Molecular phylogenetics and delimitation of species in Cortinarius section Calochroi (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) in Europe (original) (raw)
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Specimens belonging to taxa traditionally assigned to the subsection Spadiceogriseae of the genus Psathyrella were analyzed both morphologically and molecularly. Samples included mainly European collections, selected GenBank accessions, and specimens of various North American taxa described by Smith (1972) and deposited at the Herbarium of the University of Michigan (MICH). Three additional taxa from Africa and Central America were also included. Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood analyses of two loci (ITS and Tef-1α) independently and together supported the monophyletic nature of the subsection Spadiceogriseae, and identified nine statistically supported clades within the subsection. North American and European species often fell within the same clade, suggesting a relatively recent origin of the subsection or human induced intercontinental movement. While this study determines for the first time that the presence of a white veil is diagnostic for the entire subsection, very few morphological traits were associated with individual clades, but clades were often distinctively different in terms of habitat association, suggesting that trophic interactions may have driven the evolution of this group of fungi.
Phylogenetic relationships in Cortinarius, section Calochroi, inferred from nuclear DNA sequences
BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2009
Background: Section Calochroi is one of the most species-rich lineages in the genus Cortinarius (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) and is widely distributed across boreo-nemoral areas, with some extensions into meridional zones. Previous phylogenetic studies of Calochroi (incl. section Fulvi) have been geographically restricted; therefore, phylogenetic and biogeographic relationships within this lineage at a global scale have been largely unknown. In this study, we obtained DNA sequences from a nearly complete taxon sampling of known species from Europe, Central America and North America. We inferred intra-and interspecific phylogenetic relationships as well as major morphological evolutionary trends within section Calochroi based on 576 ITS sequences, 230 ITS + 5.8S + D1/D2 sequences, and a combined dataset of ITS + 5.8S + D1/D2 and RPB1 sequences of a representative subsampling of 58 species.
Alnicola ( D Naucoria, pro parte) is a mushroom genus of strictly temperate, obligately ectomycorrhizal species, traditionally included in the family Cortinariaceae. Most Alnicola spp. are primarily host speciWc on Alnus, although a few are mycobionts of Salix or other hosts. The diVerent species of Alnicola exhibit unique morphological (cystidia, pileipellis) and cytological (dikaryotic or monokaryotic hyphae) characters. This makes the genus Alnicola of particular interest for studying the evolution of host speciWcity and morphological characters in ectomycorrhizal basidiomycetes. We used a combination of classical morphological and phylogenetic methods (rDNA ITS and LSU sequences) to address the following questions: (i) Is Alnicola monophyletic? And (ii) Are characters like host speciWcity or microscopical structures synapomorphic for certain clades? The study included nearly all currently known European Alnicola sp. Our results demonstrated that, on one hand, the genus Alnicola is polyphyletic, with sistergroup relationships to Hebeloma, Anamika or the clades /Hymenogaster I and /Hymenogaster II. On the other hand, Alnicola splits into three well-supported clades corresponding to the sections Alnicola, Submelinoides, and Salicicolae. The strict host-speciWcity to Alnus is a derived character and has occurred at least twice. The following morphological characters are synapomorphic for deWned clades: the spindle-shaped hymenial cystidia for sect. Alnicola, the hymeniform pileipellis for sect. Submelinoides, and monocaryotic/clampless hyphae for sect. Salicicolae and its sistergroup /Hymenogaster II. As a taxonomical consequence, polyphyly of Alnicola implies that the sects. Submelinoides and Salicicolae need to be segregated from Alnicola.
