Classification and Performance of Biometric Authentication (original) (raw)

Review of Biometric system performance, metrics and representation..

Numerous applications for personal identification exist and more are emerging daily. Examples of personal identification applications include immigration and border control, physical access control, time and attendance, computer security, and law enforcement. As a result, the area of biometrics will continue to be an area of interest for many researchers. In the past, the identity of an individual was determined based upon a possession or knowledge of a piece of information. These identification methods can be circumvented by unauthorized sharing or misplacement. However, biometric identifiers cannot be shared easily or forgotten because they are based on potentially distinctive physiological characteristics. This property makes biometrics a viable and perhaps superior approach to personal identification.


NIU International Journal of Human Rights, 2021

Biometrics systems have come into existence from the birth of a human being in different forms, and measure physical characteristics. It differs from man to man and it provides a measurement of physical characteristics. The system speaks about all psychological characteristics considering the permanent identification of each and every person. Actually, these physical characteristics of a human being are permanent ones and do not change throughout life. This paper presents various biometrics techniques in the field of security and identification purposes. Each method covers a number of advantages in comparison to others. Although there are various biometric methods available, still there is a need to compare these methods in order to provide the best and efficient method. Index terms-Biometrics system, Technique, Psychological.

Quality Assessment of Biometric Systems: A Comprehensive Perspective Based on Accuracy and Performance Measurement

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2005

Despite the efforts of the international biometric community, the measurement of the accuracy of a biometric system is far from being completely investigated and, eventually, standardized. This paper presents a critical analysis of the accuracy and performance measurement of a biometric system. Current approaches to the problem and procedural error have been described and criticized. Finally, a methodology for the measurement of the accuracy of biometric systems with nonsymmetric matching function will be proposed and discussed.

Comparative and Analysis Study of Biometric Systems


In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the field of biometrics as a powerful identification technology. Various biometric technologies are based on behavioral and physiological analysis; therefore they must be reliable, robust, simple and cheap. In this paper, we have investigated an analytical comparison of different biometric systems namely: fingerprint, iris, face, voice, keystroke dynamics, signature, retina, etc. and we have classified these methods based on several criteria such as: universality, uniqueness, permanency, intrusiveness, effort, cost, and reliability, as well as the most used biometric systems requested in the market and those that are of greater interest in the current research work, and for each criteria we gave synthetic discussions. Furthermore, we provided a brief overview of biometric methods, then we have described the modes used in a biometric system such as enrollment, verification and identification and we have presented the possible appl...

Comparative Analysis of Biometric Recognition Techniques

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022

The main task of this article is to provide a comparative analysis of currently widely used biometric authentication methods and to propose a high-performance method. That is, to determine the authentication method that is superior in all respects and can be used in various conditions and meets the requirements in terms of price and reliability.

An Introduction to Evaluating Biometric Systems

IEEE Computer, 2000

On the basis of media hype alone, you might conclude that biometric passwords will soon replace their alphanumeric counterparts with versions that cannot be stolen, forgotten, lost, or given to another person. But what if the actual performance of these systems falls short of the estimates? The authors designed this article to provide sufficient information to know what questions to ask when evaluating a biometric system, and to assist in determining whether performance levels meet the requirements of an application. For example, a low-performance biometric is probably sufficient for reducing-as opposed to eliminating-fraud. Likewise, completely replacing an existing security system with a biometric-based one may require a high-performance biometric system, or the required performance may be beyond what current technology can provide. Of the biometrics that give the user some control over data acquisition, voice, face, and fingerprint systems have undergone the most study and testing-and therefore occupy the bulk of this discussion. This article also covers the tools and techniques of biometric testing

Biometric authentication

Biometrics is defined as the science of identifying individuals supported by physical or behavioural attributes of the individual like fingerprints, palmprint, face, voice, iris & gait. The continuously growing necessity for robust human recognition techniques in sensitive applications such as secure access control, international border crossing, and enforcement, biometrics emerged itself as a crucial feasible technology that can be integrated into a huge-scale identity management system. Biometric systems can operate under the premise that many of the physical or behavioural characteristics of the human being which are always distinctive from one individual to another, and that they can be reliably acquired via appropriately designed sensors and even represented in a numerical format that lends to automated procedure within the context of identity management. Hence, these systems could also be viewed as pattern recognition engines which will be incorporated in diverse markets. Every part of the human body is exclusive and if we will steadily capture the required area or trait, the efficient biometric validation system can be built. With the advancement in technology sensors for a variety of biometrics are obtainable. For instance, the fingerprint, handwritten signatures, palmprint, face, voice as conventional biometric traits, mainly due to advanced sensors where we can have a 3D face and hand geometry, finger-knuckle print, ear geometry, facial thermogram, gait, DNA, retinal scan as emerging traits and so on.

Biometric Authentication: A Review

Advances in the field of Information Technology also make Information Security an inseparable part of it. In order to deal with security, Authentication plays an important role. This paper presents a review on the biometric authentication techniques and some future possibilities in this ...

A survey of biometric approaches of authentication


The increasing need for better authentication methods against hackers has called for the use of the biometric authentication method to guard against unauthorized access into the systems. The used of human characteristics for biometrics provides authentication for different kind of systems. However, poor quality of authentication still allows hackers gaining access to these systems. Many biometrics authentication approaches have been proposed to improve the authentication accuracy and other related quality measures. This survey aims to provide a state-of-the-art fingerprint and password biometric authentication approaches. Their challenges have been presented and discussed in terms of biometric authentication. Furthermore, the strengths and weaknesses of each of the fingerprint and password biometric authentication are discussed and compared. The findings show that fingerprint image quality and password authentication is still an active research area where performance requires improv...