L'Eneolitico in Italia centro-meridionale e Sicilia attraverso la prospettiva delle nuove ricerche nel mondo egeo-balcanico, in D. Cocchi Genick (ed.), Cronologia assoluta e relativa dell'età del Rame in Italia (Atti dell'Incontro di Studi di Verona, giugno 2013), Verona 2013, pp. 213-232. (original) (raw)

Abstract This paper aims at examining the main questions about the relationships between central-southern Italy, Sicily and Balkans since the end of IVth to the IIIrd millennium BC. New data are recorded from a recent study on some Eneolithic sites settled in modern Montenegro and North Albania, which have long-time stratigraphic sequence. This research focuses mainly on some features of pottery craftwork and on important cultural macro phenomena, such as the growth of large settlements, the introduction of new dwellings (i.e the rectangular-shaped long houses with short apse), and then the emergence of large cemeteries with rock-cut tombs. A specific attention is paid on a category of stone figurines found in Sicily, which are commonly related to the Cycladic Bronze Age. Despite of many concordances between both areas, it is still difficult to have a complete framework of these interactions, the reasons of establishing connections and of the mechanisms of interactions. Parole chiave: Eneolitico balcanico, Montenegro, età del Rame in Sicilia; tombe a grotticella artificiale, idoli litici, modelli di interazione, forme di contatto. Keywords: Balkan Eneolithic Age, Montenegro, Eneolithic period in Sicily, rock-cut tombs, stone idols, interaction models, strategies of contact.