel formalism is proposed, which yields modular and hierarchical descriptions of the organization, the processes, resource management, and user interactions. The models allow the synthesis of agent based software in which mobile agents guide the cases through the organization units; the software can be interactively executed for simulation purposes or distributed within a computer network for implementing a workflow management system. A tool for editing and simulating the models is presented.

Design of a Petri Net-Based Workflow Engine

2008 The 3rd International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing - Workshops, 2008

Several years of research are establishing Petri Nets as a modeling formalism for scientific workflows; their formal semantics and the existence of several analysis tools, among others, make them suitable for complex concurrent processes' description. However, the non-determinism of the Petri Net model clashes with the imperative Turingbased environment provided by mainstream programming languages such as C/C++, Java and C#. Therefore several design decisions must be taken in order to provide a concrete implementation of a Petri Net-based engine.

A top-down petri net-based approach for dynamic workflow modeling


A top-down approach for workflow design is proposed in the framework of Petri net theory. Simple but powerful refinement rules are proposed that guarantee soundness of the resulting workflow nets. The refinement process supports the definition of regions, which are parts of the workflow that correspond to logistically related items. Exception handlers can be associated to regions. Defining regions helps determining the impact areas of the unexpected events during workflow execution.

Modelling And Performance Analysis Of Workflow Management Systems Using Timed Hierarchical Coloured Petri Nets

International Conference on Enterprise …, 2002

In this paper a modelling methodology for workflow management systems based on coloured Petri nets is proposed. Using an integration method, processes and resources are modelled at the same abstraction level. A process is decomposed into task structures, whilst human resources are considered at role level. Activity based costing is combined with classical temporal analysis of workflow. The suitability of the method has been tested using an application example.

Workflow patterns: On the expressive power of (petri-net-based) workflow languages

Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on the Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and CPN Tools (CPN 2002), 2002

Contemporary workflow management systems are driven by explicit process models, i.e., a completely specified workflow design is required in order to enact a given workflow process. Creating a workflow design is a complicated time-consuming process which is often hampered by the limitations of the workflow language being used. To identify the differences between the various languages, we have collected a fairly complete set of workflow patterns. Based on these patterns we have evaluated 15 workflow products and detected considerable differences in expressive power. Languages based on Petri nets perform better when it comes to state-based workflow patterns. However, some patterns (e.g. involving multiple instances, complex synchronizations or non-local withdrawals) are not easy to map onto (high-level) Petri nets. These patterns pose interesting modeling problems and are used for developing the Petri-net-based language YAWL (Yet Another Workflow Language).

A Formal Foundation for Workflow Composition, Workflow View Definition, and Workflow Normalization based on Petri Nets

Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling, 2005

Abstract: In retail information systems it is common practiceto subsume the data of products into product groups,which o#ers organizational advantages for examplewhen new branches are opened, because they are assignedproduct groups instead of single products. Inspiredby this approach, this paper focuses on businessprocesses and proposes the usage of workflowmodules stored in a workflow warehouse, which representreusable, standardized components that are