Tratamento do estresse psicológico pela acupuntura, avaliado pela eletromiografia do músculo trapézio (original) (raw)
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A influência da terapia de libertação posicional sobre a tensão miofascial do músculo trapézio
Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano, 2014
The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of positional release therapy (PRT) on the myofascial tension of the upper trapezius muscle with an active myofascial trigger point (TrP). We studied 30 subjects (18 men and 12 women), mean age 34.5 ± 9.4 years, with an active TrP in the upper trapezius muscle on one side. A search for TrPs was performed bilaterally and the points were considered to be active when both local and referred pain evoked by manual palpation reproduced a deep aching and burning pain. The patients were evaluated under three conditions: (a) resting baseline, (b) concentric contraction and (c) isometric contraction, before and after treatment with PRT, regarding the following parameters: (i) pain intensity during manual palpation (visual analogue pain scale) and (ii) upper trapezius muscle electromyographic (EMG) signals. A significant decrease in painful symptoms from 5.3 ± 1.9 to 2.8 ± 1.8 (p < 0.001) was observed after treatment. There were no significant differences in EMG signals during resting baseline and in the presence of concentric contraction after the PRT session. It was concluded that PRT may be an effective treatment for pain relief and to reduce resting baseline EMG signals in the upper trapezius muscle with a TrP, suggesting that its use as an alternative or an adjunct to other therapies. The effectiveness of this type of treatment should be confirmed by further clinical studies.
Acupuncture - Concepts and Physiology
Acupuncture - Concepts and Physiology, 2011
At the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (S. Paulo, Brazil), the Latin America's most advanced private hospital, he is a member of the clinical staff, acting as a Physiatrist and Acupuncturist. In this same Hospital, he is the Coordinator of the Committee of Spirituality-Religiosity in Health. Besides his work as a physician, he has authored several scientific publications, given technical lectures and participated in academic and associative tasks. His main interest areas are Acupuncture, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Spirituality in Health, and Complementary and Alternative Therapies.
Acupuncture E_cacy Study Using Electromyographic Signals
International journal of circuits, systems and signal processing, 2021
Acupuncture is a centuries-old therapeutic technique. However, because of the large number of complicating circumstances, it has been difficult to clearly prove the treatment's therapeutic effectiveness.As a result, acupuncture has failed to acquire acceptance in the mainstream clinical sector. An electromyography (EMG) sensor was built and used to test the efficacy of acupuncture in alleviating muscular stiffness in this study. Electrodes, differential and inverting amplifiers, filters, and a full-wave rectifier made up the EMG circuit. The output of the circuit was sent to a microcontroller for analog-to-digital transformation in order to perform data acquisition. Acupuncture was used to treat four participants who had muscular dysfunction in various regions of their bodies in our case study. Before and after the therapy, EMG signals at the damaged regions were recorded. The findings revealed that the therapy had no immediate conceivable impact on the patients, since the levels of muscular contraction before and after the treatment were comparable. When the EMG signals were measured 30 minutes after the therapy, signs of muscular alleviation were found. This shows that acupuncture does supply patients with beneficial medicine, although slowly. The act of placing the highly conducting needles into the acupuncture sites, we believe, is similar to connecting a parallel wire to a circuit, resulting in a short-circuited route at the meridian. It permits the meridian's polarized inner energy, or qi, to pass through. The equilibrium in qi regulation can therefore be restored by unclogging the flow of qi.The repair process is relatively slow, and the treatment impact may not be immediately apparent, because the constitutive qualities at the acupuncture points where the needles are pricked may not alter quickly.
The use of surface electromyography for the study of auricular acupuncture
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 2010
The advancement of knowledge in neurophysiology has demonstrated that acupuncture is a method of peripheral neural stimulation that promotes local and systemic reflexive responses. The purpose of this study was to determine if surface electromyography can be used as a tool to study the action of auricular acupuncture on striated skeletal muscle. The electromyographic amplitudes of the anterior, middle and posterior deltoid muscle and the upper trapezium muscle with 20%, 40% and 60% of maximal voluntary contraction of 15 healthy volunteers, were analyzed after the individuals were submitted to the auricular acupuncture treatment. The non-parametric Friedman test was used to compare Root Mean Square values estimated by using a 200 ms moving window. Significant results were further analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. In this exploratory study, the level of significance of each comparison was set to p < 0.05. It was concluded in this study that a surface electromyography can be used as a tool to investigate possible alterations of electrical activity in muscles after auricular acupuncture. However there is still a lack of adequate methodology for its use in this type of study, being that the method used to record the electromyographic signal can also influence the results. ª
Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte, 2005
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As Variáveis Antropométricas e Psicológicas Predizem a Pressão Arterial Em Idosos Brasileiros?