Organisms Diversity & Evolution, 2011
Species delimitation in the Cladonia gracilis group has long been known to be difficult due to morphological variability of taxa. The present study addresses the circumscription of species within this group, examining a number of specimens of the currently accepted taxa Cladonia coniocraea, C. cornuta subsp. cornuta, C. cornuta subsp. groenlandica, C. ecmocyna subsp. ecmocyna, C. ecmocyna subsp. intermedia, C. gracilis subsp. gracilis, C. gracilis subsp. elongata, C. gracilis subsp. tenerrima, C. gracilis subsp. turbinata, C. gracilis subsp. vulnerata, C. macroceras, C. maxima, and C. ochrochlora using genealogical concordance phylogenetic species recognition. We employed maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods of phylogenetic reconstructions based on DNA sequences of ITS rDNA, IGS rDNA, RPB2 and partially EF1-α regions. Our results indicate that the C. gracilis group is monophyletic but that most currently accepted taxa do not form monophyletic groups, with the exception of C. ecmocyna and C. cornuta subsp. cornuta. Different tests suggest that incomplete lineage sorting and sporadic recombination events are responsible for a phylogeny that largely lacks support. Our data also strongly suggest that C. coniocraea, C. cornuta subsp. groenlandica, and C. ochrochlora are conspecific, with C. coniocraea being the oldest available name. The morphological characters in the group are shown to be highly homoplasious, causing, in tandem with phenotypical plasticity of the taxa, the difficulties in delimiting species in the C. gracilis group.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2006
Alnicola ( D Naucoria, pro parte) is a mushroom genus of strictly temperate, obligately ectomycorrhizal species, traditionally included in the family Cortinariaceae. Most Alnicola spp. are primarily host speciWc on Alnus, although a few are mycobionts of Salix or other hosts. The diVerent species of Alnicola exhibit unique morphological (cystidia, pileipellis) and cytological (dikaryotic or monokaryotic hyphae) characters. This makes the genus Alnicola of particular interest for studying the evolution of host speciWcity and morphological characters in ectomycorrhizal basidiomycetes. We used a combination of classical morphological and phylogenetic methods (rDNA ITS and LSU sequences) to address the following questions: (i) Is Alnicola monophyletic? And (ii) Are characters like host speciWcity or microscopical structures synapomorphic for certain clades? The study included nearly all currently known European Alnicola sp. Our results demonstrated that, on one hand, the genus Alnicola is polyphyletic, with sistergroup relationships to Hebeloma, Anamika or the clades /Hymenogaster I and /Hymenogaster II. On the other hand, Alnicola splits into three well-supported clades corresponding to the sections Alnicola, Submelinoides, and Salicicolae. The strict host-speciWcity to Alnus is a derived character and has occurred at least twice. The following morphological characters are synapomorphic for deWned clades: the spindle-shaped hymenial cystidia for sect. Alnicola, the hymeniform pileipellis for sect. Submelinoides, and monocaryotic/clampless hyphae for sect. Salicicolae and its sistergroup /Hymenogaster II. As a taxonomical consequence, polyphyly of Alnicola implies that the sects. Submelinoides and Salicicolae need to be segregated from Alnicola.
Cortinarius is the largest genus of ectomycorrhizal fungi worldwide. Recent molecular studies have shown high levels of morphological homoplasy within the genus. Importantly, DNA phylogenies can reveal characteristics that have been either over- or underemphasized in taxonomic studies. Here we sequenced and phylogenetically analysed a large set of pan-European and North American collections taxonomically studied and placed in Cortinarius sect. Bicolores and sect. Saturnini, according to traditional morpho-anatomical criteria. Our goal was to circumscribe the evolutionary boundaries of the two sections, to stabilize both the limits and nomenclature of relevant species, and to identify described taxa which, according to our current understanding, belong to other lineages. Our analysis resolves two clades: /Bicolores, including 12 species, one of which is new to science, and /Saturnini, including 6 species. Fifteen binomials, traditionally treated in these two sections based on morphology, do not belong to the above two phylogenetic clades. Instead, six of these latter are clearly placed in other clades that represent sect. Bovini, sect. Sciophylli, sect. Duracini and sect. Brunneotincti. The presence or absence of blue pigments and the detection of specific odours emerge as clearly misleading taxonomic features, but more surprisingly, spore size and ecology can be misleading as well. A total of 63 type specimens were sequenced, 4 neotypes and 2 epitypes are proposed here, and 1 new combination is made.
