Main directions in the development of Russia’s oil sector in the first half of the XXI century (original) (raw)

The Khrushchev's Petrochemical Project (Second Half of 1950s — First Half of the 1960s): the Strategy of Modernization of the Soviet Economy, the Export of Oil and the Allocation Resource


The article is devoted to the history of the Khrushchev`s petrochemical project in the secondhalf of 1950 — the first half of 1960. The study is based on archival documents from the Russian State Archiveof Contemporary History, Russian State Archives of Economics, Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History. This article discusses the question of whether the strategic choice N. S. Khrushchev «voluntarist» or dictated bypurely ideological motives or wore an objective character that is associated with a realistic understanding of theproblems of the Soviet economy? The Khrushchev`s petrochemical project treated as a set of measures for theuse of hydrocarbon resources and chemical materials for the modernization of the economy, welfareimprovement and achievement of communist objectives. The Soviet leader was represented by the developmentof chemical and petroleum industry as a personal program of technological and institutional modernization of the Soviet economy. Reformer sought to find the limits of centralization and decentralization of Soviet economicmanagement, «reconstructing» traditional and «grow» new institutions of economic power, including “non-system”, but are able to solve specific practical problems of development.

Oil and Gas Industry of Ukraine in Regional Development

Eastern Europe: economy, business and management, 2021

The present paper considers the functioning of the oil and gas industry of Ukraine in relation to the formation of prerequisites for sustainable regional development and identifies the impact of oil and gas industry development on the economy of the regions. The article identifies the factors that outline the prospects for the development of the industry. In analyzing the importance of the oil and gas industry for regional development, special emphasis is put on ensuring the economic security of the region. The impact of carbohydrate production on the economy of the regions is significant. In the regions where there are prerequisites for oil and gas production, the oil and gas industry forms a significant part of the social and economic conditions of regional development. By creating jobs, providing revenues to local budgets, oil and gas companies become strategically important not only to ensure the energy security of the state, but also largely determine the strategic directions o...

Development Prospects of the World Energy Industry over the Period up to 2040 and Outcomes for the Russian Fuel and Energy Sector

The article reviews the main provisions of the World and Russian Energy Sector Development Projections for the period until 2040. The projections are built with the SCANER modelling and information complex, which uses optimization, econometric analysis and a balance approach. The article reveals three scenarios of international energy markets development and presents key possible changes. Each of the scenarios envisages factors that have a potential to affect Russia’s economy in general and the energy sector in particular, and the characteristics of such influence are provided in the third section of the article. Within the Baseline scenario, the contribution of the energy sector to Russian GDP will decrease by half over the period until 2040. Therefore, although the energy sector will continue to be the basis of the Russian economy, it will cease to be the engine for its growth. Russian economic policy will have to face the necessity of reducing the country’s excessive dependence on oil and gas revenues. The «New Producers» scenario gives a more pessimistic outlook: Russian supplies to the world oil and gas markets are being pushed out by cheaper production in other countries. The «Other Asia» scenario, on the contrary, provides a window of opportunity for Russia to strengthen its presence in the rapidly growing Asian market. In any of the scenarios, the Russian energy sector will continue to make significant contribution to the economy in absolute terms, but other sectors will have to deliver the economic growth.

International cooperation as a factor of scientific and technological development in the oil and gas industry of the Russian Federation

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management

The article examines the technological development of the oil and gas industry in the context of an unprecedented sanctions regime by unfriendly countries. The importance of the oil and gas complex for technological re-equipment, in order to reduce dependence on foreign technologies, was noted. It is shown that in the conditions of sanctions restrictions and the worldwide drop in prices for hydrocarbons in the short term did not have serious consequences for the oil and gas complex. In order to reduce dependence on technological equipment of unfriendly countries, the form of international cooperation in the form of technological partnership is considered, which can be extremely useful, and not only the experience of partnerships for the development of new technologies, but also the experience of cooperation for the transfer and adaptation of existing technologies. Despite the obvious importance of the oil and gas complex in providing the federal budget with foreign exchange earnings...

