Women's Resistance toward theb Patriarchal Culture System in Geni Jora Novel by Abidah EL Khalieqy and Jalan Bandungan by NH. Dini (original) (raw)

Women’s Resistance towards the Patriarchal Culture System in Geni Jora Novel by Abidah EL Khalieqy and Jalan Bandungan by NH.Dini


The patriarchal culture system that has rooted in Indonesia makes the women marginalized in every aspect of life. Women in Indonesia have long resisted the patriarchal culture. The resistance of women is reflected in literature. The purpose of this study was to describe the forms of women’s resistance to the patriarchal culture in the novel system Geni Jora by Abidah El Khalieqy and Jalan Bandungan by NH. Dini. This research data were in the form of sentences, dialogue, monologue, and the expose of the narrator the stating the female forms of resistance against the patriarchal culture systems in both the novel. Based on the analysis of data, the opposition can be seen in various forms, among them the struggle for equal rights in the field of education, fighting for equal rights in the economic field, fighting for freedom of doing things or issuing opinions that are considered taboo by women, and fighting for freedom to make choices. Keywords-feminism; patriarchy; female resistance

Women's Rebellion towards Patriarchal Culture in Latest Indonesian Novels

Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Languages and Arts (ICLA 2017), 2018

This article aimed to expose the portrayal of women's rebellion inthe latest Indonesian novels through characters description. Method of the research was content analysis method to interpret literary works trough certain perspectives. Data of the study were collected from selected latest Indonesian novels published from 1940s until 2000s. The analysis found that women did a rebellion towards patriarchal culture with purpose to have similar chance on education, social life, socioeconomic , political right and cultural. The forms of women's rebellion are direct confrontation and indirect attempt. Direct confrontation depicted in the attitudes and statements of women characters in the novels. Meanwhile, indirect attempts are reflected through the utterance of women's thought and feeling.

Women's Rejection toward Patriarchy Culture: A Feminism Study in Selected Indonesian Novels

Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Languages and Arts (ICLA 2017), 2018

The focus of this study is on the form and the motif of women rejection toward the product of patriarchy culture. Method of the research is descriptive-analysis by taking data sources from six selected Indonesian novels. The purpose of this study is to describe the form and the motif of women's rejection toward patriarchy culture that presented in Indonesian novel based on grand feminism theories. The result of the analysis shows that women in the novels reject five cultural products of patriarchal ideology. The five products are (1) pingitan, (2) restriction on employment, (3) shotgun marriage, (4) domestic and sexual violence and (5) polygamy. The act of rejection manifests in three forms: (1) the radical rejection, (2) compromised rejection, and (3) compromised rejection with political, economical and socio-cultural strategies. The rejection occurs because patriarchy still positioned the women under the domination of men as the controllers. Men are still positioned as panatapraja (country controller) and pranatama (religion controller). Second, the rejection motif of women characters toward patriarchy culture is because there is no ownership of rights for women for their body and soul, such as beauty, virginity, mate, and marriage which are always determined by men.

Women's Struggle toward Gender Unfair: A Case Study in Indonesian Novel

Linguistics and Literature Studies, 2014

This study aims to describe the struggle of women's characters toward gender unfair in domestic and public sector that reflected in Indonesian's novel. The root of the problem is patriarchy system that operated through various media in all field of life in society. In order to achieve the aims of the study, a descriptive qualitative approach with feminism literature critic is used. There are thirteen novels that are used as the source of the data: Azab

Construction of Women’s Roles in Patriarchal Culture (Feminist study towards modern Indonesian novels)

Proceedings of the Second Conference on Language, Literature, Education, and Culture (ICOLLITE 2018), 2019

Until this time, most women's roles have been constructed by the community and subsequently socialized through literary works. In a patriarchal society, the roles of women are constructed only according to the patriarchal point of view. This study described how the roles of women were constructed in patriarchal culture contained in Indonesian novels such as Sitti Nurbaya by Marah Rusli, Azab dan Senggsara by Merari Siregar, Kehilangan Mestika by Hamidah, and Manusia Bebas by Suwarsih Djojopuspito. Based on the results of analysis on the four novels, it was found that in general women were constructed to fulfill the roles in the domestic world as wife, child, and mother, also play a role in the public who participate in the world of education and social organizations. The constructed role of women benefits men and corresponds to patriarchal ideology.

