An algorithm for the generation and exchange of cryptographic secret keys over public channels (original) (raw)
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Implementation theoretical information protocol for public distribution cryptology keys
Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2016
This paper presents the design and implementation of a key distribution protocol over public channels. This protocol has its own source of randomness, based on data from civil air traffic. An equivalent protocol scheme has been developed according to the theoretical protocol, "satellite scenario". Both parties to generate symmetric keys without preshared secrets have been allowed. Keys generated in this way can be used with symmetric encryption (AES, DES). The performance of the proposed protocol has been conducted with rigorous theoretical information analysis.
Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Conference - Sinteza 2014, 2014
ABSTRACT In this paper we have used data from publicly available database of civil aviation flights worldwide shown in real time. For research purposes we have developed software for col-lecting and filtering data, that have originated from variables determined in a particular time and space that makes this dataset nonlinear. For the purpose of coding information source we have developed an algorithm for presenting data in bits based on which we en-code received data and in that way we get binary sequences of sufficient length that present the basis for generating the cipher keys. We have exposed the obtained binary sequences to rigorous informational analysis, whose main purpose was to confirm the quality of the data according to NIST standards. After the analyses, we have confirmed the assumption that sequences obtained in this way can be used for cryptographic purposes, in the domain of generating a high entropy cipher keys.
Protocols for symmetric secret key establishment: Modern approach
Vojnotehnicki glasnik
Introduction/purpose: The problem of efficient distribution of cryptographic keys in communication systems has existed since its first days and is especially emphasized by the emergence of mass communication systems. Defining and implementing efficient protocols for symmetric cryptographic keys establishment in such circumstances is of great importance in raising information security in cyberspace. Methods: Using the methods of Information Theory and Secure Multiparty Computation, protocols for direct establishment of cryptographic keys between communication parties have been defined. Results: The paper defines two new approaches to the problem of establishing cryptographic keys. The novelty in the protocol defined in the security model based on information theory is based on the source of common randomness, which in this case is the EEG signal of each subject participating in the communication system. Experimental results show that the amount of information leaking to the attacker ...
Key management, particularly in a group setting, is the corner stone for all other security services. As a result of the increased popularity of group-oriented applications and protocols, group communication occurs in lots of different settings: from network multicasting to application layer teleconferencing and video conferencing. Apart from of the application environment, security services are required for providing communication privacy and integrity. This fundamentally rules out the traditional key distribution paradigm because it calls for superior trust in the group member who generates and distributes keys. We focus on a group key agreement problem with local connectivity, where a user is only aware of his neighbors while the connectivity graph is arbitrary. There is no central authority to initialize the users. A group key agreement with these features is very suitable for social networks. We propose two efficient protocols with passive security: Diffie Hellman Key Agreement (DH-KA) protocol and a private coin tossing protocol protected by Diffie Hellman key (XO-KA). Finally, an actively secure protocol is constructed from a passively secure protocol by developing a two-stage protocol.
Public-Key Cryptography Theory and Practice
Viele haben auf die eine oder andere Weise dazu beigetragen, dass diese Dissertation so entstehen konnte, wie sie nun vorliegt. Der Versuch einer vollständigen Aufzählung müsste scheitern; hier seien zunächst die erwähnt, die nicht mit Namen genannt werden können, weil sie als anonyme Gutachter für Konferenzen tätig waren und dabei Anregungen zur Darstellung einiger der hier präsentierten Ergebnisse beigetragen haben. Außerdem zu nennen ist David Hopwood, der in einer früheren Fassung der Ausführungen zur beweisbaren Sicherheit des Mix-Verfahrens (hier in Abschnitt 4.2) eine Lücke aufgespürt hat. Prof. Johannes Buchmann hat es auf bemerkenswerte Weise verstanden, die Arbeitsbedingungen zu schaffen, in denen diese Dissertation gedeihen konnte, und hat wertvolle Anregungen geliefert. Auch alle anderen am Fachgebiet Theoretische Informatik hatten teil daran, eine angenehme und fruchtbare Arbeitsatmosphäre zu schaffen. Danke!
Strengthening the security of authenticated key exchange against bad randomness
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2017
Recent history has revealed that many random number generators (RNGs) used in cryptographic algorithms and protocols were not providing appropriate randomness, either by accident or on purpose. Subsequently, researchers have proposed new algorithms and protocols that are less dependent on the random number generator. One exception is that all prominent authenticated key exchange (AKE) protocols are insecure given bad randomness, even when using good long-term keying material. We analyse the security of AKE protocols in the presence of adversaries that can perform attacks based on chosen randomness, i. e., attacks in which the adversary controls the randomness used in protocol sessions. We propose novel stateful protocols, which modify memory shared among a user's sessions, and show in what sense they are secure against this worst case randomness failure. We develop a stronger security notion for AKE protocols that captures the security that we can achieve under such failures, and prove that our main protocol is correct in this model. Our protocols make substantially weaker assumptions on the RNG than existing protocols. Keywords Authenticated Key Exchange (AKE) • Security Models • Stateless Protocols • Stateful Protocols • Chosen Randomness Mathematics Subject Classification (2000) 94A60 Cryptography 1 Introduction Authenticated Key Exchange (AKE) protocols are a critical building block in most security infrastructures. They provide the glue between asymmetric cryptography (e.g., for addressing the key distribution problem) and symmetric cryptography (e.g., for efficient encryption of large amounts of data). Since the proposal of the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol, much research effort has gone into improving AKE protocol designs, achieving ever stronger notions of security. These include protocols such as the TLS and IKE handshakes, as well as pure key exchange protocols such as MQV, HMQV, and NAXOS. A common factor among these designs is that they explicitly rely on the existence of another building block: a random number generator. Constructing a good random number generator (RNG) is hard, as indicated by a large number of security vulnerabilities that involve either flawed or weakened random number generators. Recently there have been a surprising number of examples in which bad random number generators were
Public Key Cryptology – An Art of Keeping Secrecy and Authenticity
Cryptology consists of several mechanisms which ensure confidentiality and authenticity of the data. The fundamental objective of cryptology is the secure communication between sender and receiver through insecure channel. Modern cryptosystems can be broadly categorized in to secret key (symmetric) and public key (asymmetric) cryptosystems based up on the key which is used for data transmission. This paper focuses on the discussion of different categories of public key cryptosystems with its merits and demerits.
Communication networks security: A new method for creating encryption keys
We have created an innovative method for the production of binary series of arbitrary length, which appear to be random to an uninformed third party. Our method is based on the symbolic dynamics of a special family of recursive maps exhibiting extremely complex trajectories in their phase space. Among other applications, our binary series can be used as encryption keys in protocols based on the Vernam 'one time only' secure communication protocol. Based on fast software implementation, due to the simple form of the defining formulas, such protocols would combine the absolute security of the Vernam protocol with an ease and speed of use that would permit their application in every form of digital communications in the Internet or any other communication network, including wireless and mobile telephony.