Brasília Médica
Objetivo: investigar o papel de variáveis antropométricas e psicológicas na predição da pressão arterial em idosos brasileiros. Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado com 654 idosos. Foram avaliados a pressão arterial (PA), o índice de massa corporal (IMC), as circunferências (cintura, abdome, quadril e panturrilha). As variáveis psicológicas avaliadas foram: estresse percebido, ansiedade, indicativos de depressão, satisfação com a vida, propósito de vida e autoestima. A
The meridian system and mechanism of acupuncture-a comparative review. Part 1: the meridian system
Taiwanese journal of obstetrics & gynecology, 2012
In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), acupuncture has been used to heal various diseases and physiologic malfunctions in clinical practice for more than 2500 years. Due to its efficacy, acupuncture has been recommended by the World Health Organization in 1980 as an effective alternative therapy for 43 different disorders. Over the past few decades, various theories of the meridian system and mechanisms have been proposed to explain how acupuncture might work. Most of these mechanisms, however, cannot yet explain conclusively why acupuncture is efficacious in treating so many different diseases. A plausible mechanism has been unavailable until recently. This is the first of a three-part series that aims to provide a comparative review of the aforementioned topics. Part 1 reviews the current indications for acupuncture, basic concepts of TCM, and the essence of the meridian system. To establish a mathematically rigorous framework of TCM, the chaotic wave theory of fractal continuum i...
Revista Psicologia e Saúde, 1970
O exercício físico tem sido elencado como estratégia na manutenção e promoção da saúde com impacto evidente na saúde mental e qualidade de vida. Por outro lado, pouco se conhece sobre esses efeitos particularmente quando essa atividade é realizada em condição de hipóxia. Considerando o crescente número de pessoas que anualmente são expostas a altitude, investigações sobre o tema se tornam relevantes. Assim, investigamos o humor e as respostas afetivas do exercício físico realizado até a exaustão voluntária máxima em condição de hipóxia simulada em jovens. Foi encontrado que a hipóxia simulada promoveu uma piora imediata em relação ao estado de humor acompanhada da elevada fadiga. Esses resultados podem interferir negativamente no desempenho esportivo podendo estar associada a fadiga causada por estresse dessa natureza. Mais estudos são necessários para se conhecer em profundidade tais alterações psicobiológicas, pois assim, certamente será possível estabelecer estratégias para minim...
Meridian Electrical Potential Response to Acupuncture Stimulation Between Operator and Subject
Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies, 2010
The human body has a symmetric structure and maintains a physiological balance through the harmony of yin and yang. One of the fundamental principles of acupuncture is that unbalanced or abnormal bioenergetic conditions on the left and right meridians may be restored to a balanced, normal condition by acupuncture therapy. In this study, the electrical potential along the stomach meridian was measured to investigate the bioenergy consensus between the operator and subject during acupuncture stimulation, and the acupuncture response on opposite meridians was investigated by comparing the electric potential on the left and right stomach meridian during stimulation of the left side stomach meridian-36. When meridian electrical potential was simultaneously measured in both the operator and subject, opposite polarities were observed, which might indicate the transfer of bioenergy between operator and subject. In addition, the meridian electrical potentials of the subjects' left and right stomach meridians were also always of opposite polarity and presented three different signal patterns, which might have represented the condition of the associated meridian.
Enfermidades tratadas e tratáveis pela acupuntura segundo percepção de enfermeiras
Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP, 2009
Esse trabalho objetivou identificar e analisar as percepções dos enfermeiros acerca das enfermidades tratadas e tratáveis pela acupuntura. Foram consideradas: (1) as enfermidades das entrevistadas que já haviam se submetido ao tratamento com acupuntura; (2) as enfermidades que as enfermeiras têm e que poderiam ser tratáveis pela acupuntura; (3) sugestões de doenças tratáveis pela acupuntura para o paciente de Unidades de Saúde. Pesquisa de natureza exploratória foi realizada com 33 enfermeiras, em 11 Unidades de Saúde da Região Sudeste do Município de São Paulo, onde havia a terapia de acupuntura. Os resultados demonstraram que a acupuntura foi mais utilizada para o tratamento de estresse (3/21, equivalente a 10,7%) e para ansiedade, enxaqueca, lombalgia, mioma e obesidade (2/21, correspondente a 7,1% cada uma). Foi mais sugerida para o tratamento de doenças músculo-esqueléticas (34/82, equivalente a 41,5%), e doenças crônico-degenerativas (8/82, equivalente a 10%).