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Related papers
Measure it to better manage it: a biodiversity monitoring framework for the Australian rangelands
The Rangeland Journal, 2011
The need for broad-scale, long-term biodiversity monitoring to support evidence-based policy and management in the Australian rangelands is clear and pressing but, despite protracted discussion of this need, there has been little progress towards implementation. To prompt real progress, we propose a framework of spatially hierarchical and complementary components that together use a combination of direct and indirect measures of biodiversity and drivers: * Targeted monitoring; involving localised field-based monitoring of target species, addressing specific management questions.
Ecological Modelling, 2017
Recognition of a trajectory of climate change has raised concerns over implications for the conservation of biodiversity. Quantifying the severity of the issue and informing adaptation measures presents a challenge to ecological modelling. We undertook a study of biodiversity impacts and adaptation using spatial modelling across southeastern Australia. The study aimed to (1) forecast future impacts on biodiversity arising from 18 plausible climate futures, and (2) identify places where land management actions including revegetation will maximise expected improvements to projected biodiversity persistence. This work augments well-tested regional-scale biodiversity assessment by considering an uncertain future climate. Generalised Dissimilarity Models (GDMs) were developed at two baselines (1990 and 2000) to characterise the continuous nature of compositional turnover of vascular plants varying with climate, soils and landform across the region. The classified outputs of the GDM, representing a vegetation-based biodiversity surrogate, were projected using kernel regression to simulate changing distributions for the future epochs 2020, 2030, 2050 and 2070, referred to as Bio-climatic Classes (BCC). BCC distributions were combined with a model of current ecosystem condition and applied to a range of biodiversity assessment methodologies, including the Biodiversity Forecasting Tool, the Spatial Links Tool and a new coupled time-series metapopulation occupancy model. The BFT evaluation of the BCC distributions and their respective ecosystem conditions, forecasts a reduction in biodiversity persistence across the region of between 3 and 20 percent by 2070 (due to climate change only) adding to a past loss of 20 percent since European settlement (due to land use change only, not other factors such as weeds and pests). Maps of compositional dissimilarity change in vascular plants point to varying degrees of expected change in biodiversity across southeastern Australia. Conservation benefit analysis indicates a general increase and redistribution of the relative benefits of undertaking conservation to sustain or enhance biodiversity across the region. Results have been incorporated into novel visualisations, to assist environmental managers and others to interpret the complex concepts and issues associated with the work, and support regional adaptation planning.
Vegetation information for improved natural resource management in Australia
Landscape and Urban Planning, 2007
Up-to-date, reliable information on the type, extent and condition of vegetation is increasingly required at a range of scales for a range of policy, regulation and management purposes. This paper describes the development of national level vegetation information frameworks for mapping vegetation across Australia. Vegetation mapping and monitoring in Australia have historically been the responsibility of state governments. In the late 1980s, the Australian and State and Territory governments developed the National Forest Inventory to facilitate the collection and availability of contemporary, valid and standardised forest data to assist in the planning and management for the conservation and use of Australia's forests. The National Vegetation Information System framework (ESCAVI, 2003) expanded this concept for compiling vegetation structure and floristic information for entire landscapes. The National Vegetation Information System framework has recently been used to integrate data from a range of sources to provide a whole-of-landscape view of vegetation, including native, non-native and non-vegetation land covers.Map compilation approaches to vegetation assessment provide only one form of information required for policy, regulation or management decisions. Compiling and updating such snapshots of Australia's vegetation cover provide little, if any, information on the condition of the vegetation. Differences between repeated snapshots through time using this approach are often the result of differences in classification approaches or mapping technologies rather than actual changes in the structure and/or floristics of the vegetation. It is argued that efficient assessment of change in vegetation condition requires repeated measurements of condition indicators at the same sites over time. We present a continental forest monitoring framework design concept to address this concern. Issues that need to be addressed relating to monitoring framework data and map-based information are also discussed in the context of adaptive management for improved natural resource management.
