Technology Adoption and Farmers’ Perception of NDRI’s Curd Culture Technology in Some Villages of Haryana (original) (raw)
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Le technicien propose, le paysan dispose. Le cas de l'adoption des systèmes de culture sous couverture végétale au lac Alaotra, Madagascar Résumé À Madagascar, dans la région du lac Alaotra, les systèmes de culture sous couvert végétal (SCV) ont été promus par un projet de développement pour mettre en place une agriculture pluviale durable. Des enquêtes sur l'évolution des pratiques agricoles et l'adoption des SCV ont montré l'existence d'un « coeur d'innovation » ou groupe de paysans ayant adopté les SCV (environ 600 paysans pour 420 ha de SCV en 2010) avec un fort investissement du projet en information et formation technique pendant plus de 5 ans. On observe également un processus de conception paysanne spontané que nous avons appelé « systèmes de culture innovants » (SCI), ne reprenant que certaines parties des éléments constitutifs des SCV, pour améliorer les systèmes de culture conventionnels paysans. Ainsi, la pratique de la rotation raisonnée, relativement récente dans cette région, est la plus prisée, suivie de l'utilisation des plantes de couverture pour le couvert du sol, mais aussi comme fourrages ou engrais vert. Par contre, le labour reste partiellement présent dans la majorité des successions SCV ou SCI, mais pas avant tous les semis. Les obstacles majeurs à l'adoption du paquet technique SCV recommandé sont (i) la complexité d'un ensemble de pratiques, avec en particulier l'abandon total du labour, et (ii) le changement de paradigme pour l'agriculteur d'une vision à court terme vers une vision à long terme. Face à telles contraintes, les paysans innovent et créent des systèmes techniques plus souples (SCI).
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Burkina Faso's agricultural systems are space-intensive and are characterized by their low productivity. In the past, a shifting cultivation system with fallow was practiced by farmers. With demographic pressure and the migratory phenomenon, this traditional system of regeneration and management of soil fertility has almost disappeared. The search for manure formulas adapted to the main crops of the East was the object of our study. To this end, a participatory evaluation using the matrix scoring method made it possible to establish the value of these combinations of manures. The study covered thirty (30) fields in leached tropical ferruginous soils with a sandy clay texture (Kotchari, Pentinga). The participatory evaluation by producers made it possible to assess the probability of acceptance of several manure formulas by them. This probability of accepting the manure options generally reflects the performance of a combination of manures and the producers' preference for this manure. For the producer, yield, economic reproducibility, accessibility to inputs and valuation of labor constitute criteria for the adoption or rejection of a manure formula. The cultural weight of speculation is also a criterion for adopting a fertilizer formula. It emerges from this participatory evaluation: the relevance of the organo-phosphate manure formulas (5t / ha fo + 50Kg / ha Urea 5t / ha; fo + 200Kg / ha BP + 50Kg / ha Urea and 5t / ha fo + 200Kg / ha BP + 50Kg / ha Urea + 150Kg / ha NPK on sorghum; 200Kg / ha + 100Kg / ha NPK BP 200Kg / ha BP + 50Kg / ha Urea). It is therefore advisable to produce enriched composts with a view to intensification. Organo-mineral manure is essential for the peasants in a perspective of sustainable intensification and in their agro-socioeconomic criteria. The agronomic effectiveness of rock phosphate associated with mineral fertilizers (Urea, NPK especially) on cowpeas is perceived and seems a less expensive alternative. Judicious management of local resources (natural phosphates, organic matter) combined with good cultivation techniques (crop associations and rotations) can be an alternative to the use of imported fertilizers and an approach for the development of sustainable agriculture.
Agro-ecological practices promotion become one of the favorable options that can sustainably contribute to soil management and ecosystem preservation for food and nutrition security under climate change context. This study aims to analyze producers’ perception and preference on agro-ecological practices promoted by TAZCO project (Agro-ecological Transition in Benin Cotton Areas). To facilitate promoted technologies adoption by producers, it is necessary to act on determinants affecting them positively. Based on the fact that perception is one of the technology adoption determinants, the study was carried out to suggesting each of the municipalities involved in the study at least five technologies which received producers’ favorable preference. The study was conducted in the area covered by TAZCO activities (Banikoara, Kandi, Oussa-Péhunco, Parakou and Savalou). Using the random sampling method with producers involved’s availability parameter, 282 producers over to the 300 involved in the pilot project were interwied during data collecting. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire developed under ''Kobocollect'' application on smartphones. The multi-criteria decision-support method was used to analyze collected data and a list of five technologies varying from one zone to another was established. The study showed that the technologies named "Integrated Management of Soil Fertility" and "Integrated Management Agriculture-Livestock" revealed to be the most important in the majority of TAZCO intervention areas.