Нефтяной фактор в отношениях Азербайджанской Республики и РСФСР

Relations between the Azerbaijan Republic and the Soviet Republic of Russia can be conditionally divided into two stages. The first stage covers the period from the declaration of independence of Azerbaijan in May 1918 to moving of the national government to Baku in September 1918, and the second-from September 1918 to the fall of the Azerbaijan Republic in April 1920. At both stages, the oil was often the key factor in relations between the two states. Although the Soviet Russia did not recognize the Azerbaijan Republic, ruling circles in Baku were in favor of establishing relations with Moscow. This desire was primarily due to economic reasons, since the Russian market was the main consumer of Baku oil. By the beginning of 1920, the Red Army had defeated Denikin and approached the borders of the South Caucasus countries. Under such circumstances, the Moscow made an attempt to involve Azerbaijan in the civil war in the south. Simultaneously, the Bolsheviks power combined this policy with the establishment of the first economic contacts. Thus, it was in 1920 that negotiations were held in Baku for the export of oil products to Astrakhan. The Azerbaijani government agreed to maintain economic contacts with the Soviet Russia without establishing diplomatic relations. However, subsequent events showed that all these negotiations and missions were a tactical maneuver by Soviet Russia aimed at lulling the vigilance of the Azerbaijani government and creating an impression of the absence of aggressive intentions.

Natural gas as hubs development opportunities in Russia (in Russian). Возможности и перспективы развития газовых хабов в России.

SKOLKOVO Energy Center, 2020

This study carried out a comprehensive analysis of the development of gas hubs in the world and analyzed prospects for creating gas hubs in the regions of Russia. The authors provide a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the possibilities of creating at least four gas hubs in Russia due to favorable geographical conditions, export potential, as well as growing domestic demand. Potentially developed gas hubs in Russia can be located in the Far East, in the southern and central parts of the country, as well as in the Northwest.

Impact of industrial facilities in the oil industry on the state of land in Russia


ФГАОУ ВО «Российский университет дружбы народов», Аграрно-технологический институт, г.Москва, Россия Оценка хозяйственного воздействия предприятия нефтяного комплекса России на загрязнение почвы необходима для принятия эволюционных решений не только в этой отрасли. Актуально идентифицировать степень опасности (риск) и локализовать загрязнение. На основе проведенного системного анализа (цель -оптимизация ресурсов и оперативности принятия решения) предлагается методика, ситуационная модель (процедура) решения идентификационной задачи. Основным результатом работы является процедура (методика) прогноза состояния почвы с учетом остатков нефтепродуктов. Учитывается ранжирование рисков для почвенного покрова -до необратимых процессов и бифуркаций. Результаты работы полезно использовать при разработке экспертных систем.

Assessment of risks for the gas industry in Russia in the context of the formation of a common gas market of the Eurasian Economic Union

RUDN Journal of Economics, 2021

The research aimed to identifies the risks for the development of the gas industry in Russia in the context of the emerging common gas market of the EAEU. The state of the gas industry in Russia and Russias cooperation with the EAEU member states in the gas sector are considered. The development of the Russian gas industry is determined both by the dominant position of the vertically integrated natural monopoly PJSC Gazprom, and by the characteristics of the global hydrocarbon energy market. Based on empirical data, it is concluded that the creation of a common gas market in the EAEU is not only a challenge to the development of the Russian gas industry, but also a measure to strengthen and expand its positions in the global energy market, increase the efficiency of participation in the global energy agenda, as well as an incentive for improving the domestic gas market in Russia.

Improving the Strategic Planning System for the Development of the Oil and Gas Complex in Russia

Economics of Contemporary Russia, 2020

The work is devoted to the improvement of the existing system of strategic management of the Russian oil and gas complex using the program-target method, which is one of the most effective tools of world management practice. The directions for improving the management system of the oil and gas complex of Russia were determined on the basis of the analysis and identified shortcomings of the existing hierarchy of documents of the strategic planning of the development of the oil and gas complex. It was found that the current system of strategic planning of the oil and gas sector is characterized by a large number of documents of various levels, often outdated, adopted with a significant time lag, which are not coordinated with each other in time, goals, objectives, indicators, activities and resources. Documents of the industry level are developed only within the framework of goal-setting, in the absence of the specification of these documents in the forecasts, programs and plans, cons...

Высшее нефтяное образование в России: прошлое и современность

Общество и инновации, 2020

The article examines higher education in oil in Russia from the 19th century to the present day. Attention is paid to its evolution, problems, relations with the oil-extracting and oil-refining industry, with state policy. Joint educational programs have been developed and are being implemented with key companies in the fuel and energy complex, and a system of continuous professional education is being built. The development trends, current state and topical problems are noted.