One hundred and seventeen clades of euagarics
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2002
This study provides a first broad systematic treatment of the euagarics as they have recently emerged in phylogenetic systematics. The sample consists of 877 homobasidiomycete taxa and includes approximately one tenth (ca. 700 species) of the known number of species of gilled mushrooms that were traditionally classified in the order Agaricales. About 1000 nucleotide sequences at the 5′ end of the nuclear large ribosomal subunit gene (nLSU) were produced for each taxon. Phylogenetic analyses of nucleotide sequence data employed unequally weighted parsimony and bootstrap methods. Clades revealed by the analyses support the recognition of eight major groups of homobasidiomycetes that cut across traditional lines of classification, in agreement with other recent phylogenetic studies. Gilled fungi comprise the majority of species in the euagarics clade. However, the recognition of a monophyletic euagarics results in the exclusion from the clade of several groups of gilled fungi that have been traditionally classified in the Agaricales and necessitates the inclusion of several clavaroid, poroid, secotioid, gasteroid, and reduced forms that were traditionally classified in other basidiomycete orders. A total of 117 monophyletic groups (clades) of euagarics can be recognized on the basis on nLSU phylogeny. Though many clades correspond to traditional taxonomic groups, many do not. Newly discovered phylogenetic affinities include for instance relationships of the true puffballs (Lycoperdales) with Agaricaceae, of Panellus and the poroid fungi Dictyopanus and Favolaschia with Mycena, and of the reduced fungus Caripia with Gymnopus. Several clades are best supported by ecological, biochemical, or trophic habits rather than by morphological similarities.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2005
We sampled and analyzed approximately 2900 bp across the three loci from 54 taxa belonging to a taxonomically diYcult group of Cortinarius subgenus Phlegmacium. The combined analyses of ITS and variable regions of RPB1 and RPB2 greatly increase the resolution and nodal support for phylogenies of these closely related species belonging to clades that until now have proven very diYcult to resolve with the ribosomal markers, nLSU and ITS. We present the Wrst study of the utility of variable regions of the genes encoding the two largest subunits of RNA polymerase II (RPB1 and RPB2) for inferring the phylogeny of mushroom-forming fungi in combination with and compared to the widely used ribosomal marker ITS. The studied region of RPB1 contains an intron of the size and variability of ITS along with many variable positions in coding regions. Though almost entirely coding, the studied region of RPB2 is more variable than ITS. Both RNA polymerase II genes were alignable across all taxa. Our results indicate that several sections of Cortinarius need redeWnition, and that several taxa treated at subspeciWc and varietal level should be treated at speciWc level. We suggest a new section for the two species, C. caesiocortinatus and C. prasinocyaneus, which constitute a well-supported separate lineage. We speculate that sequence information from RNA polymerase II genes have the potential for resolving phylogenetic problems at several levels of the diverse and taxonomically very challenging genus Cortinarius.
Phylogenetic relationships in Cortinarius with focus on North European species
Cortinarius is an ectomycorrhizal Agaricales genus with high diversity of which rDNA se- quences of 86 species together with four outgroup taxa were investigated phylogenetically by aid of Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian analyses. The Cortinarius data set represents 81 taxa from the Northern Hemisphere showing the main variation spectrum among the species. In addition, five species from the Southern Hemisphere are included. The phy- logenetic tree of Cortinarius gives statistical support to twelve monophyletic groups in the upper level. They are discussed in context of morphology, chemistry (secondary com- pounds), and ecology. The phylogenetic tree lacks, however, satisfactory support for its backbone. Several species could not be included in any group, especially those forming the basal framework of the tree. Of special interest is a “superclade” comprising eight of our monophyletic clades and two singletons. Here we find the majority of species with soluble pigments of octaketide origin, all species with compounds of nonaketide origin, the major- ity of species with hygrophaneous pileus, few species with viscid pileus, and no species with bulbous stipe base. Moreover, all species except one have duplex pileus cuticle. The morphological traits are not indicative for any clade, although some are more frequent in some clades than others. During the evolution they have been gained and lost several times. The chemical characteristics are – to a certain degree – more indicative for the clades. The evolution and ecological role of these compounds are discussed. Concerning the North European species, there are ecological differences between the clades, especially between clades specializing to rich or calcareous forests and clades specializing to poor forests or arctic-alpine environments.