Australian rangelands ecosystems cover 81% of the continent but are understudied and continental-scale research has been limited in part by a lack of precise data that are stan-dardised between jurisdictions. We present a new dataset from AusPlots Rangelands that enables integrative rangelands analysis due to its geographic scope and standardised methodology. The method provides data on vegetation and soils, enabling comparison of a suite of metrics including fractional vegetation cover, basal area, and species richness, diversity, and composition. Cover estimates are robust and repeatable, allowing comparisons among environments and detection of modest change. The 442 field plots presented here span a rainfall gradient of 129–1437 mm Mean annual precipitation with varying sea-sonality. Vegetation measurements include vouchered vascular plant species, growth form, basal area, height, cover and substrate type from 1010 point intercepts as well as systematically recorded absences, which are useful for predictive modelling and validation of remote sensing applications. Leaf and soil samples are sampled for downstream chemical and genomic analysis. We overview the sampling of vegetation parameters and environments, applying the data to the question of how species abundance distributions (SADs) vary over climatic gradients, a key question for the influence of environmental change on ecosystem processes. We found linear relationships between SAD shape and rainfall within grassland and shrubland communities, indicating more uneven abundance in deserts and suggesting relative abundance may shift as a consequence of climate change, resulting in altered diversity and ecosystem function. The standardised data of AusPlots enables such analyses at large spatial scales, and the testing of predictions through time with longitudinal sampling. In future, the AusPlots field program will be directed towards improving coverage of space, under-represented environments, vegetation types and fauna and, increasingly, re-sampling of established plots. Providing up-to-date data access methods to enhance re-use is also a priority.
Long-term ecological research in Australia: innovative approaches for future benefits
Australian Zoologist, 2010
PPBio (Program for Planned Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research) is a system for long-term ecological research designed to answer integrated multidisciplinary research questions. The system is based on permanent plots (terrestrial and aquatic) that are systematically spaced in grids (e.g. 5 km x 5 km) and modules (e.g. 5 km x 1 km) within a hierarchical long-term ecological research (LTER) network. Modules and grids sample biodiversity and biophysical variation in an unbiased manner across the landscape. Infrastructure includes permanent plots that follow contour lines (survey lines with all measurements recorded on the horizontal plane) which facilitates orthorectification and validation of satellite imagery. All research data and accompanying metadata collected are stored and are publicly available to facilitate ongoing integrated multidisciplinary research at local, meso, landscape and global scales. The PPBio system was designed to overcome the problems of idiosyncratic designs and incompatible data arising from 'stand alone' research projects, which are difficult to integrate or continue through time. The sampling design and data sharing arrangements are structured so that PPBio sites serve as hubs for research, building long-term datasets that integrate studies within and among sites, providing the information necessary to understand and respond to complex and dynamic environmental issues. 2010
A survey of long term terrestrial ecology studies in Australia
Austral Ecology, 2013
Long-term ecological studies (LTES) are critical for understanding and managing landscapes. To identify important research gaps, facilitate collaborations and communicate results, several countries have established long-term ecological research networks. A few initiatives to create such a network in Australia have been undertaken, but relatively few published data exist on the current state of LTES in Australia. In this paper, we present the results of an online survey of terrestrial LTES projects sent to academic, government and non-governmental organization-based researchers across Australia. We asked questions pertaining to the focus, scope, support and outcomes of LTES spanning 7 years or longer. Based on the information reported from 85 Australian LTES, we: (i) identify the biomes, processes and species that are under-represented in the current body of research; (ii) discuss important contributing factors to the successful development and survival of these projects; and (iii) make recommendations to help increase the productivity and influence of LTES across research, management and policy sectors.