Feminism in Javanese Culture: An Analysis of Gender Inequality in Alun Samudra Rasa Novel

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 1st Seminar and Workshop on Research Design, for Education, Social Science, Arts, and Humanities, SEWORD FRESSH 2019, April 27 2019, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia, 2019

Women become victims of violence committed by men. Men consider themselves as the powerful ones and think that everything is in their control, so women are often degraded. The existence of inequality possibly results in gap between men and women as well as discrimination toward women. Gender inequality experienced by Javanese women is portrayed in Alun Samudra Rasa novel by Ardini Pangastuti Bn. This study was descriptive qualitative with the employment of feminist literature criticism approach on Alun Samudra Rasa novel. Feminist literature criticism was used to investigate how gender inequality toward female main character occurs in that novel. Source of primary data was a novel entitled Alun Samudra Rasa. Technique of data collection utilized literature study and interview. Technique of data analysis was content analysis combined with Feminist literature criticism approach. After analyzing the data, it is concluded that there are some forms of gender inequality toward female main character, namely subordination, stereotype, violence, and workload. These represent feminist view in Javanese society. Besides, in Javanese culture, feminist approach can be used as moral lesson for not considering women as a weak creature.

Representation of Women’s Struggle in Indonesia Contemporary Novels: Liberal-Feminist Studies

Proceedings of the International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE 2018), 2018

This study aimed to describe the form of the struggle of women in Indonesian contemporary novels. To describe the form of the struggle of women in Indonesian contemporary novels, the theory of liberal feminism was being used. This study used a qualitative method of content analysis techniques. Data validation was done by triangulation techniques, which checked the validity of data that take advantage of something else outside of the data. The data of this study were words, phrases, and sentences from the narrator or a character that describe the struggle of women. Source of research data were the text of the novels Para Priyayi by Omar Khayyam, Saman by Ayu Utami, Kitab Omong Kosong by Seno Gumira Adjidarma and Tarian Bumi by Oka Rusmini. Based on the result of the analysis found that the forms of stuggle done by women in the contemproray novel are (1) the struggle to find the equal righs in education and politic, (2) the struggle to be free from patriarchal culture, namely do not regarding man as a strong and a superior man and man have no right to decide a choice.

Women Resistance in Eka Kurniawan’s Corat-Coret DI Toilet Short Story Compilation Book


Eka Kurniawan's Corat-coret di Toilet short stories compilation book contains twelve short stories that tell about light stories everyday but full of social criticism. Some of the short stories that portrayed female characters presented women who were not free in their lives, one of which was titled Dongeng Sebelum Bercinta and Si Cantik yang Tak Boleh Keluar Malam. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the position of women and their resistance toward patriarchal domination. This is interesting to be studied further by using feminist theory to find the position of women in literary works written by male writers. This research will focus on the actions of female characters which shape their position in the story. The data used in this study are in the form of words, sentences or expressions from short stories that show the dominance of patriarchy towards women and their efforts to get out of domination. From research using feminist theory it was found that patriarchal domination...

Women's Resistance Against Patriarchy in the Novel Garis Perempuan by Sanie B. Kuncoro

International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Injustice to women has made feminists fight the threats and all the attachments they experience. With that, women are considered capable of presenting themselves as independent figures free from adversity. The novel Garis Perempuan is one of the feminist-themed works present in revealing the resistance of the four female characters. This novel by Sanie B Kuncoro was published in 2010. This novel is a literary work that reveals things related to the attachment of female characters named Ranting, Tawangsari, Gendhing and Zhang Mey with patriarchal culture and other threats they face. Research on the novel Garis Perempuan aims to describe the resistance of the four female characters against patriarchal domination. To achieve this goal, this study uses the theory of feminist literary criticism. This study shows that the four female characters managed to defend themselves and their virginity from the threat of a patriarchal culture that is contrary to themselves. With all their uniquenes...

Representation of Gender Ideology in Indonesia Novels: A Study of The Reformation Era Novel

Lingua Cultura, 2016

This research was based on a phenomenon that gender ideology practiced by a society might be reflected in the production of literary work. Thus, even though a novel is known as an imaginative work, its content and gender ideology could not be detached from social reality. The aims of this research were describing the role and gender identity, the types of gender ideology, and the gender relationship issues in the Indonesia novel written during reformation era. Gramsci’s theory of hegemony and gender perspective helped to describe the problems presented in this article. The formal object of this research was elaborating gender ideology presented in four novels written by Indonesian authors during reformation era, namely Saman by Ayu Utami, GeniJora by Abidah El Khalieqy, Nayla by Djenar Maesa Ayu, and Tanah Tabu by Anindita S. Tayf. The research method implemented was library research. This research showed the variety of ideologies that occupy literature as the site of struggle among...