Parental knowledge of antibiotic use in children with respiratory infections: a systematic review (original) (raw)

2017, The International journal of pharmacy practice

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an increasing global problem. AMR threatens the effective prevention and treatment of an ever-increasing range of infections caused by bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi. The misuse and overuse of antibiotics (AB) is the major contributor to the emergence of resistant bacteria in humans. To present and describe characteristics in parents' knowledge about when and how to use AB for an upper respiratory tract infection (URTI), their attitudes towards doctors and AB use in general, and their behaviour when their child suffers from an URTI. The database search was conducted in EMBASE and PubMed for articles published in English, French, Spanish and Scandinavian languages from the inception until May 2016. Qualitative and quantitative studies with focus on parent' knowledge, attitude and behaviour concerning treatment with AB for URTIs among children and adolescents were included. Extracted information included date of study, design, focus, l...


International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2017

Objective: This study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAPs) of parents on the use of antibiotics among children for upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs). Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted from September to November 2014 at kindergartens around Kuala Lumpur. Data were collected using questionnaires which were distributed to parents with children aged ≤ 6 y. Results: A total of 169 parents participated in this study. Parental knowledge on the use of antibiotics in children for URTI was poor with a mean score of 1.99+1.27 (total score = 5). The overall attitude was positive with a mean score of 23.01+6.17 (total score = 60). Gender, educational level, personal and household monthly incomes were significantly associated with both knowledge and attitudes (a total score of p<0.05). A moderate, significant negative correlation was found between knowledge score and attitude score (rs =-0.498, p<0.001). Conclusion: This study provides an insight towards parental KAPs on the use of antibiotics among children for URTIs. Improving parental KAPs may reduce the inappropriate use of antibiotics among children.

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Evaluation of Parental Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Regarding Antibiotic Use in Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Children in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Turkey


BackgroundUpper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) are common in children. Most URTIs have been shown to be of viral origin. Inappropriate use of antibiotics is one of the main causes of antibiotic resistance. The problem of unnecessary antibiotic use among children is a concern for antibiotic resistance in low- and middle-income developing countries.MethodsOur study is a cross-sectional survey study. It was carried out between 14 December 2020 and 1 April 2021 for parents over 18 years of age with a child under 18 years’ old who applied to the general pediatrics outpatient clinics of Gazi University Faculty of Medicine Hospital Department of Pediatrics.Results554 parents responded to the questionnaire. A total of 15.7% of parents stated to use antibiotics in any child with fever. 37% of parents believed that antibiotics could cure infections caused by viruses. 6.3% of parents declared that they put pressure on pediatricians to prescribe antibiotics. 85.6% of the parents stated th...

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Evaluation of Parental Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Regarding Antibiotic Use in Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Children in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Turkey Cover Page

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Descriptive Study on Parents’ Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices on Antibiotic Use and Misuse in Children with Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Cyprus Cover Page

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Parental knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding antibiotic use for acute upper respiratory tract infections in children: a cross-sectional study in Palestine Cover Page

Parents Knowledge, attitude and practice of antibiotic use for upper respiratory tract infections in children: a cross-sectional study in Ras Al khaimah, United Arab Emirates

Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Public Health

Background: Upper respiratory tract infections are common in children and represent a significant cause of antibiotic abuse. Parents’ knowledge and attitudes often contribute to inappropriate prescription of antibiotics and promoting antibiotics resistance. The study aimed at exploring parental knowledge, attitudes and practices towards antibiotic use in children with URTI along with identifying the reasons behind self-medication and abuse of antibiotics Methods: A cross sectional survey was conducted at pediatric outpatient clinics of Saqr Hospital in the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah,United Arab Emirates A structured interview questionnaire was used to collect data from 239 parents of children aged less than7 years, between February to March 2016 Results: More than half (54.4%) of the respondents had a poor level of knowledge. About (66.1%) were not aware that antibiotics are indicated to treat bacterial infection. However, 67.2 % of the respondents incorrectly identified that antibio...

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Parents Knowledge, attitude and practice of antibiotic use for upper respiratory tract infections in children: a cross-sectional study in Ras Al khaimah, United Arab Emirates Cover Page

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Parents awareness toward antibiotics use in upper respiratory tract infection in children in Al-Qassim region, Saudi Arabia Cover Page

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Antibiotic use for upper respiratory tract infections in children: A cross-sectional survey of knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of parents in Greece Cover Page

Maternal Knowledge and Treatment Practices Regarding the Use of Antibiotics among their Children with Upper Respiratory Tract Infection


Background: Misuse of antibiotics in the treatment of URTI among children is becoming a major contributor to the emergence of antibiotic resistance that is becoming a major public health problem worldwide. Mothers must be equipped with essential knowledge and skills about proper antibiotics use for their children with URTIS to avoid antibiotic resistance. Aim: The aim of this study was to assess maternal knowledge and treatment practices regarding the use of antibiotics among their children with URTIS. Method: A cross-sectional descriptive design was conducted on a convenience sample of 100 mothers throughout 3 months who attending the General Outpatient Clinics number 4 and 5 and inpatient Cardiology and Medical departments at Mansoura University Children Hospital (MUCH). Data was collected by using a structured interview questionnaire sheet that consisted of three parts; characteristics of the studied mothers and their children, mothers’ knowledge about antibiotics and mothers’ pr...

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Maternal Knowledge and Treatment Practices Regarding the Use of Antibiotics among their Children with Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Cover Page

Parents’ attitudes and views regarding antibiotics in the management of respiratory tract infections in children: a qualitative study of the influence of an information booklet


BackgroundRespiratory tract infection (RTI) is the most common reason to consult a GP during childhood, and often results in unnecessary prescribing of antibiotics. Using an information booklet during the consultation has been shown to be a promising tool to reduce antibiotic prescribing. The influence of such information on parents’ views, knowledge, and expectations has not been investigated yet.AimTo explore the reported attitude and knowledge of parents towards antibiotics and management of childhood RTI, as well as the added influence of an information booklet, as perceived by parents.Design & settingQualitative interviews were conducted with Dutch parents who consulted the GP with their child for RTI symptoms and received an information booklet.MethodSemi-structured interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, coded, and analysed using framework analysis by open-axial coding and describing themes.ResultsEighteen parents were interviewed. Four themes were identified: prior reti...

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Parents’ attitudes and views regarding antibiotics in the management of respiratory tract infections in children: a qualitative study of the influence of an information booklet Cover Page

Risk Factors of Antibiotic Misuse for Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Children: Results from a Cross-Sectional Knowledge-Attitude-Practice Study in Greece

ISRN Pediatrics, 2012

Background. Upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) are common in children. The cause of URTIs is usually viral, but parents’ attitudes often contribute to inappropriate prescription of antibiotics, promoting antibiotic resistance. The objective of this study was to identify possible risk factors associated with antibiotic misuse in Greece, a country with high levels of antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance.Methods. A knowledge-attitude-practice (KAP) questionnaire was developed and distributed to Greek parents caring for children who were 5-6 years old, between January and July of the same school year.Results. The sample of the study contained 5312 parents from all geographic areas of Greece. The risk factors of being a father, having low education, having immigrant status, being a single parent, having low income, having <2 or >3 children, living in the islands, and being without experience in recurrent URTIs were significantly associated to inadequate knowledge, inapp...

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Risk Factors of Antibiotic Misuse for Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Children: Results from a Cross-Sectional Knowledge-Attitude-Practice Study in Greece Cover Page


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