This thesis considers ways to improve biodiversity conservation at the bioregional level in Australia through the use of geospatial science technologies and biological modelling techniques. Following a review of approaches to biodiversity conservation at the bioregional level, including the roles and potential of geospatial science technologies in this regard, Iconsider biodiversity modelling using a case study of the Burt Plain bioregion in central Australia that focuses on selected taxa, ecosystems and landscapes. The Burt Plain bioregion was chosen since it is one of 19 bioregions nationally that has been given a 'very high' priority status for biological survey, assessment and potential reservation of land for management. This finding is consistent with one of the general aims of the thesis to improve the spatial modelling techniques available for bioregional assessment and biodiversity conservation. In chapter three I review the role and limitations of geospatial technologies currently employed for biodiversity conservation management. Current developments and applications of GIS and remote sensing to wildlife research, conservation gap analysis and conservation reserve design are considered. Geographic information systems (GIS) are now routinely used by ecologists to analyse spatial data. Although various forms of GIS have been available for 15 to 25 years, the biological applications of GIS have figured most prominently in the ecological literature only in the past 15 years. The use of computer-generated models to simulate environmental events can provide a greater understanding of ecosystems, and offers improved predictive powers to conservation and land managers. The decision support offered by computer-based modelling techniques appears likely to underpin conservation and management decisions much more into the future providing that adequate biological and other datasets are available for this purpose. Dominant vegetation communities and various environmental gradients were analysed to characterise environmental niches at the bioregional scale for the Burt Plain bioregion (Chapter 4) and more locally at the catchment scale for the Upper Todd River Catchment (Chapter 5). In Chapters four and five I describe in detail the land tenure and use, land systems, climate soil, geology, topography, hydrology, vegetation and biodiversity of the Burt Plain bioregion and Upper Todd River Catchment. The bioregion contains some ephemeral watercourses, which are generally in fair to good condition, but are afforded little protection from a range of threatening processes, including grazing and trampling by feral animals and livestock and weed infestation. The major river systems occurring in the bioregion include parts of the Plenty, Hanson, Sandover and Lander Rivers. In the Upper Todd River Catchment the major watercourses are the Todd River and Station Creek, which exit the area via two narrow gaps in the low rocky hills on the southern boundary of the bioregion. The dominant geology can be summarised as plains and low rocky ranges of Pre-Cambrian granites on red earths. The bioregion has approximately 200 - 250 mm of summer rainfall, with rainfall occurring on 20 - 30 days per year. There is a high variability and range of temperatures, with an annual mean temperature of approximately 22-23°C. In Chapter six I consider a range of species found within the Burt Plain bioregion using existing survey data and techniques that enables the prediction of the spatial distribution of taxa. Using GLM and GAM models, Black-footed Rock- Wallaby (Petrogale lateralis), Spinifex Hopping Mouse (Notomys alexis) and Spencers Frog (Limnodynastes spenceri) were chosen for a more in-depth analysis. Environmental variables correlated with the presence of each species are then described and prediction maps showing the probability or likelihood of the presence of the species within the bioregion developed. In Chapter seven I examine the utility of radiometric data for wildlife habitat modelling. Statistical relationships are tested between the concentrations of the elements uranium, thorium and potassium and terrain characteristics such as position in the landscape, slope and aspect as well as other climatic variables. Radiometric data were found to be useful for developing statistical predictive models of six species: Red Kangaroo (Macropus rufus), Desert Dunnart (Sminthopsis youngsoni), Rabbit (Orcytolagus cuniculus), Brown Honeyeater (Lichmera indistincta), Little Spotted Snake (Suda punctata) and Southern Boobook (Ninox novaeseelandiae). I suggest that the utility of radiometric data for wildlife habitat modelling would appear significant and should be explored further using alternative quantitative modelling techniques and presence/ absence records for target faunal species. Predictions of species distributions may be useful for prioritising land acquisitions for reservation as well as in the future design of biological surveys. The thesis concludes with a synthesis of the major research findings, discussion of the limitations of the datasets available for the study, perspectives on management issues in the Burt Plain bioregion, and possible future research directions. It is important that purposefully-designed biological survey research be undertaken across the bioregions of the arid zone of Australia to enhance basic understanding of biodiversity patterns and their relationships to environmental heterogeneity and site-landscape level processes. Geospatial modelling techniques can assist such biodiversity survey and evaluation and make their conduct more cost-efficient and the inferences drawn from subsequent data analyses more powerful. This knowledge is required to contribute to the emergent concepts and theory of ecosystem dynamics and associated biodiversity patterns in arid Australia and, most significantly, to enhance the conservation and management of the unique biological complement and systems found in this region.